The Left's answer to Bernies ineptness


Well-Known Member
Definition of inept

1: lacking in fitness or aptitude : UNFIT inept at sports
2: lacking sense or reason : FOOLISH
3: not suitable to the time, place, or occasion : inappropriate often to an absurddegreean inept metaphor
4: generally incompetent : BUNGLINGi nept leadership

Bernie played the role of the old grandfatherly guy that gave voice to millenial discontent over the economic and social situation they came of age into, what with the great recession, stagnant wages and an odious example of "the good life" presented by their overweight unhappy debt stress ridden self absorbed parents. I mean, really? Work hard all your life, making mediocre wages so fat cats can accumulate more wealth and THAT is what you get?

They are getting older and Bernie's ineptness is glaringly obvious. Along comes a better alternative and Bernie no longer seems to be the nice old guy anyway. His so-called Medicare for All bill is simply not the kind of work one expects when it affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people and one-quarter of the economy. He says nice things but there is no substance behind them.

Along comes a better alternative.

Elizabeth Warren Is Winning Over Left-Wing Hearts In Iowa
“I just feel like Warren is more of the planner. And Bernie, while I love him for this, he’s definitely more of the idealist.”

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa ― Teagan Roeder, a 19-year-old student at the University of Iowa, was too young to participate in the 2016 Iowa caucuses. If he could have, he would have supported Sen. Bernie Sanders, he said.

But this time around, Roeder has eyes for a different candidate.

While Sanders remains firmly seated in second place in the national polls, a Quinnipiac poll released last month showed Warren receiving 30% of the vote from very liberal Democrats, while Sanders pulled in only 22%.

“Elizabeth Warren has wonked her way into the top tier of candidates,” Shrum said.

While Roeder would be “perfectly happy” with either Warren or Sanders as the nominee, he said he’s come to appreciate the number of proposals Warren has put out.

“I just feel like Warren is more of the planner. And Bernie, while I love him for this, he’s definitely more of the idealist,” Roeder said.

Millenials are coming of age and realizing that grandpa is nice but he's not very organized. Doesn't pay the bills on time. Lets his lawn grow shaggy. And what is in his sink that's been there too long?

Is Warren able to beat Trump? That's what I'm wondering. Is Warren going to break the mold cast by conservatives on women who don't fit the baby making cookie baking tea in the afternoon ideal? Is she too far left for this country? Can she attract enough Independent voters to beat Trump?
Definition of inept

1: lacking in fitness or aptitude : UNFIT inept at sports
2: lacking sense or reason : FOOLISH
3: not suitable to the time, place, or occasion : inappropriate often to an absurddegreean inept metaphor
4: generally incompetent : BUNGLINGi nept leadership

Bernie played the role of the old grandfatherly guy that gave voice to millenial discontent over the economic and social situation they came of age into, what with the great recession, stagnant wages and an odious example of "the good life" presented by their overweight unhappy debt stress ridden self absorbed parents. I mean, really? Work hard all your life, making mediocre wages so fat cats can accumulate more wealth and THAT is what you get?

They are getting older and Bernie's ineptness is glaringly obvious. Along comes a better alternative and Bernie no longer seems to be the nice old guy anyway. His so-called Medicare for All bill is simply not the kind of work one expects when it affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people and one-quarter of the economy. He says nice things but there is no substance behind them.

Along comes a better alternative.

Elizabeth Warren Is Winning Over Left-Wing Hearts In Iowa
“I just feel like Warren is more of the planner. And Bernie, while I love him for this, he’s definitely more of the idealist.”

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa ― Teagan Roeder, a 19-year-old student at the University of Iowa, was too young to participate in the 2016 Iowa caucuses. If he could have, he would have supported Sen. Bernie Sanders, he said.

But this time around, Roeder has eyes for a different candidate.

While Sanders remains firmly seated in second place in the national polls, a Quinnipiac poll released last month showed Warren receiving 30% of the vote from very liberal Democrats, while Sanders pulled in only 22%.

“Elizabeth Warren has wonked her way into the top tier of candidates,” Shrum said.

