Well-Known Member
Nobody understands aliens!
Thanks for the effort, George.
I read through these posts, but your prophecies aren't substantiated with scientific merit.
They're novel ideas, but casually throwing in a statement like "I'll use nuclear fusion to power.." doesn't fly with me, unfortunately.
Your ideas need to be workable, at least on some level.
For example, giant mirrors reflecting the sun is an idea, but on what scale do these mirrors need to be?
How are they deployed?
How are they maintained?
At what cost?
As a cannabis grower, you're aware that sunlight is only one of several key ingredients needed to sustain certain plant life.
What effects would heating up colder parts of the planet have on surrounding ecosystems? Slight climate variations can have a massive and far-reaching impact.
What's stopping you from making another 'scientific prophecy' like "we'll be able to leave our solar system and travel great distances if we use cryogenics to freeze ourselves."
Where is the test data for freezing and resuscitating humans in deep space after several hundred light years have elapsed?
The leap from your prophecy to reality is too far for me to take, simply because you don't have any data to support the feasibility of your projects.
Nobody understands aliens!
As are all the other military industrial contractors up here by me, just sell your soul and come live the good life up here in the Mojave! LOLIt looks like Lockheed Martin is hiring! http://search.lockheedmartinjobs.com/ShowJob/Id/21363/Cyber-Intel-Analyst-Sr-DISA-Command-Center/
Nobody understands aliens
George is incomprehensible
While both of these might be true, it does not follow that 'therefore George is an alien'.
Learn some logic George, it might help fight delusional thought.
Nobody understands aliens
George is incomprehensible
While both of these might be true, it does not follow that 'therefore George is an alien'.
Learn some logic George, it might help fight delusional thought.
It is rather obvious you are some form of extra terrestrial.
What is it that you want from us here on Earth? Why are you here? When are you leaving?
dont talk fucking stupidMainliner, are you going to try and cure your grandfather with cancer with the marijuana oil?
dont talk fucking stupid
when it reachs headline new's then i'll believe it ......... abit like OMG THE KING OF OLIVE'S ..coooooooooooooooooooooooorect![]()
This might be a dumb question: but when is mainstream science going to cure peoples cancer with marijuana oil?
Probably when marijuana oil is proven to cure cancer beyond a small sample of test cases.
The thing is that big pharma has a monopoly on the information that the doctors can see.
Big pharma cannot patent (marijuana) plants, so they don't want a natural remedy to cure for anything, because their profits will go down.
Its sad really.
It isn't that sad because it isn't true. There are countless homeopathic pharmaceutical companies bottling, packaging, and selling natural remedies.
I would suggest that the reason cannabis oil isn't being packaged up as a cure to cancer is because cannabis oil hasn't been proven to cure cancer in enough test cases.
Plant-based diets have been attributed to curing cancer in some cases, but clearly in too few for it to be considered a legitimate remedy.
Some of My prophecies have scientific merit, and some of My prophecies are too novel for there to be scientific merit, YET, but all of My prophecies will be plausible in the future, when science catches up to Me. Some of My prophecies could be built, created, inplemented, commence very soon.
For example, one of My prophecies is to intergrate fuel cells into gadgets, and the fuel would be liquid hydrogen, so you could fill up on liquid hydrogen, and your gadget would be able to operate for many days (or weeks) without charging your gadget from electricity. This could be implemented any day now, because the science is available for this technology.
Another example of one of My prophecies that could commence any time soon is flash heating your cold water into hot or boiling water from your sink. So the plumbing of the future will change, because you won't need a hot water pipe anymore, or a hot water heater. A cold water pipe could bring cold water to the sink, and the sink would flash heat the water via a heating element, and it would turn the cold water into hot or boiling water.
I have a prophecy that many vehicles will run off of the myt engine. The myt engine is an engine that can run off of biodiesel, and it can get 150 miles per gallon. The myt engine is already a working engine, and as soon as they start to mass produce these engines, My prophecy will be fulfilled: but the oil companies don't want people to get 150 miles per gallon, so we might not see the myt engine until politics change.
My prophecy for a global online government could happen any time too, but the people with the power want to keep the power, so the people would have to demand for My global online government, or it will never see the light of day.
My prophecy for global underground cities could begin any time. We have the technology for (thermal nuclear) tunnel boring machines, so we would just need to build millions of tunnel boring machines, and then we can have all of the underground mansions that we want.
TBM/Tunneling Video
Another one of My prophecies is building homes out of clear hemp plastic, especially UNDERWATER CLEAR HEMP PLASTIC CITIES! Its a fact that hemp plastic is 10 times stronger than steel, and 12 times lighter than steel. I would literally replace all oil-made plastics with hemp plastics. Once I become the King of the world, I will legalize hemp and marijuana, so we can cure people of cancer, and save trillions of dollars, etc..
HEMP Bio-DeGradable Plastics - End World Pollution 4EVER !!!
I could go on and on about how My prophecies have scientific merit (that most people don't know about), but My point is that all of My prophecies are plausible (if not inevitable) in the future.
Michio Kaku: Fusion Really Is 20 Years Away
I don't have the tools, resources, power, money, influence, etc., to make My grandiose plans happen over night. The best thing I can do is advocate for My beliefs, and I hope I can reach the right people that can help Me, or at least help advocate for Me.
As I said, all of My prophecies are plausible with enough time. If I was the King of the world, I would get working on all of My prophecies. But I am not the King of the world right now, so all I can do is advocate for My beliefs.
But, most of My prophecies are workable for the government.
It depends on what you plan on doing with My SOLAR LASERS. I don't know exactly what scale they would have to be, but I would imagine if we harvested even 10% of the suns output, we could do just about anything we wanted to do.
The SOLAR LASERS could be deployed via many SPACE JETS. The SPACE JETS could bring maybe a ton of super thin, folded mirrors into space. The SPACE JETS can also be powered via nuclear fusion, so they would have ample power to lift heavy loads.
New Fusion Engine Gets to Mars in 30 Days
They really wouldn't need to be maintained, because they would be floating in outer space- a vaccuum. But, My SOLAR LASERS might need to move, so they can have small rocket thrusters powered by maybe liquid hydrogen. But, we will be able to rocket to these SOLAR LASERS from our SPACE JETS to work on them, if needed.
Good question, and I don't know. But I do know that it will be worth it.
I know all about growing.
I am not exactly sure, but I believe the earth has gone through many cycles of global warming and global cooling. If a species of amimal cannot adapt, they die. I would rather live in planet that is a little warmer, compared to a colder planet.
But, if the ice caps melted, I would send thousands of cupic miles of ocean water to the moon and Mars, so the continents wouldn't flood. I would create huge towers, and sling the ocean water on to the moon, Mars, or wherever.
That can be your prophecy, because I don't know too much about cryogenics. But, I do hope that we will adopt alien technology, and do what the aliens do.
I have not studied this, so your guess is as good as Mine.
Maybe this rebuttal just gave you "the leap from My prophecy to reality"?
You can do your own research, I am only the (suggestion) Maker. I hope that these videos helped you.