The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
should have been 12/12ing it ages ago...;)

it won`t finish much quicker over next few days you`d need a week for the plant to take to it, but chance it.. your seedlings will be fine if thats what your worried about, throw them in the window cill if possible, or out the back garden if you can, or something you know what i mean..

you really want some amber to get the full effect but i chopped last grow very early and still got pretty stoned off it, and it tasted and smoked fine..


Active Member
i wtook 2 of the really small nugs off last week smokin it now and its okay, tastes and smells of weed and slight buzz ,but can still get a bit of a plant tast but not to harsh,,nutting great but holding the cravings back

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha been there , done that... you can`t really gauge the plant from it tho, you get about 50% of the taste and about 30% of the stone..

if i was you i`d try the other way round, take the tops and leave the smaller ones to finish and possibly get bigger, you should then have enough room to have the seedlings in there and lower the light aswell to help everything along too..

whats the timeline here, you have or are giveing yourself till wed to finish one and start the next two?

how far along in veg are they? height wise are they the height of the lower nugs?


Active Member
other 2 will be a week on wed,, i could go till friday max,hav someone cumin to fit extractor fan in there so i want it cleared out and the smell too, we know this guy who is fitting it and he smokes but still dont want him knowing, i can hide the other 2 in wardrobe as they will be sleeping at the time.. i really wana chop all at one go.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so the two small ones are safe... now the fat bitch hee hee hee... have you a shed you could stash it, would help with the fragrance aswell?

failing that a room with window open ????, if you have smoke then give the dude a cuppa and a spliff when he arrives, he might not smell her then or put it down to the joint???


Active Member
yeh if i hav any weed by then lol,, no shead no..he prolly have to look about to see where he gona tap the eleckie into,, ill sort sumtin

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
not if he`s a competent sparks he won`t, not like have to veiw every room....

so what you think you`ll do, chop or wait?


Active Member
i wana chop coz i cant wait really,, but ill use any excuse hahaha.i could hide it,bit of hassel but can be done if i really wanted.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
then hide it, really mand, you`ll kick yourself for not waiting in the long run.. i know i did

but that said, if needs must, then chop it, better safe than sorry, another lad knowing a smoker or not will get green eyed monster looking at a plant on the ebb of yeilding, how there laden with frost and stinking of weed, and even if not jealous still have loose lips, and with kids about you want to stay hush hush on the growing...


Active Member
yes defo keeping stumb.... should i trim the lower leaves and some off the top ones to let the light through to the lower buds????? okay.ill keep her going until i see sum amber and then she straight down

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bahahahaha, typical woman.. as conflicted as anything....

at your stage you could trim a little, don`t go mad or anything but get the major light blockers away, and instead of triming the entire leave you can trim away as much as needed...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning folks, still same story here, getting small flowers starting but still streching like mad... was hopeing once the flowers started the strech would quit...

and unlike the last strain these are hairy women (must be european) hahahahahaha lots of hairy flower sites along branchs and stems..

sparkie mates on hols until this day week so by then we should have everything sorted for the extractor fans and 400w`s to go in...........fingers crossed eh....;)


Well-Known Member
I am on my way out the door here but ill ask this, does anyone know why my ph is riseing in the coco? i ph the nutes to 5.8 but i am having yellowing and ill health and my soil ph tester is showing both my plants in coco have a ph of between 7-8 rather than 5. why is it doing that and how do i counter act it? one girl is in coco and other is coco hempy

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I am on my way out the door here but ill ask this, does anyone know why my ph is riseing in the coco? i ph the nutes to 5.8 but i am having yellowing and ill health and my soil ph tester is showing both my plants in coco have a ph of between 7-8 rather than 5. why is it doing that and how do i counter act it? one girl is in coco and other is coco hempy

its hardly the water again, is the brita filter striping too much out of the water maybe? or some of your addatives maybe?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
right so, after reading around the thing that sticks out is your plants are comsumeing all the nutes so try riseing your ppm a little it should keep the ph down....

haven`t a clue if it works but the internets says it will...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
how`s yourself mand? alls well here, with the exeption that the littlest one now has chicken pox, and the eldest girl has just gotten over them...

never rains but it pours...hahahahaha.. shit tho, just spent my last 20 quid on meds for her..


Active Member
ah but at least they be over it soon for good.. im grand, just trying to score sum solid,no way im paying for green, got another channel going,its not live but u can watch any of the vids i have up and theres a chat too,, can u have a look and see if theres 3 vids avalable ,thanks