While Roeder would be “perfectly happy” with either Warren or Sanders as the nominee, he said he’s come to appreciate the number of proposals Warren has put out.

“I just feel like Warren is more of the planner. And Bernie, while I love him for this, he’s definitely more of the idealist,” Roeder said.

Millenials are coming of age and realizing that grandpa is nice but he's not very organized. Doesn't pay the bills on time. Lets his lawn grow shaggy. And what is in his sink that's been there too long?

Is Warren able to beat Trump? That's what I'm wondering. Is Warren going to break the mold cast by conservatives on women who don't fit the baby making cookie baking tea in the afternoon ideal? Is she too far left for this country? Can she attract enough Independent voters to beat Trump?
A whole lot of Bernie-babies say they like Warren but I suspect we might see differently soon once the propaganda hose gets turned her way. Wait for it.
A whole lot of Bernie-babies say they like Warren but I suspect we might see differently soon once the propaganda hose gets turned her way. Wait for it.

We saw it when Beto started to outshine the old white man. We saw it again and again when Harris and Booker bumped up in the polls. The propaganda is intense regarding Biden. As in @schuylaar and her claims that Biden is a pedo. They haven't yet gone after Warren. It does make one wonder how much of it is generated in Putin's troll farms.

We saw it when Beto started to outshine the old white man. We saw it again and again when Harris and Booker bumped up in the polls. The propaganda is intense regarding Biden. As in @schuylaar and her claims that Biden is a pedo. They haven't yet gone after Warren. It does make one wonder how much of it is generated in Putin's troll farms.
And how much they like Bernie.
Putin likes a weak United States. He doesn't seem to care if the weakness comes from an inept leader on the left (Bernie) or the right (Trump).

Warren, on the other hand has a long and strong record of getting things done.
That is why they are pushing for the Hawaiian congresswoman.

I think Trump went after Warren hard at first and realized he needed to pull up on it if he had a shot to run against her. I liked her for a while, but I am over the negative campaign 'everyone is out to get us' mindset she tends to lead with. I am happy that she has her voice in the senate, and is running with ideas, and will vote for her over Trump, but still prefer Biden, Harris, Pete, Booker, and many others that won't break 1% but have really good points to bring up too.
Elizabeth Warren advocates using violence against people who don't want her to run their lives.

Not surprised you like her.
You advocate for “no negros allowed” signs

You called them reasonable and polite

Imagine if Elizabeth Warren had actually said anything like that. You wouldn’t even need to doctor quotes you pathetic neo nazi pedophile
That is why they are pushing for the Hawaiian congresswoman.

I think Trump went after Warren hard at first and realized he needed to pull up on it if he had a shot to run against her. I liked her for a while, but I am over the negative campaign 'everyone is out to get us' mindset she tends to lead with. I am happy that she has her voice in the senate, and is running with ideas, and will vote for her over Trump, but still prefer Biden, Harris, Pete, Booker, and many others that won't break 1% but have really good points to bring up too.
yeah, Gabbard has two strikes against her in my book. Her past stances on LGBTQ rights and anti abortion. Then her cozying up to Assad and Putin. I'm no fan of her warhawk rhetoric either. She hasn't gotten her third strike so she's not out yet but I'm probably already not going to vote for her in the primary.
A whole lot of Bernie-babies say they like Warren but I suspect we might see differently soon once the propaganda hose gets turned her way. Wait for it.

wait for it..wait..wait:

there are so many running they will all inevitably take Uncle Pedo down..

Democratic Presidential Debates Could Reignite Warren-Biden Bankruptcy Fight

In 2005, bankruptcy was on the rise and had been for years.

Lawmakers were pondering why, exactly, that was happening — and what, if anything, they should do about it — when two future presidential rivals squared off over a bankruptcy overhaul bill that would restrict who could write off their personal debts.

In one corner, Joe Biden — one of the staunchest Democratic advocates for the bill and a senator from Delaware, home to several large credit card companies. He was also a member of the Judiciary Committee, which was debating the bill.

In the other corner, Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law professor who had fought against this type of bankruptcy overhaul for years, and who was on a panel convened for a hearing over the bill.

