Hey, mainliner, what happened to that thread about picking a new world leader, in Talk N Toke?

Maybe I missed it? or did it get deleted or moved?

dont know?

this is the problem with helping your achive your goals ..... no one believes you :)

i know u keep saying " people dont need to believe me" ...... but they do george if there going to want to join your plans .

emporers have more power than kings buddy ...... maybe you need to change your title:)

think about
dont know?

this is the problem with helping your achive your goals ..... no one believes you :)

i know u keep saying " people dont need to believe me" ...... but they do george if there going to want to join your plans .

emporers have more power than kings buddy ...... maybe you need to change your title:)

think about

Any logical person should believe that My facts about Myself are true. But it takes a little FAITH to believe I am the Christ- the Life- the Maker- the Lord- the Savior- the Messiah- the King- the Chosen One-the Creator- the Prophet- etc..

It literally takes no FAITH to believe in all of My facts about Myself.

I personally believe it takes much more FAITH to believe in the Biblical Jesus, compared to believing in Myself. I am a fact of life, and Jesus is a supersticious, fallacious, supernatural, mythical, fairy tale.

But, no, I still believe that no one needs to believe I am the Christ, in order for Me to have My global online government: but enough people will have to KNOW what I believe. If enough people know about Me, and what I stand for, then My global online government can commence.

My government will be based off of My peoples votes, and My government will NOT be based upon My subjective beliefs. But, My novel Spirituality will be based off of Me, My beliefs, My facts, My teachings, My conjecture, My rhetoric, science, logic, reason, etc..

The thing is that My people in My global online government will NOT need to believe in Me or My Spirituality, in order to live in My Paradise, that I will create through My Word.

It would be nice if everyone believed I am a fact of life, but how are we going to reach everyone?

But, yes, the chosen people that believe in Me are My special children, but everyone has the potential to be a special, chosen child of the Creator. Anyone, including Atheists and Agnostics, have the potential for being a chosen Child of Christ- the Fact of life.

Does this make sense?

It literally takes no FAITH to believe in all of My facts about Myself.
we believe your name is george , u proved it :) but we fail to see the link to christ other than coincedence

id like to help with your global plans but subconciouly i dont think people have confidence in you ruling there world with there kids in it while your in and out of nut houses........get yourself better and off the meds and we'll think about it ok:)

your not mentally fit to rule the world george ...... lets be honest son and adult about it please .

good luck
But, My novel Spirituality will be based off of Me, My beliefs, My facts, My teachings, My conjecture, My rhetoric, science, logic, reason, etc..

Could you give us some excerpts of the sections in your novel covering science and logic? Thanks.

But, yes, the chosen people that believe in Me are My special children ...

Your 'special children'? Ok, Micheal Jackson. I'd come up with another name for your disciples, unless you want everyone to think you're a creep.
Could you give us some excerpts of the sections in your novel covering science and logic? Thanks.

Please read that link from the beginning to the end, and you will see plenty of science and logic. For the record, that is the link to My free online autobiography.

Your 'special children'? Ok, Micheal Jackson. I'd come up with another name for your disciples, unless you want everyone to think you're a creep.

Yes, I will call My followers, My "angels".

we believe your name is george , u proved it :) but we fail to see the link to christ other than coincedence

id like to help with your global plans but subconciouly i dont think people have confidence in you ruling there world with there kids in it while your in and out of nut houses........get yourself better and off the meds and we'll think about it ok:)

your not mentally fit to rule the world george ...... lets be honest son and adult about it please .

good luck

The last few times I went to the mental hospital, was to take a vacation.

And I am weaning down off of My medication right now.

Plus, My global online government would not be dictated by Me, My global online government would be dictated by all of the people of the world. So, My global online government would not be contingent upon Me, it would be contingent upon all of the worlds people.

The last few times I went to the mental hospital, was to take a vacation.

And I am weaning down off of My medication right now.

