'The Irony Is Delicious..'

see4, You and many others have been nothing but wrong for over a year. What the hell makes you think you are right this time? I have been right for years now. Remember the national boot in the ass day I predicted? Then I predicted that POTUS TRUMP would crush the bitch and fuck I was right again and I called that one way over a year ago. And now I predicted Trump will rock the planet, but in a good way. So relax while we watch POTUS TRUMP make america great again.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day,
Now go clean the jizz off yourself :-)
We'll see. Like I said, you should get the goods while the gettin' is good.

Nothing fear mongering about what I said. If Trump successfully passes tariffs on imported goods from China, the price of your phones and electronics and cars and t-shirts and in your case large black dildos will go up, two or three fold. That's just economics.

I'm already well off, and of course I could use more money, but it's not about me. It's about our nation.

Let's hope.

Well off, are ye? So you've got a spare dildo or two, do you?

Lol, couldn't pass it up!
I had two bizarre things happen to me in the last two days while running errands, both with white women. First I had to stop and see my insurance agent which I have had for years. When we were done talking she wished me a blessed day, know her for years and never heard a religious peep out of her before that. Second was a homedepot cashier that I see regularly, basically the same thing with never hearing anything like that before. This was Wednesday and Thursday, normally this kinda of thing wouldn't feel weird I guess but after Tuesday night it seems strange. Not sure if it's their way of saying I'm a Trumper or maybe guilt over voting for him or it's some bazaar coincidences that happen with the only two people I dealt with while running two errands on two days after the election.
You fucking libs are disgusting. Has the thought ever entered your mind that the trash that spews out of a liberals mouth might be why millions of democrats came over to the side of common sense?

Millions? Trump got less votes than Romney and McCain, lol. Oh and we won popular vote even with a low turnout,Senile old man:-)
Millions? Trump got less votes than Romney and McCain, lol. Oh and we won popular vote even with a low turnout,Senile old man:-)

That low turnout plus @Corso312 and @Hookabelly's take on why voters turned against Shillary explains the orange toupee getting a free pad in downtown DC.

Some of those very voters told me the same thing in so many words.

The DNC has some serious 'splaining to do to the American People before they'll be willing to trust them with their vote.
see4, You and many others have been nothing but wrong for over a year. What the hell makes you think you are right this time? I have been right for years now. Remember the national boot in the ass day I predicted? Then I predicted that POTUS TRUMP would crush the bitch and fuck I was right again and I called that one way over a year ago. And now I predicted Trump will rock the planet, but in a good way. So relax while we watch POTUS TRUMP make america great again.

Just because your feelings tell you what you think is right, don't make it so old man.

I was actually the one who told liberals to keep an eye out, but also said it was likely HRC would win. I was never sure of myself for that, because media and politics are unpredictable. And you're wrong Trump didn't crush HRC, he squeaked by, and even lost the popular vote. And he won with fewer voters than the prior two candidates. And your tiny penis makes you a grumpy old racist.

Now that Trump is your president, let's see what he does. I really hope for 'your' sake, nitro, that you're right. I mean that sincerely, it's literally to the detriment of your party. You'll be dead in 8 years, so it's not like you should give a shit.
Just because your feelings tell you what you think is right, don't make it so old man.

I was actually the one who told liberals to keep an eye out, but also said it was likely HRC would win. I was never sure of myself for that, because media and politics are unpredictable. And you're wrong Trump didn't crush HRC, he squeaked by, and even lost the popular vote. And he won with fewer voters than the prior two candidates. And your tiny penis makes you a grumpy old racist.

Now that Trump is your president, let's see what he does. I really hope for 'your' sake, nitro, that you're right. I mean that sincerely, it's literally to the detriment of your party. You'll be dead in 8 years, so it's not like you should give a shit.

Aren't you tired of the liberal racist and penis crap yet? Trump crushed that bitch. He ran the table on the crooked bitch. Pretty much crushed both parties and the MSM. Fuck, thats a grand slam. Even the odds maker you guys were pumping, Fuck he crushed them too. And you still think I am wrong. You are making me smile though.
Aren't you tired of the liberal racist and penis crap yet? Trump crushed that bitch. He ran the table on the crooked bitch. Pretty much crushed both parties and the MSM. Fuck, thats a grand slam. Even the odds maker you guys were pumping, Fuck he crushed them too. And you still think I am wrong. You are making me smile though.

