The Irish Growers Thread!

I wouldnt bother with auto's at all, go with fem all the way. The yield is so much better to be honest from what ive found. That Irish seedbank seem to be a bit expensive too, check out attitude havent had an issue to date and some good deals goin on ;)
Do yourself a favour Dave, buy from sannies seeds, any of his fem seeds are better than 99% of the rest of the stuff out there, you are guaranteed a beast of a plant. I am going to convert this whole thread to grow sannies at some point. Best genetics out there and you know your money is going to a good guy.
I wouldnt bother with auto's at all, go with fem all the way. The yield is so much better to be honest from what ive found. That Irish seedbank seem to be a bit expensive too, check out attitude havent had an issue to date and some good deals goin on ;)
I only grw the auto because it was a freebie (bad mistake) but yeah, fem seeds from a good breeder are the way to go.
alright lads not meaning to jump in on ya convo but if you want a reliable breeder for fems try serious seeds, I've grown out there chronic and white russian and both have been exactly what was advertised, the chronic was great yeilding but lacked potency more of a cash cropper strain as it looks really crystally with massive buds and the white russian was pretty much the same apart from being a very strong smoke with a sweet hint to the smoke, after a short cure the russian is a very lovely smoke and extremely strong, they're both heavy yielders with pretty much every plant in the pack being a keeper, I had one dodgy pheno in the russian that still put out well and all the chronic looked like they were taken from clones, the russian had 2 brilliant phenos that put out monster buds like baseball bats, the only prob is you have to watch your humidity or they will rot on the inside due to the thickness. they were all grown in bio-bizz soil with bio-bizz nutes and no boosters.
thanks for the advice about the seeds, the more i research the more i read that good seeds from good breeders are very important. by the way i downloaded an audiobook from but it wont open, do i have to download something to play it?
I am after drinking almost a full can of beer with my old man and after walking home i feel a little tipsy! strange feeling after one beer cause i was a guy who would drink a six pack on the way to the bathroom and a bottle of rum on the way back lol

dave what formatt is the audio file? right click on it and hit properties, if its an mp3 or whatever it should open with nearly anything as long as you have codecs on your pc
oh and dave world of seeds are legit i am growing the northern lights x big bud as we speak, ive also grown the afghan kush x black domina and ive afghan kush landrace on the go very good beans ive heard nothing but good about wos
day 36 002.jpg day 36 005.jpg wel lads,my girls 36 days from seed and a million problems,
changed the auto skunk on the left to bloom nutes today,canna aqua, cannazym, rhizotonic, boost and sensical mg bloom,hoping the little fella in the back is goin to turn into a 1 oz bud,dry hopefully.
the big easy ryder is starting to flower and stretching a bit,the other 1 seems to be starting to stretch a small bit,they got a drink of rhizo and cal mag aswel today.
4 oz total and il be a happy man.
cheers kang. i think it has to be nl x bb for me. the type of file is .ink (shortcut)

You sure its an audio book? ink files are from touch screen tablets, i would try a different download inks can be opened with microsoft word i think but it wont be audio
wonder if i took a bud and done a quick dry, as imature as they are would i get a high??????

there after getting alot fatter and frostier in the last day or two, they seem to like there new home, bud sites now down to the soil ..............
The wilting made me think that not enough oxygen was getting to the roots of an otherwise healthy plant.
,there only on the recovery from what i think might have been a cal/mag deficency, and maybe 1 or 2 other deficency,s aswel, il definatley have a coser look at the roots tomorrow, oh ya i was over fertilizing them aswel,after dropping the EC over the last couple of from 1.9 to 1.2.