The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

it should say on your bottles...

but it starts as low as 8ml per gallon and goes as high as 13ml per gallon depending on what stage of life your plant is in and how aggressive you want to feed.

use the coco A and coco B in equal amounts... and add them one at a time to your water.
Hi new to this forum and new to growing , this is my first post, I'm using canna a+b and cannazime , but what I've found is that when I add the a and b to my water 40ml per 10 litres ( I mix 60 litres so 240ml) I get a ppm reading of 2200,
Is this right ?
That's 240ml of each,
Hi new to this forum and new to growing , this is my first post, I'm using canna a+b and cannazime , but what I've found is that when I add the a and b to my water 40ml per 10 litres ( I mix 60 litres so 240ml) I get a ppm reading of 2200,
Is this right ?
That's 240ml of each,
Im confused but how much water are you using and are you in veg or flower?
I want to try coco for the first time and try to keep it simple. I will use canna a/b throught veg and flower, can I use canna mono calcium and magnesium in coco? Also anything else beside pk13/14 that I need?
Has anyone tried the new canna brick coco coir? I was using slabs and readygro moisture for a long time but recently gave this a shot. Its 11$ for 40 liters. Expands super fast right in the bag and is just as quality as any popular loose bag brand. Saves me a ton of cash. And just like Canna bag coir its prebuffered. Transplants dont miss anything. I do add a little calcium magnesium supplement on top of my tap water when wetting the stuff. But just a little. Its good stuff and will save you cash whether you reuse coir or not.
Add aprox. 200 ppm of mainly cal-mag before adding your nutes... The only exception would be if your tap water already has the needed cal mag.... Coco commonly has mag issues, and a steady/consistent calcium supply is essential for quality/yield.. consistency is key with calcium.
Jberry it's a pleasure to finally see you back on. You are the reason I went Canna Coco. Love the Coco! Thank you for making this thread and patiently taking the time help others.
With that my question is that my tap water has a TDS of exactly 200. It never changes and stays consistent with any meter I use. I use all Oakton meters now by the way. I've been adding Botanicare cal/mag at 3ml a gallon since the beginning and I've noticed that once I hit week 5 in flower that my cal/mag consumption goes up. Is this normal?? I've been thinking about going a little higher from the beginning but things seem to be perfect. What's your thoughts on this. I'd love to hear.
Well im using canna for the first time, noob grower, following the calculated grow guide, and so far it seems to be working a treat, my girls are now 17 days old from seedling, and they seem to be doing really well, well i hope they are lol


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The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread.

Hello Canna lovers and haters, just wanted to start this thread so everyone that has or needs information on Canna Coco, Nutrients, or Additives, has a place to share info and ask questions.

I feel that I personally will be able to answer a lot of your questions regarding Canna's Coco Line and Cocoponics in general, and hopefully we will get some other pro's on here to help me where I can't, and with some of the other lines of nutrients made by Canna.

If you hate Canna, thats okay too... I'm interested in hearing why?

A great thread on growing in coco already exists on RIU so I would like to keep this one Canna specific.

