The journalistic obligation to fact

Don’t freak out, this first one is a breitbart link :shock:

Even the left of center politifact rates her at nearly 50/50

But no she’s totally honest, doesn’t push propaganda, and doesn’t have an agenda
citing a neo nazi website because rachel maddow makes you cry with facts.

you are pathetic, small-penised
I always wonder why defamation suits arnt more common.

I take issue with “reporters” who knowingly publish false information, especially when they use “anonymous sources” which can literally spew anything. Once the article comes out and the headline is published, the damage is already done even if they come back with a correction later. As so many consume news via headlines and form their entire worldview based off the first paragraph.

There are four elements a person must establish in order to prove he or she has been defamed:
  • Publication,
  • Identification,
  • Harm and
  • Fault
So Tucker and The Five?
no one said she’s not pushing an agenda, you just said she tells the truth and facts you can check. My last sentence was sarcasm. I’m merely pointing out she does in fact lie as do many left-side media personalities. It’s not a phenomenon unique to the right
You are trying to create a false equivalency
Both sides are not equal and places you reference are just a repeating right wing information bubble
But I have to say your rhetoric shows you have feasted on the lies being told and are perfectly fine validating it by frequenting right wing media
No it isn't all slanted but nice try comrade
You are in a cult !
agreed. those supermarket tabloids with headlines like "john travolta has secret alien housekeeper" are written by journalists. are they good ones? hell no.

the sizzle is what sells.

It blows my fucking mind that half the country has opted to accept that crap as fact. What the hell happened. I don't recall people trotting the national enquirer out as a factual source growing up, we all knew it was that silly magazine at the grocery store that you laughed at the headlines. Just what the fuck.

Maybe that's where the weird Q shit about jfk came from. He and Elvis are out plowing alien chick's, doing space blow, prepping for the return of God King Donald. It's printed...gotta be real.