The Jad3d 150 Hempy Grow___________(Sleestack & Devil's Weed)____(Detailed Pics)


Well-Known Member



I just tied the lower branches down. I want them to grow OUT before they grow UP. I hope they stretch up so all the buds end up at about the same height.

Take care!

allthebest :leaf:



Well-Known Member
For LST you want to tie down the main top to let all the side branches catch up. The redistributes it's "Auxins" <--- Good term to google.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thanks man =) I've read quite a bit on Auxins now, and I agree that I should tie the top down for more drastic effects. But that is not my purpose. I just want to shape my Christmas Tree plants into more delicate and "worked" looking bushes.

In all, I just want the lower branches to have a slight curve to them =P I know it may seem pointless, but I enjoy it, and find it meditative. =)


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody!

I was gone for the weekend, and came back with some news =D

I acquired a new guardian for my grow room. haha

I think I'll call her Demeter, after the Greek Goddess of Harvest. For greater fertility and yields! haha

I'm also noticing allot of flowering-stretch, they are jumping day after day, and the Sleestack is getting pretty high, for a pot that size.

I love to see these 2 different plants side by side. It's a constant reminder of the variety and diversity of strains and phenotypes that exist throughout our world. I wonder how many I'll end up growing and trying in my years of life... =)

These are still under a lot of shade so their growth isn't as pronounced as the growth on the Sleestack, but it's getting there.

This one is really going. The bottom shoots are stretching out and starting to bend up to the light. I hope the final shape and side-buds grow out to be nice looking and good smoking =)

Also, this plant is showing some slight signs of Mg deficiency. And I'm kinda bummed that I hadn't ordered some cal-mag before. But now I have, and I'm hoping it'll make them bulk up and stop affecting my leafs.

Still no pistils here, and I'm hoping very hard that it doesn't end up being a boy.

And this here just made my day. One of the 2 is now officially confirmed as a GIRL! =D Go baby grow! Now make us some delightful buds please! =)

I'll take a more closeup shot once I get my lens back.

Hope you enjoyed this update! It sure made my day!

Have a great one, gang!

allthebest :weed:



Well-Known Member
They're looking great Jad! I am betting on a girl for the Devil Weed! 8 days and no sex showing is a good sign. Males will usually show sex much quicker than the females.:hump:


Well-Known Member
thats pretty good man.... I'm interested to see how the end result will be. best of luck and good vibes!


Well-Known Member
Hey again,

Got my Ec/ppm reader yesterday, and finally made a nute solution a little bit stronger. I went with 800ppm which I read was a good measure for sexing and start of flowering (correct me if I'm wrong).

The Devil's Weed is finally stretching out, and is starting to get as tall as the Sleestack. I Guess I should expect sex signs soon.

Anyway, here's how they are looking:

What ppm's do you guys use throughout your grow? I read that I should start with 250ppm and end with 1050ppm. Is this a correct way to do it?

Thanks guys!

have a great weekend!

allthebest :joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey Jad!. Nice looking plants! Look like you are almost halfway there. :joint: PPM amounts can differ depending on lighting and whether you are feeding drain to waste or recirculating.

A lot of grower will slowly boost the nute levels until they see signs of burn on the VERY TIP of the leaves, then back off.

This shows the ppm strength differences with GH nutes.


My grow was recirculating with HPS lighting. This was the range I kept them in.



Well-Known Member
Thank you! Good charts, these!

THey seem to have burnt slightly, so next time I'll back down a bit. I'll just keep to my normal measures, and see how it works out. 800ppm looks like a bit too much for them right now.


Well-Known Member
I listen to my girls lolif they can take more nutes great if not even better. I start 50 ppm go all the way to 650-850 max.

Sorry to ask again, what kinda light are u using?...I would say Little more lights and ur girls should explode. Doing a great job bud!
puff puff pass lol


Well-Known Member
Right now I have a 150 HPS light over them. I know it's not optimal, but it's doing much better than my old CFLs did.
Also, I'm a student, so I can't afford an electrical bill any larger than this right now.

Can't wait to join the 600w club though! haha

Puff Puff Pass! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I had my parents visiting once again so I just let everything do it's thing without looking at it for 3 days.


anyway, I'm not as excited for the Devil's Weed... It's got new growth that looks just like bud, but I can't spot clear white pistils anywhere... Does this mean it's absolutely sure to be a male? Or can it be a kind of crazy phenotype?

Anyway, here are the photos, please chime in with what you think...

Flowering Strech is a gorgeous thing to see happen. Everything just jumps out so fast! =D

Doesn't that look like a baby bud? But there's no pistils at the internodes...


I don't know if anyone has used this "technique" before, but I was reading on defoliation, and how expert growers use it smartly to increase light exposure and thus bigger yield. But I'm always reluctant to damage the plant because of any minor shock it might recieve from it. So I just folded the lower fan leaves into bundles with rubber bands (not tight), and that way, there's no plant damage, and there's more light exposure. It seems to be working quite nicely.

If I had decided to ScrOG these babies I could of used these bud sites much better, but of well. Next time! =D

The female nodes.

The "unknown" nodes. And yes, I've also spotted those little balls there. And yes, I've also assumed it's a male, for now. BUT I really wanted you to see these next pics, and make a guess based on those.

Female Flower

Is this really a male flower? I mean... come on... look at it! Looks smokeable! xD

And aren't those tiny pistils there in the middle? I'm so confused....

So that's that... I shall keep them together for now, but as they rippen further I will take the supposed male out, and collect any pollen it might drop. I intend to selective polinate som lower buds on the sleestack so I get some seeds out of this grow.

SO, what are your thoughts on all this?

Thank you for stopping by!

allthebest :weed:

Looks great, as we went to flower around the same time in comparison to mine hasn't had half the growth you have had ... I haven't had no real stretch at all although mine do appear to be heavy on the sativa side and so could take a while to get going ?


Well-Known Member
If it turns out male you don't need as much wattage if you want to collect pollen. Just isolate the plant and give it 12/12 light from a cfl.


Well-Known Member
Looks great, as we went to flower around the same time in comparison to mine hasn't had half the growth you have had ... I haven't had no real stretch at all although mine do appear to be heavy on the sativa side and so could take a while to get going ?
If they are on the sativa side then you'll have a little longer wait, but a nicer heady high, so worth it.
Also, remind us how much wattage are you using? 150w halide, right?

Just keep an eye on it. You should have a better idea in a few days to a week.
Yeah, definitely. I tend to think it's a hermy. And if so I'll just keep pluckin' balls as long as I can without risking polination. And then I'll just leave it at a window and let it do it's thing.

If it turns out male you don't need as much wattage if you want to collect pollen. Just isolate the plant and give it 12/12 light from a cfl.
Yeah, I'm not gonna fuss to much over it. If it's male I'll take it out and leave it at a window. and collect any pollen if it gives me any. If nothing comes of it, it's no biggie.