The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

We are letting Samsung produce these boards as our line stays running 2 shifts 5 days a week now. Adding capacity is not just a flip of a switch unfortunately. Lead time on another pick and place is about 20 weeks minimum. Samsung's quality control is second to none in my opinion so I have no problem letting them be produced in S.Korea. We are still running thousands of QB 288 Rspecs per month plus all our other offerings. I was gonna pull the trigger on another line but until I see how this whole global pandemic plays out I am not spending that big just yet.

My biggest priority is keeping my current employees busy and paid no matter how things turn out. Spending a million on expansion right now would not leave me tons to pay my employees if things go from bad to way worse. I have a couple of immune compromised employees at home with full pay. I will do that for any of our great employees.

We will invest and grow more when the situation permits it.
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We are letting Samsung produce these boards as our line stays running 2 shifts 5 days a week now. Adding capacity is not just a flip of a switch unfortunately. Lead time on another pick and place is about 20 weeks minimum. Samsung's quality control is second to none in my opinion so I have no problem letting them be produced in S.Korea. We are still running thousands of QB 288 Rspecs per month plus all our other offerings. I was gonna pull the trigger on another line but until I see how this whole global pandemic plays out I am not spending that big just yet.

My biggest priority is keeping my current employees busy and paid no matter how things turn out. Spending a million on expansion right now would not leave me tons to pay my employees if things go from bad to way worse. I have a couple of immune compromised employees at home with full pay. I will do that for any of our great employees.

We will invest and grow more when the situation permits it.
Will the "Spectrum Snob" board be based on the 288 or 648 platform?
I notice the new 648s are not "R-Spec" labeled, does this mean there will be no 648s coming with blues instead of reds?

Also, im wondering if the B-Spec and R-Spec boards can be mixed on a heat sync being ran on the same driver?
They can be ran together on the same constant current driver wired in series.

The two different boards should not be wired in parallel on the same driver due to different forward voltages.
Both are 54v max?
A cv/cc driver doesnt seem like a bad idea, but maybe im missing something
You're right about that. Both pages say max. 3000mA @ 54VDC.

Maybe the difference in voltages is less than 1 volt.

Regardless, this is the answer I have seen HLG give when asked about running the two different boards on one driver.
You're right about that. Both pages say max. 3000mA @ 54VDC.

Maybe the difference in voltages is less than 1 volt.

Regardless, this is the answer I have seen HLG give when asked about running the two different boards on one driver.
I gotcha. Just dont see the difference between series or parallel wiring making up for any voltage or current differences. Maybe someone will offer a decent explanation.
Edit: Personally i wouldnt mix different boards or cobs, but i am just curious how series wiring is safer
I use 3 complete HLG 320XL kits in my 5x5, making 9 qb288 panels. not all at full power, dimmed down but makes a hell of a spread.

I have 6 of the 320 XLs, id have 3 with 2 Reds and a Blue, The other 3 lights would have 2 blues and a red.

The reason I want to mix R-Spec and B-spec is to adjust the spectrum from veg to flower by switching the lights.
I use 3 complete HLG 320XL kits in my 5x5, making 9 qb288 panels. not all at full power, dimmed down but makes a hell of a spread.

I have 6 of the 320 XLs, id have 3 with 2 Reds and a Blue, The other 3 lights would have 2 blues and a red.

The reason I want to mix R-Spec and B-spec is to adjust the spectrum from veg to flower by switching the lights.
You oughtta chime in with this info on Byorn54's thread
Both are 54v max?
A cv/cc driver doesnt seem like a bad idea, but maybe im missing something
You're right about that. Both pages say max. 3000mA @ 54VDC.

Maybe the difference in voltages is less than 1 volt.

Regardless, this is the answer I have seen HLG give when asked about running the two different boards on one driver.

Both are around the same voltage but are in fact different at any given current. One should only run the 2 different board types in series on a constant current driver. The problem would be if there is indeed 1VF difference, the lower voltage board would be a current hog. So the current on the lower voltage board would go up while the current on the higher voltage board would go down until they had the same VF. Increasing current across an led increases its VF. The Sky blue led has a nominal VF of 2.7 at 350ma vs the deep red has a nominal VF of 2.1 at 350ma. Doesn't seem like much but I would think it would make a rather large difference in wattage between the 2.

Also to consider is the lower voltage board will therefore run hotter vs the higher voltage board. This leads to thermal droop which means the VF also goes down as temps go up. An out of control situation like this is called thermal runaway.
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Thank you @Stephenj37826 I was hoping the answer was you were working on a board with wider spaced diodes, phosphor red, uv.... but there is nothing to say that you arent? But stay a float, can't be in the game if you are broke.

Will samsung incorporate your sphere data, specifically their minimal 80 cri rating, being these boards seem to perform well above that. Was the 650 the only one with sphere testing? Seems to me the individual boards should have the same info available to consumers. You saying the boards perform at xyz is good but imo if samsung backs your info that lends credence to the numbers.
Thank you @Stephenj37826 I was hoping the answer was you were working on a board with wider spaced diodes, phosphor red, uv.... but there is nothing to say that you arent? But stay a float, can't be in the game if you are broke.

Will samsung incorporate your sphere data, specifically their minimal 80 cri rating, being these boards seem to perform well above that. Was the 650 the only one with sphere testing? Seems to me the individual boards should have the same info available to consumers. You saying the boards perform at xyz is good but imo if samsung backs your info that lends credence to the numbers.

Let me check we should be posting a link to the Samsung datasheet soon.