Let's get started...
i've been doing quite a bit of reading on canna products after seeing so many positive comments and pics of lush beautiful green plants, and i want that for my grows. I want ppl to look at my work in awe of the perfection it is. As of right now my grows are sub par at best, i'm never qwik to post pics of my work because i know i can do better. I have slowly but surely upgraded my grow set up and the only thing i'm still cheaping on is my nutes. I am using biothrive and a few other gen organic products. Dont get me wrong, my plants are not horrid, i know it could be worse, ive seen it 1st hand in noobie central. I just want to improve a good thing is wat i'm trying to say.
I see the price of canna products are steep, but i guess you get wat you pay for, huh? I suppose since you dont have to buy bloom/veg specific nutes, you save there so idk, maybe its not so expensive when you factor that in.
I'm wondering, since im on a budget, are all the products on the canna feed schedule necessary, or could i get by with jst the coco a+b?
I have bioroot to replace the rhizotonic i believe its called, and i can get the boost at a later time...
Are they all equally important or can i get by with cutting anything out?
Thanks all
i've been doing quite a bit of reading on canna products after seeing so many positive comments and pics of lush beautiful green plants, and i want that for my grows. I want ppl to look at my work in awe of the perfection it is. As of right now my grows are sub par at best, i'm never qwik to post pics of my work because i know i can do better. I have slowly but surely upgraded my grow set up and the only thing i'm still cheaping on is my nutes. I am using biothrive and a few other gen organic products. Dont get me wrong, my plants are not horrid, i know it could be worse, ive seen it 1st hand in noobie central. I just want to improve a good thing is wat i'm trying to say.
I see the price of canna products are steep, but i guess you get wat you pay for, huh? I suppose since you dont have to buy bloom/veg specific nutes, you save there so idk, maybe its not so expensive when you factor that in.
I'm wondering, since im on a budget, are all the products on the canna feed schedule necessary, or could i get by with jst the coco a+b?
I have bioroot to replace the rhizotonic i believe its called, and i can get the boost at a later time...
Are they all equally important or can i get by with cutting anything out?
Thanks all
Im a newish grower using cannas range for the first time and i must say im loving it, i started off following the grow guide but them asjusted to my own schedule.. my girls are 4 weeks old, and i use canna a and b, rhizotonic and cannazym.. i also have canna boost for flower, and some pk 13 and 14... the only extra i add is 5 ml of cal mag to every 10 litres of water and foliar spray with epsom salts once a week as i did start with a cal mag def which is quite common when using coco coir especially if your using soft water..

Obviously i know its my work thats paying off but i highly recommend canna as ive never had my girls looking so good through veg and its my 3rd grow..
The only thing i would suggest is defo dont use the bottle dose which reccomends 40ml for every 10 litres, i started with 15ml every 10 litres and that was plenty enough for them..


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i've been doing quite a bit of reading on canna products after seeing so many positive comments and pics of lush beautiful green plants, and i want that for my grows. I want ppl to look at my work in awe of the perfection it is. As of right now my grows are sub par at best, i'm never qwik to post pics of my work because i know i can do better. I have slowly but surely upgraded my grow set up and the only thing i'm still cheaping on is my nutes. I am using biothrive and a few other gen organic products. Dont get me wrong, my plants are not horrid, i know it could be worse, ive seen it 1st hand in noobie central. I just want to improve a good thing is wat i'm trying to say.
I see the price of canna products are steep, but i guess you get wat you pay for, huh? I suppose since you dont have to buy bloom/veg specific nutes, you save there so idk, maybe its not so expensive when you factor that in.
I'm wondering, since im on a budget, are all the products on the canna feed schedule necessary, or could i get by with jst the coco a+b?
I have bioroot to replace the rhizotonic i believe its called, and i can get the boost at a later time...
Are they all equally important or can i get by with cutting anything out?
Thanks all
Ive been told by countless growers that rhizotonic and cannazym are pointless but i use them anyway just in case but in all honesty canna a and b does have everything your girls need to thrive but always ph your water to around 5.8 6.0 if your using the coco coir as ive had friends have lock outs through there ph been out just a little
Get an ec and ph meter if you dont already. The blue lab combo is pricey but well worth it. The pH probe is replaceable whereas the pen isnt. And it will need replacing eventually no matter how well its taken care of. Start with the Canna base nutrients only at first. Dont bother with additives until you

get a few rips under your belt and get your greenthumb and growroom dialed in. Learn your varietie(s) quirks and likes/dislikes. Learn canopy managemnt techniques like trellising, training, tying down and topping for maximum yields of sticky buds. Try Canna brick or bag coco coir for a top quality medium for your plants roots to thrive. Keep your room and everything around it clean as hell. Think laboratory conditions even if its not quite. Act like every clone you recieve from people is infected with pests and diseases even if the cuts are not. Better yet dont accept cuts from anyone and start your own seeds. Keep it all in house. Its fun to pheno hunt for the bad bitches that thrive in your setup. Realize that nutrients and nutrient brands are a very small equation when it comes to greasy buds with fatness. Nutrients just need to be supplied when plants need them. If its complete and has everything the brands dont really matter. Good luck and stay low!!!
HI, busy with my first ever real attempt at a grow (sort of tried once before about 20 years ago without a clue how to do it and before websites like this were available) and hoping for some pointers.

