The NOT 12/12 Flowering Light Cycle


Active Member
So while searching the net for possible damage I have done to my plant by having a broken timer for a few days (5 weeks into flower, 48 hours at least constant light)

I came across this by Ed Rosenthal which makes an interesting point. Plants do not need to be "12/12" in order to flower. They don't do that in nature, yet we all treat it as gospel for our indoor grows.

If a plant was on a 14/8 light cycle, when in flower, it receives 17% more light, which should mean bigger yields.

Anyone ever put this theory into practice?

The extract is here of anyone wants a source:


Well-Known Member
Yea I've done 6-16hrs per day. For laughs and giggles...
Going below 11hrs reduced yield and airy buds evident while not finishing noticeably 11 ~5% shorter flower time(than 12\12) and still quality..below 8 hairs receded, buds stopped developing. At 16 some of my plants flowered and some didn't, the quality seemed to suffer above 14. Perhaps has something to do with light saturation the volatility of terpenes etc. At 13-14 flower times are extended ~5%, more like 6, just like shortening the flower time but whatever..buds are slightly bigger than normal and perfectly healthy..

Growing lanrace Sativa's....

anyway, my little ¢


Well-Known Member
By the way
I don't use timers. My plants get anywhere from 10-14 usually on any given day ...i normally really dont care too much...depending when I get around to rotating the crop..I have fucked up plenty of times and left plants in the dark or the light for a full day or 2.. I can grow many more plants than normal by having some get an extra day of dark, almost like having 3-4 rotations per light...anyway just throwing that out there..definitely wouldn't suggest that to you, Lotta work


Well-Known Member
The idea that blue LED lighting might add yield but not affect the flowering response is fascinating stuff-


Well-Known Member
Idk about that. But CFLs always gave me the best quality, even having a 42 next to a lower nug shows a definite difference..frost, smell etc
Mh burns out too quick and doesn't do what CFLs do, idk maybe its the extra small amout of UV.. I prefer to veg and flower under hps, I usually also let some light bleaching take place and really get some gorgeous chunky nugs off the hps, the mh makes it more leafy also
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