The Mailman Made Fun Of Me Yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I was really really stoned (Been sober for a month and I smoked myself retarded yesterday) when I was riding a bicycle (Went to pick up a bag) on the way home, I got lost on the gay side of town. I stopped in a subway, to ask directions, and I (By luck) ran into a mailman. I asked him directions, but was so stoned I wasn't really listening. He says "You got it now?" I said yeah, took a step away, and turned around and said "No...." After he explained it to me about 5 times, I finally understood so this asshole gave me a round of applause. You could tell he KNEW I was baked. The worst part is, the directions ended up being 'go down that road, and it will take you right there.'


Well-Known Member
lmfao gooooood shit.... I wish I had more shit to ikeep me busy in my life, then I'd take a week off and do what you just


Active Member
Sounds like you deserved it lol
Shite..... never asked directions when baked....... actually never ask questions lol


Well-Known Member
Why is he an asshole? He gave you a applause and direction's. I would have just said thanks, but no autgraphs please. I wish I could be sober for a month.


Well-Known Member
I've had similar events when I go into walmart after smoking a hash powder infused joint of chitowns sour kush...

I saw an old buddy I hadn't seen in years..forgot his name and just called him buddy the whole time instead of his real name... I could tell by the look on his face that he forgot my name as well... stoner moment.


Well-Known Member
I know I deserved it. I was mega baked, that entire ride home was awkward, because I jut had the biggest stupidest grin on my face the entire way.

Being sober for a month is easy when you don't have bud. Now that I think about it, I should of took a bow.


Well-Known Member
I know I deserved it. I was mega baked, that entire ride home was awkward, because I jut had the biggest stupidest grin on my face the entire way.

Being sober for a month is easy when you don't have bud. Now that I think about it, I should of took a bow.
yeah it's pretty much impossible for me to run out of weed so it's all about will power if I want to take a tolerance break...

though I recently discovered mixing strains gets you WAY higher than just smoking a strain by itself.....


Active Member
funny story man
I've had to give directions while completely stoned and holy shit how that ever turned out bad...
I'm pretty sure I changed the directions about 3 or 4 times.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I was walking down the street with a friend, frying straight balls on some needlepoint.. mid day... all the sudden some cyclist stops, and asks where something is, and exactly where they are now :lol:

It felt like.. POP QUIZ: Where are you currently located as related to another geographic location?! 10 seconds! She will know somethings up! IN 9....8....7......6.....5......

:lol: just fryin balls, I passed my pop quiz with an A+ though :lol:


Well-Known Member
why havent you been gettin baked?
Moved to a new side of town, and haven't had any extra cash, can't grow. I love talking to people baked. It's always halarious.

Another story from yesterday, I was grinning from ear to ear, and a lady with 2 teeth in her mouth saw me and said I had the most beautiful smile. I looked at her and absent-mindedly said 'you too' I immediately felt awkward as hell, wondering how she took that one. Lmao