The only candidate who knows whats what...


Well-Known Member
racist? where did that come from.? they were talking about economics. anyone know Barrack Obama's middle name?


Well-Known Member
the fuck does his middle name have anything to do with his potential or his capabilities?

i went to school with a dude named Harry Daniel Pitts. Should the teachers have treated him a certain way because of what his parents named him?


Well-Known Member
the fuck does his middle name have anything to do with his potential or his capabilities?

i went to school with a dude named Harry Daniel Pitts. Should the teachers have treated him a certain way because of what his parents named him?

whoa whoa whoa buddy. dont get all butt hurt. i asked a question. did i say anything about his potenial or capabilties? no, i didnt.. i suggest you take a step back there fellow.:mrgreen: i was wondering his middle name, today i overheard some people at resturant talking about obamas middle name and were making comment about it. but i didnt catch what it was, can you enlighten me? wow


Well-Known Member
my fault, i'll apologize for that one!!!! i confused you with all these other dipshits on here...

hussein or some shit.... i guess that makes him a terrorist is what people are trying to say!


Well-Known Member
my fault, i'll apologize for that one!!!! i confused you with all these other dipshits on here...

hussein or some shit.... i guess that makes him a terrorist is what people are trying to say!
no worries. well i guess that explains all the evil laughter they were having. thats horrible how a name can make people judge him.
but ya i hear ya on the little shits running around here. its getting packed full of 14 kids. its ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit, you are a closet rascist and you know it.

He didnt Say Anything Racist At All Bro. You Cant Call People Racist Just because He Said Somebody is Better Then Obama. I hate People Like that..People Trying to End this Whole ''Racist'' bullshit and People Like you Wont shut up About it. I bet If i Said I love White People Id Be Racist too? Right?:peace:


New Member
He didnt Say Anything Racist At All Bro. You Cant Call People Racist Just because He Said Somebody is Better Then Obama. I hate People Like that..People Trying to End this Whole ''Racist'' bullshit and People Like you Wont shut up About it. I bet If i Said I love White People Id Be Racist too? Right?:peace:
He is just racist against his own lol.


Well-Known Member
Who cares which one spends and taxes more becuase Ron Paul Spends Less and taxes less then Obama and Bush.
Man People Like Them Dont Look At them Facts. Those type of People Try to find EVERY Excuse to Bring Down Ron Paul..
It ALWAYS comes back To Being Racist When something Negative is Said About Obama.. pathetic...:hump:


Well-Known Member
Obama the more you listen to him the more you confuse.....Ron Paul: the more you listen to him the more you understand....And the sooner you realize...the better off you are.....


Well-Known Member
I like Ron Paul, but the fact is he isn't going to win the Republican nomination this year. If I thought in my mind that he actually had a chance I would vote for him without a doubt.

Maybe none of the front runners are the solution, but IMO anything is better than what we have now. One of them will get a shot for the next four years barring some incident. And I think if the general public agrees that whoever isn't getting it done and Paul were to run again...his chances will be greatly improved.

In all fairness to the next President, Bush hasn't left them with an easy task. It will take time.


Well-Known Member
Why does this keep coming up? Talking about this shit doesnt make it change go vote or somthing if you give a shit...The FEDs already know who won thats all that matters.


Well-Known Member
"I like Ron Paul, but the fact is he isn't going to win the Republican nomination this year. If I thought in my mind that he actually had a chance I would vote for him without a doubt"

That's the kinda thinking that got us into this shit. Listen to Paul, vote for what you know is right even when you know you are going to lose. Look at his voting record. Just because something is popular doesn't make it right. How about the Patriot Act? Vote against it and you aren't a patriot, vote for it and erode the People's constitutional rights, don't worry you would have remained popular.


Well-Known Member
uhm RP still in the races win the Republican nomination or not the public voted still count and if his name in the ballot i'll vote for him or hell i'll write his name in for that matter.....