'The Irony Is Delicious..'

That's why I never understood the extreme hatred for her by the right, she's one of them. I know why I hate her, I couldn't understand why they hated her.

My sentiment exactly. Personally I think hate is a strong word reserved for individuals I actually know. I don't know her personally, but some of her policies are not in line with things I hold in regard, like guns and pot. But Drumpf has a litany of ideas that I and most common sense individuals find to be repulsive and offensive.

To expand further, is why I feel Johnson and Stein supporters were basically Drumpf supporters. They knew a vote for their candidate was a vote for Drumpf, but they did it anyway. They along with the Drumpf establishment said 'fuck you' to the rest of the world, and now many are having second thoughts. Only the true dumbshits and racists are chanting on like mindless sheep.

I really do hope for the world's sake those dumbshits and racists are right and Drumpf does make America greater than it already is.
You're right, I don't need to be such a prick when responding. I just find some of the stuff you [and others] say to be rather repulsive and an insult to common sense.

Religious people think that life begins at the moment of conception. Scientists and science disagree.
Planned Parenthood is supposed to be a safe place for young people and people with little resources to get the help they need beyond just abortions, the religious right have lied and cried wolf so much about PP, that people don't know the truth.
Religious zealots along with climate deniers are fighting a losing battle when debating climate change, so the only recourse they have is to stone wall the debate and lie to get politicians in office to stop the movement. It's a shame really.
Ban on Muslims. I think that speaks for itself.
Pledge of Allegiance, et al, I think also speaks for itself.

Science tells us that a cell is, in fact alive.
Planned Parenthood is debatable on what it's actually achieving.
Climate Change lol
Ban on Muslims speaks to nothing really. Reference to Trump? Does he go to church even?
So the Pledge should say in "the creator" we trust?

I hear what you are saying. Which Politicians are using religion as their reasoning for what they are doing today, either way? You seem to think you are being very specific in your examples above, but they're extremely vague. I'm asking for specific Politicians and policies and you say, "religious zealots", "climate deniers", "planned parenthood" and 'the religious right".

So how do you propose to separate church and state? What are the logistics given the fact that religion is expressly protected in this Republic?
Science tells us that a cell is, in fact alive.
Planned Parenthood is debatable on what it's actually achieving.
Climate Change lol
Ban on Muslims speaks to nothing really. Reference to Trump? Does he go to church even?
So the Pledge should say in "the creator" we trust?

I hear what you are saying. Which Politicians are using religion as their reasoning for what they are doing today, either way? You seem to think you are being very specific in your examples above, but they're extremely vague. I'm asking for specific Politicians and policies and you say, "religious zealots", "climate deniers", "planned parenthood" and 'the religious right".

So how do you propose to separate church and state? What are the logistics given the fact that religion is expressly protected in this Republic?

I'm not going to do your research for you.

"Science tells us that a cell is, in fact alive." - Ok, by that reasoning then, when you shoot a deer, you are killing an innocent child. So no, I don't buy your argument.

It's easy to separate church from state. Take down religious statues at government buildings. Stop prayer in certain townhall meetings. Stop the pledge of allegiance. Stop allowing churches to be considered charitable organizations. They aren't acting like it. Only allow science to influence public policy, not emotions and religious undertones.

We aren't a Republic, we are a United Nation. At least that is what we should be and that is what our founding fathers wanted, free from tyranny and religious oppression.
I'm not going to do your research for you.

"Science tells us that a cell is, in fact alive." - Ok, by that reasoning then, when you shoot a deer, you are killing an innocent child. So no, I don't buy your argument.

It's easy to separate church from state. Take down religious statues at government buildings. Stop prayer in certain townhall meetings. Stop the pledge of allegiance. Stop allowing churches to be considered charitable organizations. They aren't acting like it. Only allow science to influence public policy, not emotions and religious undertones.

We aren't a Republic, we are a United Nation. At least that is what we should be and that is what our founding fathers wanted, free from tyranny and religious oppression.

Ever shot a young deer? Little button head perhaps? I have by accident. Delicious. No human cell casualties oddly, only deer. Imagine that, deer life is not expressly protected by the Constitution.

Speaking of our Republic, any of those logistics actually at a Federal Level or just State and local. Cuz that's entirely different.

Churches should not receive 401c and still preach Politics. Wait, that's actually against the law. So you post to eliminate Churches as non-profits instead of just enforcing the law. Why go the long way around?

You seem to be rationalizing against the boogey man, slender man or other imaginary monsters. They're everywhere, but I can't show you them. Now it's "religious undertones".
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If you're the only one in the room laughing, it's probably not that funny. I really wish I could share your enthusiasm, but I'm concerned for the welfare of dozens of millions of Americans who will suffer under the Trump fascist regime. I really hope I'm wrong.

Well, maybe POTUS TRUMP will be good for everybody. I am thinking he will be good for everyone unless you are a criminal. Hillary turned out to be a criminal. to bad, so sad. nitro
You know I'm going to give this some thought. Awful price to pay if we don't come out better after this. Still afraid of how Trump may fuck shit up.

edit: and still feel you should have voted Hillary, but what done is done. FORWARD

Stop! You don't get to tell others your 'feelz'..nothing but nothing wouldve stopped Trump from being elected- except Sanders.

Through manipulation and force of the anointed one is what got us Trump.

It's time to let it go and next time remember 'one size does NOT fit all'.
Hillary lost everything after conspiring with the DNC to cheat Bernie supporters out of the primary election process.
If Trump got elected, imagine Bernie easily winning in Mid America..
This self-absorbed "whore" got deservently ass fucked by the RNC..
I can only hope the stress and dissappointment of your actions somehow shortens your life.

View attachment 3829591

Reported for suspicious sock activity. And for being painfully stupid.
Stop! You don't get to tell others your 'feelz'..nothing but nothing wouldve stopped Trump from being elected- except Sanders.

Through manipulation and force of the anointed one is what got us Trump.

It's time to let it go and next time remember 'one size does NOT fit all'.
and people still wanting to vote for Sanders and doing so, also people just saying FUCK IT and stayed home. Now we prepare for the age of Trump. Looking now to see what he is going to do for small businesses. Got to make those lemons into some kick ass lemonade.