Plus, My global online government would not be dictated by Me, My global online government would be dictated by all of the people of the world. So, My global online government would not be contingent upon Me, it would be contingent upon all of the worlds people.


George I hope you aren't getting ready for another vacation. I'd reconsider stopping my meds, unless you are being tapered and moved to another (insert hopeful look here), by your psychiatrist.
George I hope you aren't getting ready for another vacation. I'd reconsider stopping my meds, unless you are being tapered and moved to another (insert hopeful look here), by your psychiatrist.

Yeah, I might not take a vacation to the mental hospital this winter.

Also, yes, I am getting slowly weaned off of My medication as perscribed by My psychaitrist.

How are you doing?

Mainliner, did you tell your grandfather that he might be able to cure his cancer with marijuana oil?


You know that you never did debunk Me, you actually helped to prove My point.

Its a fact that marijuana oil can cure (certain) cancers.

And you helped Me prove it, thanks ;-)

Yeah, I might not take a vacation to the mental hospital this winter.

Also, yes, I am getting slowly weaned off of My medication as perscribed by My psychaitrist.

How are you doing?


I'm doing good George thank you for asking. Just finished another harvest and starting to restock the big room. My Louis XIII and GSC just threw roots so I can transplant out of the cloner and my veggie seeds for the hubby who mined my perfect beds with Mulberry leaves (raw, non-mulched), are coming along nicely.

I've not managed my time as well as I could have and have overshot the light so there's trimming and cloning in my immediate future LOL so I can move them up to the big table or the stretch will raise my roof! HA

Hope you are keeping well. How's coming off the med's working for you? Are you moving to another? Anytime you can reduce meds with your doc's help is great.
Hope you are keeping well. How's coming off the med's working for you? Are you moving to another? Anytime you can reduce meds with your doc's help is great.

I am not "moving to another" medication.

The next time I see My psychiatrist, I am going to ask her to lower My dose, because I am doing so good, and I'm not even sure if I need medication at this point in My life.

Anyways, I am glad to hear that you're doing so good. I am doing just fine Myself.

So, instead of mainliner debunking "the Lords cure for cancer," mainliner proved My point that marijuana oil cures cancer.


Please read that link from the beginning to the end, and you will see plenty of science and logic. For the record, that is the link to My free online autobiography.


Come on, man. I asked for some science, not a link to 56 pages of the same stuff you post here. You expect people to want to follow you, but you don't make it easy.

If I had some irrefutable science to back up my grandiose claims, you better believe I'd be posting them in big bold letters, not pointing them to another forum with the same "I have a name above all others, OMG" noise.

Try harder.
So, instead of mainliner debunking "the Lords cure for cancer," mainliner proved My point that marijuana oil cures cancer.


Just the fact that you can say these sorts of things is pretty good evidence of a thought process gone askew. If anybody actually proved tht anything was a cure for cancer, it would have ramifications beyond this sorry thread.

But alas George, the world will little note or long remember what we say and do here. Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind.......
Come on, man. I asked for some science...

Try harder.

The following is My prophecies written down for you all to read. I know that this is a lot to read but its a lot of good information. The following is a copy and paste job so if you read it already then you don't need to read it again but its good stuff that I have prophesied on My own.

Not all of My prophecies for the future are original, like the mirrors in space around a star. I saw a youtube video, I believe, of that idea but it in the video they were saying that the aliens might use the mirrors in space to power their space ships. It was My idea to use the mirrors in space around our sun to grow bigger crops and to use it as a sort of climate control for the world. If there were enough mirrors in space around our sun then it would be real easy to make a colder climate warmer with increased sunlight.

My first big "prophecy" was blowing the world up with underground cities all around the planet. Underground cities are real, the government has some I believe, and it would be easy enough to implement with the proper tools. I came up with this "prophecy" in about 2008. I'm not adept at growing the world bigger with underground cities but its a cool notion. Once again, underground cities are not a new idea but blowing the whole world up with underground cites is a "prophecy" of Mine. Its very grandiose but how many more homes would that supply for the people of the world?

