The naked chick avatars

what do you think of sexual avatars?

  • clean it up.

    Votes: 100 44.6%
  • i degrade women and like it.

    Votes: 124 55.4%

  • Total voters
"you dont want us to know anything about you, you are extremely lazy or you just dont give a shit"

nice try. :roll:
thats not an attack at all
it was a simple description of a way he might feel
i was listing several options that have popped in my brain


the naked female form is one of the most beautiful things on the planet and if you choose NOT to look at one then YOU are the one with the problem
not even in a perverted way, i seriously think everything about a well crafted-by-god woman is amazing and i can stare at a beautiful girl like she was a work of art not think of anything sexual
thats not an attack at all
it was a simple description of a way he might feel
i was listing several options that have popped in my brain


the naked female form is one of the most beautiful things on the planet and if you choose NOT to look at one then YOU are the one with the problem
not even in a perverted way, i seriously think everything about a well crafted-by-god woman is amazing and i can stare at a beautiful girl like she was a work of art not think of anything sexual

so you don't feel that comment would need to be defended by the person you posted it about? if someone has to defend something you say about them then it is a personal attack. in my opinion.
thats not an attack at all
it was a simple description of a way he might feel
i was listing several options that have popped in my brain


the naked female form is one of the most beautiful things on the planet and if you choose NOT to look at one then YOU are the one with the problem
not even in a perverted way, i seriously think everything about a well crafted-by-god woman is amazing and i can stare at a beautiful girl like she was a work of art not think of anything sexual

how 'bout a naked female with a plastic doll crawling out of her coochy? :confused:
how 'bout a naked female with a plastic doll crawling out of her coochy? :confused:
see? i said i can look at the female form allday
not the female form with a plastic doll crawling out of its choochy
now i would choose not tolook and if someone had it as an avatar then whatever more power to them
if we allowed them to put a plastic doll crawling out of a coochy then that would make this site more american than america
hooray.. Rollitup has become Communist Russia! ha. The courts have said that people have a freedom of speech on the internet, which is why marijuana growing forums (which are used for educational purposes) are allowed to exist. Banning "porno" pictures is taking away from people's freedom of expression to put up a picture of an 90lbs white girl getting destroyed by a 300lbs black man. Allow people their freedoms of choice.

"And what's the point in having internet if your not going to use it to look at dirty and disgusting sex your never gonna have yourself" - Clerks II
i would say the majority of the site is americans and not that it is FOR americans but more easily catered for americans also that there are threads for marijuana reform but largely in the rest of the world its either decriminalized or legal
hooray.. Rollitup has become Communist Russia! ha. The courts have said that people have a freedom of speech on the internet, which is why marijuana growing forums (which are used for educational purposes) are allowed to exist. Banning "porno" pictures is taking away from people's freedom of expression to put up a picture of an 90lbs white girl getting destroyed by a 300lbs black man. Allow people their freedoms of choice.

"And what's the point in having internet if your not going to use it to look at dirty and disgusting sex your never gonna have yourself" - Clerks II

Preach to the mother fucking choir my brother!
Do communists use polls?! I was unaware...

That quote from clerks is directed to a complete loser who will NEVER get laid... Do you wanna be like him? Ditch the porn, go find the real thing... It's much better.

This site caters to POT GROWERS... That can be anyone dude
now the polls at 50/50 percent.....Given the alternative of not seeing any nudity, Mam I'm sorry to tell you I've been told I have to degrade you and like it.....Now show me your Tits....LOL:)
Do communists use polls?! I was unaware...

That quote from clerks is directed to a complete loser who will NEVER get laid... Do you wanna be like him? Ditch the porn, go find the real thing... It's much better.

This site caters to POT GROWERS... That can be anyone dude

i would say the majority of the site is americans and not that it is FOR americans but more easily catered for americans also that there are threads for marijuana reform but largely in the rest of the world its either decriminalized or legal

hooray.. Rollitup has become Communist Russia! ha. The courts have said that people have a freedom of speech on the internet, which is why marijuana growing forums (which are used for educational purposes) are allowed to exist. Banning "porno" pictures is taking away from people's freedom of expression to put up a picture of an 90lbs white girl getting destroyed by a 300lbs black man. Allow people their freedoms of choice.

"And what's the point in having internet if your not going to use it to look at dirty and disgusting sex your never gonna have yourself" - Clerks II

i degrade women and like it. Bwaha.

I love seeing some ''PINK" every once and awhile..

GO ON A FUCKIN PORN FORUM THEN!! Or stay here and actually plant some seeds!! wait, you would not want your mommy to find them. so go to the porn forum then!
Glad you brought this up

Do you all think its a little strange how people can watch movies like 'Hostile' and every other movie and television show that depicts gruesome violence and the vivid execution of human beings in 100s of different ways

Yet they get all uptight and weird when it comes to seeing naked people and sexual pictures?

Is it me or does that seem like a sort of strange and unique mindset...

I dont know about you all but I'd much rather watch a movie or television show with two people(or more!) naked and having sex in it then one where people are having their heads, arms, and legs chopped off for the viewers pleasure(?)

Anyway, the nude women avatars dont offend me. Nudity and sex never has offended me. Chainsaws hacking up flesh offends me, children killing people in movies like little out of control psychopaths offends me....not nude women

Guess I'm just a 'strange' dude LOL