The not nudity, nudity thread


Pickle Queen
thats what i was thinkin.....thats the best they could get for their ad? looks like she crawled out of a trailer park...
LMFAO dude the teen girl bee skirt combined with her lack of makeup or hair style totaly screams trailer park trash lol


Pickle Queen
She's a solid 4 on my scale-
The chick on Riff Raff's counter would be an 7.5 or 8 in my book
Whats with ur obsession with nasty lookin chicks, honestly Beardo V nasty and the rest of the "womens" videos u post are pretty nasty women, I'd rather look pretty and soft over slutty and "bad" as they call it lol Sorry but i just don't get their look or attitudes, these are prime exemples of women i never associate with because they act like 15 yr old male thugs, ladies should be classy not trashy ;)


Pickle Queen
I was thinking the same thing about her boobs! they are weiirrdd.
Damn mine don't even do that when i lay down guess she's spent alot of extra time laying on her back to achieve that effect !!!!

Hey when u gonna post a pic???? hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Whats with ur obsession with nasty lookin chicks, honestly Beardo V nasty and the rest of the "womens" videos u post are pretty nasty women, I'd rather look pretty and soft over slutty and "bad" as they call it lol Sorry but i just don't get their look or attitudes, these are prime exemples of women i never associate with because they act like 15 yr old male thugs, ladies should be classy not trashy ;)
I like lesbians...
And I like getto chicks...
And I like trashy broads with tattoos and peircings that look used and dirty and like they smell and might have a disease- Like Brody Dhall
but V-Nasty is classy to the fullest.


Well-Known Member
Whats with ur obsession with nasty lookin chicks, honestly Beardo V nasty and the rest of the "womens" videos u post are pretty nasty women, I'd rather look pretty and soft over slutty and "bad" as they call it lol Sorry but i just don't get their look or attitudes, these are prime exemples of women i never associate with because they act like 15 yr old male thugs, ladies should be classy not trashy ;)
you're starting to sound like me, crumpet.


Well-Known Member
i like lesbians...
And i like getto chicks...
And i like trashy broads with tattoos and peircings that look used and dirty and like they smell and might have a disease- like brody dhall
but v-nasty is classy to the fullest.
beardo just likes any and all pussy........