My next big "prophecy" that I came up with was underwater cities all across the globe. I was actually in prison when I first thought about this one. This happened in 2009. I was in prison for fighting with My dad and I saw on TV a picture of an oil rig or platform on the ocean. The camera than went under the water and it looked like there were little houses on the bottom of the ocean floor. I thought "what a wonderful idea to live underwater". That's the same day I saw the undulating clouds in the sky, you know, 1 of the 5 signs I saw in the clouds in 2009. Than I started to build on that idea and I thought it would be a wonderful notion to use clear hemp plastic to build these underwater cites. I would just grow as much hemp as possible to harvest the plastic from it to build more underwater cites. And later I thought that it would also be a good idea to grow hemp underwater too in order to produce more plastic for whatever. But you could virtually grow anything underwater with the proper equipment. And you know what they say, that 70% of the world is covered in water so how much virgin real estate is there underwater? Maybe there are underwater shelters or bases somewhere in the world, so this notion would also be considered not original.

I watched the following video with My brother in like 2009 or 2010, he showed Me the video but I thought how good of an idea would it be to build these pyramid cities all across the globe? If one of these can be build, than why not build a million of them? I couldn't find the rest of the video on youtube but this is the video that I did find about what I'm talking about. If I could find the rest of the video then I think it would say that 1 million people can live and work in the pyramid city.

city in pyramid

Later on I also thought of building cites floating on top of the ocean. How many mansions could you build that way too?

I also thought, later on, that if you can build cites underwater and you can build cities underground then why cant you build cities under the ocean floor? How much real estate could there be under the thousands of feet of rock under the ocean floor?

And I believe the last place I thought to build cites was in the mountains. Like using either tunnel boring machines or nuclear powered lasers to carve through the mountain rock.

Also, I'm sure when technology advances, we will live in space too. Maybe on the moon or mars or a space station or whatnot.

So as you can tell, I'm totally unoriginal but My heart is in the right spot. Maybe I'm not the best Prophet but I see Myself as a Prophet.

EDIT- I would also get rid of most batteries by using fuel cells and liquid hydrogen as a replacement. I would also get rid of fossil fuels by replacing most of it with nuclear power plants that convert ocean water into liquid hydrogen to fuel most any need. I would also build billions of SPACE JETS (its a term that I coined) that would fly through the air, fly through space and also soar underwater. But I don't see a way that I could do all these things unless I become the King of the world. And I doubt that will ever happen but maybe when I die, someone will recognize Me for Who I am; And I believe that I'm the Prophet of this Age.

I forgot to mention two other "prophecies" of Mine.

The first "prophecy" is collecting asteroids and comets from the asteroid belt to form new planets and moons to colonize. I would use big SPACE JETS in order to collect the asteroids and comets, and I would send up millions of SPACE JETS in order to expedite the job of forming new planets and moons to colonize. I'm sure someone somewhere has thought about collecting asteroids in order to make planets but I thought of it all by Myself, without any help. So I'm sure its not a prophecy to you but its a prophecy to Me.

Another "prophecy" of Mine is making ocean canals all across the globe, maybe every 100 miles or so. But I would use nuclear powered lasers to carve out the land into channels so that ocean water can flow. Why drive hours to the beach when you can bring the beach to you? (that's if you don't live on the coast). I think its a great idea that I came up with. But they can already build canals so to you I'm sure its not a novel prophecy to you but who do you know that thought of building a mile wide canal every 100 miles or so using nuclear powered lasers?

I've learned that whatever I say, I'm not going to convince you of anything, and other skeptics on here, but these are My prophecies. I'm sure every prophecy of Mine has been thought of by someone somewhere but they were My creations that I thought of on My own. I don't know what your definition of prophecy is to you but these are definitely prophecies for the future. Now the question you ask is whether they are original or not? Like I said, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of all these things but they came from Me without any help, basically they were novel to Me. I thought of these things on My own without any help. So I consider Myself the Prophet of this new Age.

