The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ye its mad Tonto. the foilage s that thick that i have trouble pinning stuff down now, I think ive done enough pinning was trying to see the main stem to see how big it would be up straight but its just to hard to going to put it on to 12 on saturday, Looks like i should have about 8 main stems.

Any one know if i should take out the pins and should i switch it straight to 12/12 or bring it down over a couple of days, im on 20/4 at the mo.


Well-Known Member
haha didnt see it till just now...been smoking some serious gold stamp squidgy over the last week and have just been going around in a

Ye i was looking at those in maplins...are they good..would love to se pics
Fellow Irish growers. Just introducing myself :D. I'm sure there's plenty of experienced growers on the green isle.

I've been on a learning curve with my 1st grow but hopefully, with the help of you guys I'll get to grips with it and have the knowledge next time round.

Yes, I have made a few cock ups this time at the beginning. PH levels, to start with, where far too high and I think they got a bit overfed. The girls where not the size or colour I was hoping for after 5 weeks of veg! Quickly rectified this and they started coming on slowly. My light also I don't think done any favours to be honest!

I've got a pretty decent grow area. 9'x9'x7'. 600HPS, reflective foil in whole area, 6" ex fan. I think I need more light in an area like this, would that be correct??? think that's my 1st mistake.

I started of with 11 plants, 5 Pineapple exp and 6 Chronic. Sorry to say I lost 3 of them within the 1st 3 weeks and not sure why. I'm growing in 5gal pots, soil and with iguana grow and flower nutes.

Big mistakes I made was not giving the soil any perlite....i think the roots havent been able to breath and grow as quickly (please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this folks, much appreciated for next time around). Also during veg i was using the 600wHPS. I bought myself a 125w eco-light and used that for the last 4 weeks. I am now 2 weeks into flower after 9 weeks of veg, and will post the pics soon. They are looking alot better now and have attempted super cropping and bending with most of the plants. I'll get some pics up.

Any pointers from anyone would be great. I hope I'm back on track. Still unsure as to the color of some plants, any ideas? Would do you think all the ladies will be fine and still pull a good yield?


Active Member
hi greenhouse, welcome. thats not a grow area mate thats what i consider a house! well big you lucky bugger. does not matter too much about the size but how many plants you have under the light, just put a couple of white screens up or drape down some mylar to bounce the light back onto the plants rather than have it going into empty space. i reccomend you look into the perlite alright and if you have watering issues then the air pots are doing the trick for harrekin. 9 weeks veg is ages but its ok cos you have the room. i only veg for about 4 weeks but i like to keep the height of my plants under nine foot. jay on here is using the hps right through and having good results but myself i use the cfl and led for the veg and the hps for flower.
cant wait to see your grow, get some pics up.
good luck
ill get some pics of the scope up later, also just seen your doing the pineapple express, looking forward to doing a couple on my grow after next. will defo keep a track of your progress.
Hey Lu. Was just uploading the pics as you where speaking pal. Thanks for that info re. light. You'll see in the pics I'm using reflective bubble so all should be cool :). The perlite factor I thinking has stunted the growth of the girls. I was expecting alot more from 9 weeks of veg and I know that my 'ph' trouble at the beginning also contributed to smaller plants. Have a look at the pics mate and tell me why you think they aren't the green we all love to see lol. You'll recognize the pineapples in here ;)


Active Member
as promised here are the pics of the microscope from maplins. they are over in the tools section.
had to make them smaller but you get the idea.


Active Member
greenhouse they look like they could use a touch of nitrogen. what soil is that your using. is it innes multipurpose. you would be better off with some bio all mix for your next grow. the plants are looking really good besides the couple of problems. i can see the pineapple express. lovely big fan leaves it grows. make sure the holes in the bottom of your pots are enlarged so any excess water can get out, the manufacturers never ever make them big enough. your grow room looks like the room in snatch when brick top was going to cut the lads up and put them in body bags. very nice set up you have there.
talk later
What would you suggest for the N Lu? I'm currently using Iguana bloom and Big Bud nutes. The soil is exactly what you said, I'm defo going down the route of 'all mix' next time. The innes hasnt worked as well as I hoped, and I was an idiot not using perlite with it. The drainage on the pots seems ok, anytime I water the excess spills out fine, but I think the compost retains too much water.

