The nitrous oxide is on its way...

Ummm, Well, I was very much so disconnected from reality. Thank goodness a Shamanic Peyote Ritual reconnected me.... I was having alot of Deja Vu, like reality was just a reel of situations going over and over again and I was familiar with what was happening around me already... Hard to explain. But after the ritual it all stopped. I was reconnected again or so to speak. No great mystery.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Ummm, Well, I was very much so disconnected from reality. Thank goodness a Shamanic Peyote Ritual reconnected me.... I was having alot of Deja Vu, like reality was just a reel of situations going over and over again and I was familiar with what was happening around me already... Hard to explain. But after the ritual it all stopped. I was reconnected again or so to speak. No great mystery.
I feel more connected to reality now than before, and I am still a believer that it's all deja vu.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Questions? Where'd questions come from? :cuss:
I'm asking a question with no answer when I ask if the deja vu theme of the meaning of the universe and life is a question or an answer. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a question and an anwer. Jeopardy up in this bitch, lol. But really in all seriousness.