I have 3 Auto Massassin plants in my grow tent, each in 15 gallon smart pots, germinated them in there and they are now at day 14 and the second set of leaves are now forming. Unfortunately up until now I have had no way of measuring the PH levels of my water but have just bought a PH pen and awaiting some PH up/don and distilled water coming in the post.

I guess firstly I need to know how much nutrient to use, I have Canna A + B ready to use and judging from other comments I think I am going to go for 7ml per gallon of water, also how much water should I give them and how often? Would I be best filling the smart pots until I see some leakage from the pots and then waiting until it dries up, or giving less but more often?

Thanks in advance.
Get yourself an inexpensive tds pen . H&M makes a decent one for low cash. This will tell you your starting tap waters tds and your diluted nutrient solutions also. Its really easy once you get the hang of it. But these 2 digital pens or.meters are almost essential for rookie growers in my opinion. I use my blue lab religiously whenever my plants get a drop of ANYTHING and ive been growing dope for almost 25 years.
HI, busy with my first ever real attempt at a grow (sort of tried once before about 20 years ago without a clue how to do it and before websites like this were available) and hoping for some pointers.

I have 3 Auto Massassin plants in my grow tent, each in 15 gallon smart pots, germinated them in there and they are now at day 14 and the second set of leaves are now forming. Unfortunately up until now I have had no way of measuring the PH levels of my water but have just bought a PH pen and awaiting some PH up/don and distilled water coming in the post.

I guess firstly I need to know how much nutrient to use, I have Canna A + B ready to use and judging from other comments I think I am going to go for 7ml per gallon of water, also how much water should I give them and how often? Would I be best filling the smart pots until I see some leakage from the pots and then waiting until it dries up, or giving less but more often?

Thanks in advance.
HI, busy with my first ever real attempt at a grow (sort of tried once before about 20 years ago without a clue how to do it and before websites like this were available) and hoping for some pointers.

I have 3 Auto Massassin plants in my grow tent, each in 15 gallon smart pots, germinated them in there and they are now at day 14 and the second set of leaves are now forming. Unfortunately up until now I have had no way of measuring the PH levels of my water but have just bought a PH pen and awaiting some PH up/don and distilled water coming in the post.

I guess firstly I need to know how much nutrient to use, I have Canna A + B ready to use and judging from other comments I think I am going to go for 7ml per gallon of water, also how much water should I give them and how often? Would I be best filling the smart pots until I see some leakage from the pots and then waiting until it dries up, or giving less but more often?

Thanks in advance.
Tds pen is always good but you can use the canna grow guide, which gives a weekly plan, you start on just under half of the reccomended dose, which most growers will advise you to do anyway, some will even tell you to go a quarter strength, but i stopped using the tds meter after a few weeks as it just kept reading the same as the canna guide showed, but even with the guide its an essential to start with as the guides only accurate if you know your water ppms, ph readings, and wether your waters soft or hard which the tds meter will tell you anyway but once you know all that after a few feeds your pretty much safe using the guide without it, unless you want to test run off etc etc, i dont do that personally but i do flush my girls once every 2 weeks.
This is my first time growing with canna, my first time using a tds, and a ph tester, i started out following the grow guide which is a good starting point but over time i adjusted to my own schedule, the most important thing when using the grow schedule is to make sure you have your betwee ph 5.8 and 6.2 that is if you're using canna coco coir as you medium.

Im 5 weeks into flower with 4 weeks to go on using canna for the first time and id highly recommended it, ive ended up with some nice looking colas, especially given that ive still got 4 weeks left...

Its upto you what you do, but i found the grow guide to be an excellent start point as a new grower, before that i used tap water with no ph tester, and i read the rec dose of the back of the nute bottle, my grows still turned out alright but they had there fair share of problems, including deficiancys, lock out.. etc etc...


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Thanks for the replies, yeah I wanted to order a TDS pen at the time I ordered the PH pen but was a bit skint, should be able to order one in the morning tho. Have just done the 7 ml to a gallon today and gave them a first feed, figured after 2 weeks in coco they probably now need some, then hopefully by the time I need to water again I will have the use of both pens.

Am also a little concerned about the temps inside the tent as it's been very cold here for the last few days and clearly not going to get much better over the winter. Am using 300w led and it's usually around 20c under the canopy, when I turn out the lights tho it drops to around 16c even with my 450kw oil filled radiator going.