PS thanks on the grow room, I'll get a few better pics up of it, was quite proud of that part. Gonna be doing 24 babies next time round under 1000w. And yes, enough room to cut up lads lolol. Great finally getting a response from someone on this to my questions.

Cheers GHA


Well-Known Member
as promised here are the pics of the microscope from maplins. they are over in the tools section.
View attachment 1522347View attachment 1522348View attachment 1522349
had to make them smaller but you get the idea.
That is f****g sweet man, getting one of them on Friday Iv now decided! Few amber in the first picture, its a VERY clear picture!

McGreen, why are you pHing with the Biobizz? I never had to pH it, and as far as I know adding acids and the like to an organic nutrient is gonna kill the microorganisms that actually make the nutrients available to the plant. Are you using Grow the whole way through?


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse, just my 2 cents worth, i dont know if the rest of the guys agree but they looks a bit heat stressed aswell.. how far you running your lights away


Active Member
if your using those nutes in the correct doses then id say its not that the plants dont have the nutes but maybe there uptake of the nutes is a bit slow due to the damp soil. all you can do now is make sure the plants are not too damp next time your watering.
2 of my plants are not too far away now and i have been lucky enough to get a purple pheno on 2 of my plants. biddy early and the white berry aswell. i know it could be a phos def but at this stage of flowering and knowing they have enough nutes id defo say its just its genetics.
harrekin those thibgs are brilliant, they were only at 50x but it goes upto 200x. you can see everything and it would be great if you had any small bugs. everyone should get one and as they are only €40 you really cant afford not to. if your not in a rush though id say get it cheaper on ebay. i can find the exact one if you want and put a link up.
also greenhouse did you get a humidity meter. they are really handy cos your better dropping humidity in flower. you can pick them up quite cheap. they have them on seamus-growshop for a tenner i think.
Greenhouse, just my 2 cents worth, i dont know if the rest of the guys agree but they looks a bit heat stressed aswell.. how far you running your lights away
Hey Jingle. I'm running the light about 70-80cm from the girls. It's a 600w HPS. Room temp with light on is around 25-27C. From reading up I was hoping this was ok. What's your thoughts pal?
if your using those nutes in the correct doses then id say its not that the plants dont have the nutes but maybe there uptake of the nutes is a bit slow due to the damp soil. all you can do now is make sure the plants are not too damp next time your watering.
2 of my plants are not too far away now and i have been lucky enough to get a purple pheno on 2 of my plants. biddy early and the white berry aswell. i know it could be a phos def but at this stage of flowering and knowing they have enough nutes id defo say its just its genetics.
harrekin those thibgs are brilliant, they were only at 50x but it goes upto 200x. you can see everything and it would be great if you had any small bugs. everyone should get one and as they are only €40 you really cant afford not to. if your not in a rush though id say get it cheaper on ebay. i can find the exact one if you want and put a link up.
also greenhouse did you get a humidity meter. they are really handy cos your better dropping humidity in flower. you can pick them up quite cheap. they have them on seamus-growshop for a tenner i think.
Yeah Lu, I'm gonna let the soil dry up a bit more before watering again. I think with the mistake of not using perlite that the soil is holding too much moisture in. I am thinking of flushing them today then trying some bio-grow as I'm only in 2nd week of flower. This has 8% Nitrogen, what you thought they might be lacking. Should I, or shoudn't I? I don't have a humidity reader. After all the money Ive spent so far you's think I'd have one lol! :shock:


