The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Digital ones yes, magnetic ones no....

I'm sorry guys but your missing the point with this... Regardless of what bulb you use its the photo period that is important... I've flowered with mh before and the only slight difference is that the plant was slighty compact than plants done under hps.
Like I say, it's all about the lighting schedule, so don't be fooled about getting 2400k for flowering and 6500k for veg as the end result is very small... I've grown from start to finish with hps and in my eyes, if your short of cash then just stick hps and don't bother buying a mh bulb.
Mh bulb gives off less lumens and more heat..


Active Member
the newer magnetic ballasts take mh and hps, i have the GIB(black one) model that runs both. JAY is having great results using the hps from start to finish and one thing you will find is people will have very different views when it comes to using mh for veg and hps for flower or hps all the way through. i tried the hps for veg and its the worst plant ive seen, some might call it nice but i think it looks shit, the internodal spacing is too small, this is extended with the mh for veg and the plants i grew under mh just seem to be a lot healthier.
one thing about these forums is youll always find people that do it different, a lot of the older posts on the net refer to the time when you had to buy a ballast for mh and a ballast for hps but nowadays you dont, for the sake of twenty quid and if your ballast takes it you can have a mh set up.
in the end you make your own choice but in the end of the day i have seen the results of using both and jay is right when he says hps does give out more lumens than a mh, but when growing in veg you dont need too much light, you need to get light in the right spectrum which is why a lot of growers are now using t5/cfl for veg.
the photoperiod is the key to telling a plant when to flower but when vegging with hps the plant seems to take longer to come around.
i will defo put picks up later of the plant that had the hps and the plant that had mh and you can make your own minds up.
JAY i hope you dont take any offence with my differing opionion, always listenend to all your advice, just when it comes to hps it fucked up my next batch. you should see the difference in the nodes on my plant.


Active Member
thats what i thought and thats why i thought id add the hps to the vegging on this grow, i will put pics up later and show that the plant did not stretch at all like the ones under the ufo. i think it will surprise you the difference in the two plants. also the ones under the ufo grew a lot quicker, hold on ill go take the pic now!


Active Member
hers the pics fellas, had to do them quick cos others were on 12 night, they were both grown in the room with the ufo and hps but the one on the left was right under the hps. all my other plants that were at this stage were a foot taller at this stage.

the one with the flowers is 10 days ahead of the other one and the other one is still growing and has only been showing pre flowers for about 4 days. so in the end id say it will end up about 10 inches bigger.

here they are in the grow room when they were younger, the hps was at the front and the ufo was at the back(you can tell with colour), i did not do a comparison witht he plant at the back because if you saw the difference you would thin i was lying. the difference in this grow to my last one with the mh is ridiculous.
if you look back 2 pages you will see my grow which is flower now and they are in a different league to this lot.
mh all the way for me.
even the plant above in flower you can see how tight it is and small , theres just no room for the buds to grow.
anyway i will never use the hps for veg but if people only have smaller place then maybe you could hps cos it keeps them small. personally i like the plants filling my tent.
its mad jay its like all the stuff that used to be gospel like mh for veg hps for flower is just being thrown out of the window, someone should do a controlled test id say.


Active Member
Have a bagseed plant in the greenhouse Lozac. Had it vegging under a light to start it off. Not holding out for anything off it really. I shill have my auto under the lights thats gets my attation.


Active Member
jack my plants on page 388 are fourth week flowering and look a bit smaller tha yours, so i think harrekin is right(he normally is lol!), when they go into there night time are the temps alright and how have you got your extraction set up, are you pulling in cold air from outside. cant remember if you put up your set up. also a what nutes are you using. i was only using bio grow and bloom before but they dont have any micro nutrients, so i got hold of some bio heaven(not cheap) and thats picked them up a good bit, since using it the skunk has grown another 2 inches so they must have been lacking something. didnt really want that because now its standing at 4 foot so ill have to bend over the top and supercrop it.
plants are looking nice though, what is the flowering period of the plants you are doing?
let us know


Active Member
lotus planted out a plant i think its on the previous page, still a bit early but well see what happens. the daytime temps are fine its just the night time its bleeding freezing, even in the house its cold so i cant imagine what its like outside. i think the ideal time to plant out would be end of april? that right.
yeah i double checked they are starting there 7th week of flowering...comparing to my last grow they doubled in size the last week and a half of using terra bloom and canazim and have a extraction fan in the tent along with a fan uptop and below but have been havn a cold last few nites here(any ideas on what i can do ?????)......yeah i had a look at yours luciferateme yeah true yours does look more mature than mine but im stuck for space and height so ive been bending them so the light can get the whole plant....


Active Member
lotus planted out a plant i think its on the previous page, still a bit early but well see what happens. the daytime temps are fine its just the night time its bleeding freezing, even in the house its cold so i cant imagine what its like outside. i think the ideal time to plant out would be end of april? that right.
Ya, hey lu, my dad told me to bring it in so we keepin it warm in d consevatory, greenhouse bit.


Active Member
nice you can put them in the green house just until the nights get warmer.
jack i have mine sleeping during the day and i have the tent lights on at the night, that way keep the room warm and the electricity is cheaper aswell. as long as they are in the tent they are in complete darkness. we have talked at length on here about night time temps, so its either awake night /sllep day or get one of the tube heaters 20w to keep the tent a little warmer at night.
thats your best bet mate, just looking at your nutes are they 2.1-1.6-4 cos the bio bloom is 2-6-3.5, which is a bit of a difference, due to a low phosphorous a plant will exibit smaller veg, stunted growth and so on. id get some bio bizz bloom if i were you.
i hope im wrong, the reviews i saw people were saying its not as good as bio bloom. maybe that could be the problem.
hope it helps