iv 2 ex chesse at 6 weeks all gone ok but a slight bit of leaf curl on 1 of them grand out,thanks trek, all seems well so far, just sit back and watch them grow now..
how`s yours comeing, what week you at?
iv 2 ex chesse at 6 weeks all gone ok but a slight bit of leaf curl on 1 of them grand out,
also have 1 lsd and another ex cheese at 3 weeks all healthy.
the 1st 2 are in plagron all mix and the latter in canna terra plus my favourite cheap 2 at 15 euro happy days
delighted iv added to insulation all good so far heater on standby lol frost cud arrive overnite
cold is right heater on today to keep it around 14 lights out not gettin caught this year frost kills anything under 10 i tink kills yeildshahahahahaha maybe get jaws the next time bill.......
fucking right about the cold, there was serious frost here, and its really cold today and all...
can feel the difference in the shed, not warm when you walk in as it was, tepid more so, but the girls are grand thank god...