So it depends on what your definition of original is. And it depends on your definition of prophecy. Like I said, they were original to Me and these are definitely prophetic. I'm predicting the future from ideas that were original to Me.

EDIT- I think I deserve some kind of credit for coming up with all these things on My own. Basically for all of My prophecies I went from a little idea to a much grander idea. Lets see what the definition of prophecy is.

[prof-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural proph·e·cies.
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.

something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.

a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.

the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.

Nowhere here does it say that a prophecy has to be original at all. Its simply a prediction of what is to come. So by definition, I'm a Prophet because I'm one that is foretelling the future. I guess all of My prophecies might have been thought of by someone somewhere at some point in time but they were all original to Me and I believe that's what matters.

EDIT- And how can I forget one of My most coolest prophecies? The ONLINE GOVERNMENT! This idea was original to Me too back in 2009 when I was in a state hospital (after I got out of prison) for 5 months. I was in the hospital and I was thinking "If I'm going to be the King of the world, how would I rule My government?" And then I thought of the ONLINE GOVERNMENT where the people can do all the voting by their self on the internet. This would give all the power to the people besides the checks and balances. Candidly, you could vote on all of the laws from your laptop, tablet, smart phone or any device that you are connected to the internet. Once again, I'm sure someone somewhere has thought of this but it was novel to Me and its another prophecy of Mine!

I saw a video somewhere, maybe it was youtube, that said that the aliens were using mirrors in the sky, around a star, to power their space ships.

I was thinking how good of an idea that would be to change the climate of colder regions of the world into tropical paradises or even just warmer. And using mirrors in the sky would be great for growing bigger crops for farms and whatnot.

If you need more light than just put mirrors in space, around a star, and direct it to where its needed. I'm sure it would be relatively cheap too to operate because once the mirrors are in space around a star then little energy would be needed to move the mirrors once they're floating in space.

Its just a thought, and I'm sure there could be many more uses for the mirrors in space besides what I have said.

I would actually take the orbits out of the planets and just have them rotate in place if its possible. You would be able to fit way more planets around a star if you just had them spin in place. The only challenge is controlling the seasons. But if you had giant nuclear powered rockets to move them back and forth, for the seasons, than it could be done. I'm sure you could fit hundreds of planets and moons around a star this way.

If it could be done, I think it would be a great idea. I just have never heard of this from anyone besides Myself so I don't know if its doable.

(to be continued.)

Come on, man. I asked for some science, not a link to 56 pages of the same stuff you post here. You expect people to want to follow you, but you don't make it easy.

If I had some irrefutable science to back up my grandiose claims, you better believe I'd be posting them in big bold letters, not pointing them to another forum with the same "I have a name above all others, OMG" noise.

Try harder.


I also have a plan to turn any desert into a paradise. This is what I would do.

I would use My SOLAR LASER to carve out ocean canals across all of the continents, including the desert. So there would be an ocean channel every hundred miles or so. The ocean canals would be a source of salt water. I would then build the biggest distilleries the world has ever seen to convert the salt water into fresh water. These said distilleries could supply all of the worlds fresh water needs, and these could be implemented all across the globe too. Next I would turn as much sand into Rockwool, as needed. I would make the Rockwool "mats" about 100 feet high, or more and as large as possible, but it still would need to be put into place. I'm thinking the Rockwool "mats" could be the size of a football field or bigger and 100 feet thick.

These Rockwool "mats" could cover any desert and provide a perfect growing medium for any plant that I can think of. So its the combination of the SOLAR LASER to cut the ocean canals, the distilleries to convert the ocean water into fresh water and the Rockwool "mats" for the growing medium, to provide the perfect habitat for just about any plant. Then all you would need is organic fertilizer to feed the plants.

But whos to say that the Rockwool mats have to only be 100 feet tall? They could possibly be 1,000 feet tall if you really wanted to go overboard.

