The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
hey, i've seen d spacestation too! Is pretty cool but wen u baked ur mates think d aliens are a comin!
Lu, as to age, i'm 18. Ya, u may think this is too young, but i've been smokin for 2 years now. I'm not hooked or anything, i get good marks in almost all my exams, except maths but hey my da was bad at that too, maybe its genetic?! I find that weed is the only way for me to relax if i'm stressed or write music creatively. It puts me in a higher mind set. I dont smoke every day, maybe 1-2 a week if i have some spare money, which isnt often. I mean i was struggling with a section in physics but i had a spliff at lunch, sat a test, and wham, all the formula came to me!!! 89%. But like most i got fed up with giving some other fecker money for o.k smoke. Thats my story anyway. Oh yeah i'll post pics of my two seedlings tomorrow, i cant believe homebase still has no perlite in for 2 weeks!!!​


Active Member
03032011342.jpg03032011341.jpgheres the pics as promised. front barneys farm lsd, back snowryder auto flowering. lights just moved for the pic dont worry. they were just waterd so the are wet


Active Member
fill the pots lotus, get the soil right up near the top, i dont know why but i used to have my soil down low aswell but it just defeats the purpose of having a larger pot and makes it a bit more difficult when transplanting. they are loking nice though, good luck with the grow


Active Member
alrite lads . i think i hav over fed my plants .... the bottom leaves have turned yellow... i hav flushed them out but should i cut the yellow leaves off r leave them on.....

im using boibizz allmix. bio grow, 400w hps, dr80

lu do you knw were i could get a digtal ph tester and wat are the prices..



Active Member
Same thing happened to my last plant and she was fine mate. How old are the plants and how much nutes are you using?

PH meter you can get in any grow shop but i think they are like 50-60 euro in the shops. You can get cheaper ones online.


Active Member
as irish mc said you are better off getting online,BUDBELL u should not have flushed either, most strains just let the first fan leaves yellow up and die off, u can leave them on or take them off but i tend to leave them and let nature take its course. now if you were to have got the yellowing further up the plant then it could be nitrogen def, but please dont give them any nutes until a few days after flushing, the flush can upset the plant a bit and adding nutes could cause further probs, if you have already done it and given nutes just leave until they are ready for next watering and give just water, trust me ive been there and done that, things can get bad pretty quick and those plants look nice as they are. What is it your growing bud and how old are they now?
DARREN121 i quote that you were bang on!


Active Member
Just like a shooting star going slow. Still only visable for about 1 min though.

I have my camera charging and should have pics up soon Lu.


Active Member
Pics of haze auto plant. Broke ground 27 days ago. Growing under a 125w cfl 2700k. Using biobizz all mix and grow and bloom nutes.

Lu i tried to get a pic of the supercropping branch bending but the light is bad in the room. Ill try get a better pic of the branches tomorrow during the day. Think you can make out the string i have stuck on the stem and sallotaped to the pot. Basic LTSing.



Active Member
there 5 weeks old irishmc.. iwas using 1ml to a litre of water.. the water was a ph level was 7.. it was bottled water ..

im not going to use that anymore as i think the ph is to high .. i need a ph tester cos wit d nutes it prob goes higher does it?

lu there is two vanilla kush two bluecheese and one pinapple express


Active Member
Im not too sure if nutes higher or lower the ph level of water budbell.

Tesco sell Ashbeck bottled water and its ph at source is 6.2. Thats the water I use.

Edit: Is it just me or do them plants seem small for 5 week old autos? Dont want to sound like a smart ass mate. My plant is 27 days old and looks alot bigger. What sort of lights are you using?

Edit:Edit: Sorry Budbell i was looking at the wrong pics. My bad mate.


Active Member
irishmc u gave me a fright ther . this is only my seond grow so i knw fuck all.. im using 400w hps.. nice one 4 the tip on water thers a tesco dwn d road


Active Member
hey budbell let us now how pineapple express goes!! Is it g13 labs or different? I got a free one from attitude. Want to know how it will grow? Thanks mate


Active Member
nice i got 3 germating at min 50 days after that they be ready
Flash auto fems Cobra
need some plant cosie to keep them frost free
So are you going to try those ladies outside too? My mates and i are buzzin cos we getting that summer feeling. This snowryder takes ten weeks till harvest.


Active Member
hey budbell let us now how pineapple express goes!! Is it g13 labs or different? I got a free one from attitude. Want to know how it will grow? Thanks mate


Active Member
ye its g13 a freebie frm attuide.. if u look back at the pics i put up its the one in the middle...

here is my first grom lemon skunk

