The Jad3d 150 Hempy Grow___________(Sleestack & Devil's Weed)____(Detailed Pics)


Well-Known Member
I sure think they are =P But I have to hold myself back, and let them grow out a bit more. I don't have too much space, so I can't grow no trees. But jut a little bigger, for just a little bit more bud =P


Well-Known Member
Finally got my camera some batteries.

I have a Cannon Powershot S5 IS. I'll have some pics up tonight. Check out my signature. I can't imagine they will be as good as yours though, haha.

Actually quick question for you. I was having a lot of trouble getting close up shots in my room. The camera wouldn't focus. It kept focusing on the background. Do you have any tricks to fix that?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

The babies are coming along, and by this time I maybe shouldn't be calling them babies anymore... =P
They are loving their constant nutrient solution. Only the Sleestack seems to have overnuted as of now, with a slight yellowing of the bottom leaf tips. Next watering shall be a thorough flush for them to relax a bit.

I was thinking I was going to switch to 12/12 on the 6th of this month, giving them only 3 more days to grow out a bit. But my girlfriends thinks I should veg them longer...

Should I let them grow out some more? How much more time would you say?
Those plants might not even be mature enough to start flowering if you switch them over to 12/12. Maybe you can train them if you are limited on space, here is a photo of a boss hogg plant with a curved stem. I did it by pinning the upper portion of it to the ground while it vegged.


Awesome photos, btw.


Well-Known Member
I sure think they are =P But I have to hold myself back, and let them grow out a bit more. I don't have too much space, so I can't grow no trees. But jut a little bigger, for just a little bit more bud =P
They are coming along. Are they ready to flower yet? haha :clap:
I should mention that I was only joking. Agree with above. Grow them as big as possible and then just train the shit out of them.


Well-Known Member
Those plants might not even be mature enough to start flowering if you switch them over to 12/12. Maybe you can train them if you are limited on space, here is a photo of a boss hogg plant with a curved stem. I did it by pinning the upper portion of it to the ground while it vegged.

View attachment 2985698

Awesome photos, btw.
Thanks man! I shall let them grow out a bit more, yes =) And great looking plant my friend! That looks exotic! What strain is it?

I should mention that I was only joking. Agree with above. Grow them as big as possible and then just train the shit out of them.
Sir, yes sir. =)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I shall let them grow out a bit more, yes =) And great looking plant my friend! That looks exotic! What strain is it?
That is the purple pheno of Cali Connection's Boss Hogg. It is a chemdawg #4 and SFV OG cross.


Well-Known Member
That strain sounds amazing! How big is that bucket? and how much does a plant like that yield, in how much time?


Well-Known Member
That strain sounds amazing! How big is that bucket? and how much does a plant like that yield, in how much time?
That is a three gallon coco hempy with perlite. I can get a half pound under a 400 watt light from three plants if I top them and veg for about five weeks and then flower for eight weeks in a SCROG setup. You can do two plants but you would have to veg them longer. I would consider myself only a moderately good grower, so I'm sure some people can get more with my genetics.


Well-Known Member
I got a half pound from these plants, the hogg isn't purple because it is early in bud. You might want to consider SCROG if you are limited in how high you can grow your plants.



Well-Known Member
That looks very cool. I must SCROG now! haha and I will build a SCROG setup for my next grow.

Right now I have a question. Have you ever overwatered your plants in hempy? I've been so happy with these plants because they looked so vigorous. I was always watering with feed. Until 2 days ago I decided to do a destiled water flush for the girls to have a clean out of any possible salt buildup and they just gave up a little...

I'm worried. They look overwatered and show it. All droopy and puffy leafs curling down like claws...

Everyone told me hempy was impossible to overwater, and here I sit, sobbing over yet another fuckup...

I'm going to prepare a new nute batch, lower dosage, and feed it to them today, I hope the presence of nutes makes them pick up a bit. Because it freakin kills me to see them droopy like that..


Well-Known Member
It was the electrolites for sure my friends! You were all right!

I risked it and made a nute soup for them on top of the distilled overwatering, 6 hours later, night and day! they really love their strong tea haha I guess I'll only flush them at the very end now! Lesson learnt.

I'll take some pics tomorrow or the day after. My mom is visiting, and she wouldn't dream of it xD


Well-Known Member
Hey all

SO they came around just fine after I added the nutes. I guess it was just one hell of a confusion to always have somewhere to feed from and then suddenly they just had this very runny water being easily sucked through their systems xD
Result - Overwater symptoms.

As soon as I added a fresh batch of nutes they just revived completely within a few hours.

Here they are:





So I recently read in a book that Indicas sometimes tend to have phenotypes that make their leaves broad and with marbled patterns. And today I came into the grow room and looked at this one and hey! Marbled leaves!
Now my question is... Is this the phenotype? Or is it a symptom?

I like to think it's not a symptom because I'm treating both plants exactly the same, and the other is very healthy looking. (Could be sturdier genetics too)

What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great one =)

allthebest :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey Jad. Is it just on the bottom leaves? When you fertilize do you rinse it off of the leaves right after?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's just the bottom leaves... and now the other one is starting too on the bottom as well...

I think it may be a Cal deficiency due to the distilled water flush... Not too sure, but I've crossed some symptom pics and descriptions and it looks like it.

And I never let nute water splash over the leaves. I always try hard to water them carefully.

Thanks for pointing out the C'99 to me. I'm quite impressed by the strain, and now I want to grow it too! =)


Well-Known Member
I thought the pattern looked like it could have been where water beads may have evaporated. I made the mistake on an earlier grow of foliar feeding with a solution too strong and my whole plant looked sorta like that. :wall:

I really liked the photos you have been taking... So much so that I ran out and bought a Nikon d3200 several days ago... Now it looks like I will be eating baloney sandwiches for lunch for quite a while.... SO... Thanks a lot Jad!:cuss: Seriously, got it and the tubes.. really enjoying it.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man! Photography really is very cool hobby. Not only is it a creative process but also it slowly gives you a keen eye for little details. Over time you will also gain much sensitivity to all the parameters like Lighting and Shadows and color hues and Angles and the whole lot =P

It's funny you should say I helped with your decision of buying a camera, I have quite a few friends that accuse me me of the same sort of thing. Mostly because I tend to use the phrase "Money, shit." allot on them xD After hearing "Money, shit" they just go off and buy whatever their doubtful about xD haha

Don't go hungry though! Never waste your survival money away xD

But yeah, now that you've invested your money on it, I guess it's time for you to invest your time on it and really study the heck out of all things photography.

I'll be expecting great photos from you soon! =)