Active Member
dont flush! that soil will take forever to dry out, theres not that much of a problem and id wait till your next watering and then give the plants some nutes with high nitrogen. i use bio grow and it works very well. i know its not cheap but if you think how much youll save in the long run its pale in comparison. since christmas and my last grow finishing we must have saved about a grand on buying weed, plus it would have been shit.
ive made the mistake of flushing in early flower with crap soil and it can take forever to dry out, plus the shock can stunt the plants growth. everybody says it too freely nowadays to flush which is ok if youve got good draining soil but if its on the low flowing side (like yours) i would just give them bio grow in next watering. always try to use growers nutes such as bio grow or canna because the all round nutes (miracle grow) have high counts of n - p and k. they are not tailored to the veg and flowering cycles of weed.
if you need owt else give us a shout.
Took that on board Lu. No flushing then. I'll give them a touch of biogrow next time around and source a humidity reader. Your most definately correct sir about saving in the long run, plus the added extra of getting a decent weed. Will I just give them one watering with the biogrow, or maybe a bit of bloom in there next time with it? I'll fill you in on what nutes I have. Biogrow, Iguana adv nut grow and bloom, adv nut liquid carbo boost and big bud. Been confused quite alot as to what and when to use sometimes?!

Oh and on an earlier point made by Jingle, he was thinking they may be heat stressed when he answered above ^^^. What you think on that buddy?

Cheers GHA


Active Member
shouldnt really be heat stressed but what i think jingle meant was that they look like they havent been getting enough fresh air, you need to get a blower so they are getting fresh air all the time and get the stale air out of the room. humid dank air and heat stress have similar outcomes. as long as you have got fresh air then they should be ok. what are your night time temps like. the cold at night can stump growth a bit aswell if theres too much of a drop. you should not be too bad though as the weather is picking up a bit now. its reccomended to use big bud through weeks 2-4 of your flowering phase. so your next watering you could give 2ml of big bud and 2ml of biogrow. after that during the flowering phase i would use the iguana as it has 4-3-6 npk which will keep your nitrogen, pottasium and phosphate in check. so you can save the bio bloom for a grow in the future. i think the carbo boost is when you run into any problems.
I've got a 4" intake with ducting running from eaves. it's not a fan though. Using a 6"extractor fan and the room is air tight to the best I could get it. If the walls are sucked in a bit and the room is acting as a vacuum, which I can feel it is from the intake holes, then would this be enough fresh air going in?

The temp at night I think drops to around 13-15c. I have a small blow heater that i have set to go off at 3 hour intervals for 30mins. As you know we had a very cold january and feb so I didnt want the temp dropping so dramatically.

I'm into my 16th day of flowering now already though lu so should I still use 2 & 2ml of the big bud and biogrow and then from then on in use the iguana??

later m8. GHA


Active Member
thats plenty of air fella, even though if you got a little fan just to keep air moving over the leaves it will help a bundle. not a big fan though. you can get the small clip on ones which would do the trick. yes still use the 2ml of each on the next watering and then follow the feeding schedule of the iguana. if you dont have a schedule i will find one for you. just a vague question which you dont have to answer if you dont want too, are you in dublin?
thats plenty of air fella, even though if you got a little fan just to keep air moving over the leaves it will help a bundle. not a big fan though. you can get the small clip on ones which would do the trick. yes still use the 2ml of each on the next watering and then follow the feeding schedule of the iguana. if you dont have a schedule i will find one for you. just a vague question which you dont have to answer if you dont want too, are you in dublin?
I've a larger oscillating fan mate but keep it a good distance away from the ladies. have the fan just beside the intake so the air coming straight in is being circulated around pretty good. I think that is good practice lol. I'll ive the iguana a go after the 2&2. A schedule would be great but buddy. I like lots of info. I'm like johnny 5 when it comes to input on this :P. Nogt in dublin pal. I'm at the top of the isle :).