Their conversation started off with a testy (but weedy) exchange about bankruptcy courts. And it escalated from there, with plenty of interruptions and the occasional barb — Biden at one point cast Warren's arguments as "mildly demagogic." It ended with a tense dispute over what, exactly, the dispute ought to be.

WARREN: [Credit card companies] have squeezed enough out of these families in interest and fees and payments that never pay down principle.

BIDEN: Maybe should talk about usury rates. That maybe, that's what we should be talking about; not bankruptcy.

WARREN: Senator, I'll be the first. Invite me.

BIDEN: Now, I know you will, but let's call a spade a spade. Your problem with the credit-card companies is usury rates, from your position. It's not about the bankruptcy bill.

WARREN: But senator, if you're not going to fix that problem, you can't take away the last shred of protection for these families.

BIDEN: OK, I get it. [pause] You're very good, professor.
wait for it..wait..wait:

there are so many running they will all inevitably take Uncle Pedo down..

Democratic Presidential Debates Could Reignite Warren-Biden Bankruptcy Fight

In 2005, bankruptcy was on the rise and had been for years.

Lawmakers were pondering why, exactly, that was happening — and what, if anything, they should do about it — when two future presidential rivals squared off over a bankruptcy overhaul bill that would restrict who could write off their personal debts.

In one corner, Joe Biden — one of the staunchest Democratic advocates for the bill and a senator from Delaware, home to several large credit card companies. He was also a member of the Judiciary Committee, which was debating the bill.

In the other corner, Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law professor who had fought against this type of bankruptcy overhaul for years, and who was on a panel convened for a hearing over the bill.

Their conversation started off with a testy (but weedy) exchange about bankruptcy courts. And it escalated from there, with plenty of interruptions and the occasional barb — Biden at one point cast Warren's arguments as "mildly demagogic." It ended with a tense dispute over what, exactly, the dispute ought to be.

WARREN: [Credit card companies] have squeezed enough out of these families in interest and fees and payments that never pay down principle.

BIDEN: Maybe should talk about usury rates. That maybe, that's what we should be talking about; not bankruptcy.

WARREN: Senator, I'll be the first. Invite me.

BIDEN: Now, I know you will, but let's call a spade a spade. Your problem with the credit-card companies is usury rates, from your position. It's not about the bankruptcy bill.

WARREN: But senator, if you're not going to fix that problem, you can't take away the last shred of protection for these families.

BIDEN: OK, I get it. [pause] You're very good, professor.

Ahh 2005, back when an argument was a well reasoned discussion that ended with a compliment.
wait for it..wait..wait:

there are so many running they will all inevitably take Uncle Pedo down..

Democratic Presidential Debates Could Reignite Warren-Biden Bankruptcy Fight

In 2005, bankruptcy was on the rise and had been for years.

Lawmakers were pondering why, exactly, that was happening — and what, if anything, they should do about it — when two future presidential rivals squared off over a bankruptcy overhaul bill that would restrict who could write off their personal debts.

In one corner, Joe Biden — one of the staunchest Democratic advocates for the bill and a senator from Delaware, home to several large credit card companies. He was also a member of the Judiciary Committee, which was debating the bill.

In the other corner, Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law professor who had fought against this type of bankruptcy overhaul for years, and who was on a panel convened for a hearing over the bill.

Their conversation started off with a testy (but weedy) exchange about bankruptcy courts. And it escalated from there, with plenty of interruptions and the occasional barb — Biden at one point cast Warren's arguments as "mildly demagogic." It ended with a tense dispute over what, exactly, the dispute ought to be.

WARREN: [Credit card companies] have squeezed enough out of these families in interest and fees and payments that never pay down principle.

BIDEN: Maybe should talk about usury rates. That maybe, that's what we should be talking about; not bankruptcy.

WARREN: Senator, I'll be the first. Invite me.

BIDEN: Now, I know you will, but let's call a spade a spade. Your problem with the credit-card companies is usury rates, from your position. It's not about the bankruptcy bill.

WARREN: But senator, if you're not going to fix that problem, you can't take away the last shred of protection for these families.

BIDEN: OK, I get it. [pause] You're very good, professor.
Wow. What a smoking gun.

But you really didn't understand my post at all.