The Irish Growers Thread!

am gonna go jump up and down for a while the cravings and sweats are back bad again and being on this site is not good for it one tiny bit! later guys
I am not the only one dreaming of a green xmas ae hehe get them seeds into soil stat

swore last year was the last without green to toke on, after paying for christmas and everything it entails i had little weed over last christmas and its not as enjoyable when you can`t just tuck in when you want...
had been iam, simple orchid feed pk 3-10-10, not sure the pk of the bio bloom will check now, i think i have the base nutes sorted as so far the plants have been responding well to it, what i need is tried and tested bud expanders, and addatives...
I know that top shooter works really well, expensive and hard to find but it's an option. I'm not really a big fan of additives as I never found any that really worked except rhizotonic and roots excelurator and I don't use root stimulants in flowering.
i`m in the same line of thinking nute wise, in this i mean that alot are just hype, so thats why i said i`d ask, and if there was a bottle that stood above the rest....

either ways i think the only solution to my problem is to go high with them, still haven`t seen the carpenter but its in the works...
ha fuck watching rep of tv, have to watch housewifes of new jersey, and no its not as good as it sounds its older women fighting...

and then its dallas shoot me please.. ah well at least i get to watch it when she pisses of to bed..
had to chop her a week early the inlaws are coming to stay for a few days: this weighs over an oz wet, thats just one of the big colas, they are drying now. I chopped the buds off the stem and it still weighed 42grams wet I'm guessing when its all dry its gonna be close to 3 oz not bad for one lady! Oh yeah it should be good the trim was really good so this should be a knee shaker.

i`m in the same line of thinking nute wise, in this i mean that alot are just hype, so thats why i said i`d ask, and if there was a bottle that stood above the rest....

either ways i think the only solution to my problem is to go high with them, still haven`t seen the carpenter but its in the works...
Yeah additives like cannas boost is just refined molasses, which costs fuck all to make. Then they sell it for 70 quid a litre lol. Some are just out there for your money. And bollocks to the carpenter, every man was born one! All you need is a saw, measuring tape and patience.
Well unless your polish iam LOL

a little pic of the roclock its doing very well, the plants have a coating of thc on the fan leaves which the camera cant see, it happened this last two nights with the uv led in there so smell is going up again
Yeah additives like cannas boost is just refined molasses, which costs fuck all to make. Then they sell it for 70 quid a litre lol. Some are just out there for your money. And bollocks to the carpenter, every man was born one! All you need is a saw, measuring tape and patience.

aye, i could do it myself but i want the carcuss to be perfect this time, want the doors proper and i feel that only a pro gets them that right, i can screw the walls up etc but you know that cabinet feel of quality is what i`m after....

also going to stick a drill through the floor to allow for runoff, small sink hole is all it doesn`t have to go anywhere...
I've run out of breaking bad to watch....not impressed!! I kinda feel lost without it. LOL!! It's been along time since I got so engrossed in a series.
I've run out of breaking bad to watch....not impressed!! I kinda feel lost without it. LOL!! It's been along time since I got so engrossed in a series.

first thing is empty your inbox dude, and the last time i was engrossed was the sopranos first time round..
hows things marley any strange with you...
notin strange have my tent set up now in spare bedroom lookin rosy.the problem im havin now is what seeds ta get jesus its hard ta pick a strain any advice it safe ta order seeds from abroad like do they have ta come through customs