The Irish Growers Thread!

Test run of week 6 auto done. This is some seriously good shit, It's as good as my last blue cheese which is saying something. All I an hope is the buds fatten up a lot in the coming weeks as they are still not packing on much weight.
hahahaha smokey i ran out of that last night when the tv went wallop....

had to buy new one today, so bank is cleaned out, got a good deal tho, 55inch plasma 3d, 4 sets glasses ,glass stand, set boose speakers, hdmi cable a 5 meter one, and the panasonic modem all for a grand cash...

so fucked if there was even a few joints going, couldn`t afford it..hahahahaha
and were back....

tell you lads i`m going to go mental if i don`t figure a way of getting a smoke soon.... the dam for me by next week hhahahahahaha
I am after drinking almost a full can of beer with my old man and after walking home i feel a little tipsy! strange feeling after one beer cause i was a guy who would drink a six pack on the way to the bathroom and a bottle of rum on the way back lol

dave what formatt is the audio file? right click on it and hit properties, if its an mp3 or whatever it should open with nearly anything as long as you have codecs on your pc

Dude I used to be the same..I used to be mad in to my pills back in the day and i would drink 16 17 cans a night and a share of a bottle or two of cognac and now 6 bottles of budvar and im in bits..on my 4th now and i am in bits, my bro sorted me out with a nice half oz of barneys blue cheese and i have to say after 4 shared joints with the missus and a mate im struggling here haha
jingle you lucky sod... theres meant to be some big bud hitting town tomorrow, and theres some silver haze about but the lad that has it is looking for 50 notes for not even 2grams.... fuck that, i`d rather do without...

sickened everytime i glance at my girls, harvest can`t come quick enough.......
jingle you lucky sod... theres meant to be some big bud hitting town tomorrow, and theres some silver haze about but the lad that has it is looking for 50 notes for not even 2grams.... fuck that, i`d rather do without...

sickened everytime i glance at my girls, harvest can`t come quick enough.......
Wait till you've about 12 ounces sitting there drying... That's the definition of patience!
Dude I used to be the same..I used to be mad in to my pills back in the day and i would drink 16 17 cans a night and a share of a bottle or two of cognac and now 6 bottles of budvar and im in bits..on my 4th now and i am in bits, my bro sorted me out with a nice half oz of barneys blue cheese and i have to say after 4 shared joints with the missus and a mate im struggling here haha

Budvar was my beer of choice jingle lol i wish i had 5% of the money back ive spent on booze! i went on a few months bender on x pills and coke which i thought was great at the time, they just made me keep repeating to everyone that i felt really really great lol very bad hangover tho couldent sleep for 48 hours after lol its better to do them things when your young cause i wouldent do it now, am only outta bed the ufc is on tonight at 3am bones jones v evens i have a cheeky bet on bones jones round 2 and 3
Never watched the ufc dude, Not in to betting on anything that only has 2 factors, way to easy to rig, lol and before you jump down my throat i aint saying its rigged, was more talking of boxing. Even look at that kid ward the other day, outboxed that turkish lad by a mile and the local boy got the vote. And thats not even the best bit, this match was decided before it even started, because ward is the top of his class if he loses his fight will automatically go through on a wild card, they just wanted the local boy through.....farce
Couldent agree anymore jingle boxing is very badly fixed both in the fighters deciding what round to win like the david haye vs audlay harrison fight where hayes family had money on him to win in round 3 and haye stayed away until the 3rd, then the judges in boxing are either the worst judges ever or far more likely they have been paid like the pac mans last fight where he was well beat but judges give him the fight, there can sometimes be bad decisions made in ufc but nowhere near that in boxing,

am not a big better either just a euro in each round to make it fun i wouldent put the house on it lol
new tv delivered today, thank god..

have the kid so no update on the girls but they were flying out of it when i checked them yesterday morning, upping there feed and water tomorrow from 40% to about 60% or little lower but there abouts..
some of the leaves on my plants are drooping quite a bit. i gave them a watering today and i dont notice any difference yet. i started LSTing on wednesday- would that have anything to do with it?. also, i dont think theyre too close to the light, when i put my hand at the top of the plant it doesnt feel too hot.
agree with the both of your statements har, paticence is the key to this... i will wait...

and yes wet weed is shit, much nicer smoke once its cured a bit...

had to put a cat down today, poor little fucker, was a rescued cat but was sick all his short life... so few joints would help now...
some of the leaves on my plants are drooping quite a bit. i gave them a watering today and i dont notice any difference yet. i started LSTing on wednesday- would that have anything to do with it?. also, i dont think theyre too close to the light, when i put my hand at the top of the plant it doesnt feel too hot.

could it be over watering dave? whats your nutes schedule.... just curious...