Aren't you tired of lying to yourself all the time? Trump didn't crush HRC, he barely squeaked by. Those are the facts, I'm sorry you want it to be your way but you're simply wrong. You should consider looking up the word crush and get back to me.

I'm rootin' for you old man, I can tell you're very excited, as this is probably the first time in your life you've been right about something significant. I really do hope you're right that Trump somehow makes America greater than it already is and maybe he can make unemployment lower than the 4% it already is.
Aren't you tired of lying to yourself all the time? Trump didn't crush HRC, he barely squeaked by. Those are the facts, I'm sorry you want it to be your way but you're simply wrong. You should consider looking up the word crush and get back to me.

I'm rootin' for you old man, I can tell you're very excited, as this is probably the first time in your life you've been right about something significant. I really do hope you're right that Trump somehow makes America greater than it already is and maybe he can make unemployment lower than the 4% it already is.

See4 , we are getting nowhere tonight. TRUMP CRUSHED THAT BITCH biggly.

4% unemployment? You are pretty gullible. I don't know how the left really thinks that every body is working and has a fucking job. That just simply amasses me.
See4 , we are getting nowhere tonight. TRUMP CRUSHED THAT BITCH biggly.

4% unemployment? You are pretty gullible. I don't know how the left really thinks that every body is working and has a fucking job. That just simply amasses me.

Your reality is different from actual reality.
Trump is offensive, period!
I'm tired of people telling others how to percieve ones tones, we have ears.
I swear it must be social media, lol come on.
You're right, I'm sick of it too, but I bet you and i are sick of hearing different things.

See, some would find Obama, Hillary or whoever offensive. We ether have freedom of thought choice or opinion or we don't.

And yes I do believe the advent of social media changed people's perception of most everything. SM plays on the negative. I read an interesting article on some people who wrote software for link'd in, and other software like that and they put some of the same properties (can't remember the tech term for it) that are used in gambling sites to keep ppl coming back and most of them focused on negative conditioning b/c it was stated that the human brain responds more to negative thought than positive. I'm bothering the terminology but it was an interesting read. (from the Atlantic).
And you don't think yours isn't? Your reality just got fucked for how long do you think? Go ahead take a guess. lol

My reality is fine. I'm still making money either way. I suppose my reality just got a little better, because now I don't have to worry about my guns being harder to get.

But the big difference between you and I, is that I care about the society I live in and care about the people around me, where you only care about yourself.

Let's hope 58 million people weren't wrong.
My reality is fine. I'm still making money either way. I suppose my reality just got a little better, because now I don't have to worry about my guns being harder to get.

But the big difference between you and I, is that I care about the society I live in and care about the people around me, where you only care about yourself.

Let's hope 58 million people weren't wrong.

Well, If you and your buddies could give up on all the racist and penis crap I think our society would be better off than the one you are living in. Until I came to RIU I didn't even know your society existed. You seem to only care about people that think and talk like you. And thats the society thats breaking and burning other peoples shit right now. You should try to influence your gullible flock to have a little more respect. Respect gets respect, just so you know.
A friend showed me this UK reporter/comedian's rant, and though I don't agree with all his points I believe he's spot on in some areas.

The take-away I got was we need to be more respectful of each other and actually discuss the issues versus name calling (from all sides of the isle) and focus on the problem (Washington) and our common needs/goals as a country.
That low turnout plus @Corso312 and @Hookabelly's take on why voters turned against Shillary explains the orange toupee getting a free pad in downtown DC.

Some of those very voters told me the same thing in so many words.

The DNC has some serious 'splaining to do to the American People before they'll be willing to trust them with their vote.

I wouldn't say we ever " turned" against Hillary...we never had her back, she is everything I hate about politicians and the status quo policy personified... Look @ me, you or Schuyylar or padawanbater..we are 4 typical Americans who are level headed n only want the best for our country n the best for future generations... No greed, no gluttony.

None of us ever had that dirty bitches back, she was forced fed to us and rejected quickly . Bernie was such the obvious choice it makes me think this country is destined to fail.