'The Irony Is Delicious..'

I'm good with that. Valid arguments. Though the wealthy thing is not something I dislike her for. I don't care if she's a 1% or not. But taking money from Saudi influence and doing what she did to Bernie with Wasserman-Shultz is not good.

Let's take that one step further with Donna Brazile and forum questions and are you forgetting DWS shutting down Sanders database for breaching Clnton 's even though it was public knowledge that there was a bug in the system, 6 months prior when Sanders REPORTED it? You do know there was documentation that Clinton went into Sanders DB yet she wasn't shutdown..nope..she just stole his supporters including myself and added them to her DB.
TBH I'm really curious myself why dems ARE protesting..this will not change the outcome and it's time to put on your big boy.

Of all people, while this was not what they wished, the country chose and they need to respect that..they bitch about the rightie? Take a good look in the mirror.

I agree. Stop crying about it, and lets see what the Reds do for/to this country. Lets all hope its for the better.
TBH I'm really curious myself why dems ARE protesting..this will not change the outcome and it's time to put on your big boy.

Of all people, while this was not what they wished, the country chose and they need to respect that..they bitch about the rightie? Take a good look in the mirror.

I think protest is in order, but they're doing it in the wrong place; they need to be screaming for the heads of all those in the DNC who colluded in the crime of tampering with the will of the People in the conspiracy to throw the process in favor of their candidate.

Such a protest needs to take place at the DNC or the Justice Department.
Treason is the appropriate word for the crime of tampering with the will of the People, whether in a nomination process or during the election itself. I'm not talking about emails at all but rather collusion to throw the nomination.

Lest of all..media collusion with the Clinton's as well.

People just got tired of the dirty..and you can't blame them.
Treason is the appropriate word for the crime of tampering with the will of the People, whether in a nomination process or during the election itself. I'm not talking about emails at all but rather collusion to throw the nomination.

Do you have proof they actually tampered with the will of the People? Collusion to throw the nomination, what does that mean?

I'm not trying to be intentionally difficult, I'd just like to hear your thought process. So far I haven't heard much.
I think protest is in order, but they're doing it in the wrong place; they need to be screaming for the heads of all those in the DNC who colluded in the crime of tampering with the will of the People in the conspiracy to throw the process in favor of their candidate.

Such a protest needs to take place at the DNC or the Justice Department.

Precisely. +rep:clap:

I don't think it's Hillary so much to them, as it is a democrat lost.

That's exactly what they should be doing..DNC conspired to throw the election in as many ways as possible. Which in turn ended dem control.

It's the DNC's fault all the way around..along with that cunt DWS.

Putting lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
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Let's take that one step further with Donna Brazile and forum questions and are you forgetting DWS shutting down Sanders database for breaching Clnton 's even though it was public knowledge that there was a bug in the system, 6 months prior when Sanders REPORTED it? You do know there was documentation that Clinton went into Sanders DB yet she wasn't shutdown..nope..she just stole his supporters including myself and added them to her DB.

So you and ttystikk are stipulating that because HRC and DWS may have entered into a public record database and captured a list of supporters, she should be tried for treason?
I'm good with that. Valid arguments. Though the wealthy thing is not something I dislike her for. I don't care if she's a 1% or not. But taking money from Saudi influence and doing what she did to Bernie with Wasserman-Shultz is not good.

And I have no problem with one percenters, either- but I'm not cool with them getting away with not paying taxes, by whatever loopholes they've created for themselves. This invites aristocracy, a problem our founding fathers knew a thing or two about and decided they didn't like.

They were right.
And I have no problem with one percenters, either- but I'm not cool with them getting away with not paying taxes, by whatever loopholes they've created for themselves. This invites aristocracy, a problem our founding fathers knew a thing or two about and decided they didn't like.

They were right.

I would agree. Which is why Citizens United needs to end today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today.
says Kellyanne Conway remarking on Clinton's lack of addressing her supporters with concession.

Delicious? I hope you choke on your meal.

Cunt. This is why republipukes are disliked.

BTW..where can I send you money to get that wig colored?

Sky, I think you are showing discuss with every party known to man. Fuck the old republican party which I was part of but not anymore. I am a newly registered non affiliate for a while and I feel like I have a lot of friends from every party at the moment. Out with the old and in with the new. It will get better. The last time I looked our market was soaring to record highs and POTUS TRUMP hasn't even been elected for two days yet. Things will be OK.
Sky, I think you are showing discuss with every party known to man. Fuck the old republican party which I was part of but not anymore. I am a newly registered non affiliate for a while and I feel like I have a lot of friends from every party at the moment. Out with the old and in with the new. It will get better. The last time I looked our market was soaring to record highs and POTUS TRUMP hasn't even been elected for two days yet. Things will be OK.

Alienating our foreign 'friends' is not a good way to keep an economy going. Let's hope the giant wall over Mexico doesn't alienate all of South America and our friends to the north. Let's hope the doubling of tariffs with China doesn't alienate the worlds largest supplier of goods. Let's hope that walking away from the Paris agreement doesn't alienate all of Europe.

Let's hope.
So you and ttystikk are stipulating that because HRC and DWS may have entered into a public record database and captured a list of supporters, she should be tried for treason?

Not at all.

Sanders campaign entered into a public database and got shutdown though.

Only threatening lawsuit got it back (along with the board asking for her resignation behind closed doors).
Why? That's not the will of the people.

Actually I take that back, HRC won the popular vote, by a margin that I pretty much predicted. So technically, it is not the will of the people.

That's how democracy works. After all, we didn't get everything we wanted under the Obama administration, did we?
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