I would also use Rockwool mats to grow underground too. They could be maybe 10 feet tall, more or less for the underground but it still would be growing organic hydroponics underground to feed the world too. I think that if we did these things then there would be enough food to feed over 1 trillion people. But who knows, it could feed more people then that. All I know is that there is plenty of space to grow food and thanks to hydroponics, you can grow virtually anywhere.

These are just some of the prophecies that I have. Candidly, My goal is to create a paradise for the world where there is no shortage of necessities. I'm sure that once the world wakes up from its stupor that these things will become a reality!

EDIT- You could build thousands of floors of farms underneath the Rockwool farms on top. I would use nuclear fusion power plants to bring the energy to the underground farms where artificial light is needed!

MYT engine 1

MYT engine 2

MYT engine 3

I would also grow lots of HEMP in these farms too. The hemp seed gives a lot of oil to make biodiesel too. I would grow enough hemp in these said farms to make hemp biodiesel almost free; at most maybe 10 cents a gallon for premium hemp biodiesel. Plus these MYT engines can get around 150 miles per gallon off of biodiesel so you could basically have free fuel for transportation.

The hemp seed also contains lots of protein that's good for people to consume. It could definitely supplement any persons diet that wants a quality protein source. I'm sure you could even bake with it and integrate it into most foods. I know now that there are hemp protein shakes for body builders to consume.

If we grew as much hemp that I want to then there would also be enough fiber to turn into clothes that could dress the world. The hemp would be so abundant that clothes would virtually be free too. Everyone would have a wardrobe fit for a king or queen because it would be so cheap, if not free. Hemp makes very soft and durable clothes too.

I would also grow the hemp to make clear plastics to build My UNDERWATER CITIES too. But not only could the clear hemp plastic be made to build homes, it could also be used any place that regular plastic is used today, where there are million of applications for plastic.

In regards to using SOLAR LASERS to build ocean canals all across the continents, I wouldn't mess with the fresh water supplies like lakes, rivers or streams. I would simply channel the ocean canals underneath the said lakes, rivers or streams so that we don't mess up the natural habitat. This would be easy enough to do with the proper equipment.

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira. George means Farmer. My whole Name, George Manuel Oliveira means Farmer God is with us, OLIVE TREE! Go look up Revelation 3:12 and Romans 11:16-26. In Revelation 3:12 Jesus says "And I will write on him My NEW NAME!" And in Romans 11:16-26 It talks many times about the OLIVE TREE! If you don't believe Me then go look it up yourself.

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Thanks for the effort, George.

I read through these posts, but your prophecies aren't substantiated with scientific merit. They're novel ideas, but casually throwing in a statement like "I'll use nuclear fusion to power.." doesn't fly with me, unfortunately.

Your ideas need to be workable, at least on some level. For example, giant mirrors reflecting the sun is an idea, but on what scale do these mirrors need to be? How are they deployed? How are they maintained? At what cost? As a cannabis grower, you're aware that sunlight is only one of several key ingredients needed to sustain certain plant life. What effects would heating up colder parts of the planet have on surrounding ecosystems? Slight climate variations can have a massive and far-reaching impact.

What's stopping you from making another 'scientific prophecy' like "we'll be able to leave our solar system and travel great distances if we use cryogenics to freeze ourselves." Where is the test data for freezing and resuscitating humans in deep space after several hundred light years have elapsed? The leap from your prophecy to reality is too far for me to take, simply because you don't have any data to support the feasibility of your projects.
Come on, man. I asked for some science, not a link to 56 pages of the same stuff you post here. You expect people to want to follow you, but you don't make it easy.

If I had some irrefutable science to back up my grandiose claims, you better believe I'd be posting them in big bold letters, not pointing them to another forum with the same "I have a name above all others, OMG" noise.

Try harder.

I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Crazy talk LOL

More CRAZY ideas I think are CRAZY COOL!

Just some random thoughts I've been thinking of

(These are more of My prophecies.)
