The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

Richard Rahl I Don't See Your Name On The List So I'm To Assume You Posted These Pics In The Wrong Comp's Thread?

This Is Who Made The Cut Peace And Sock Hop :hump:

Rolla J
Dear ol Thankful Grower
SS Grower
Desert Plants
Wx Man
Cannabis Queen
Hydro Dan
UnderCover Scientist
Nature Boy Grower
Big Green Thumb
The Dawg
Idk what would have happened to have been dropped off?Screenshot_20180403-232815.png
Idk what would have happened to have been dropped off?View attachment 4116416
Rules State Miss 2 Consecutive Weekly Updates And Your Out. Your Last Post Was Feb 15 Which Was 48 Days Ago. Hell If You Were A Child You Face Would Be On A Milk Carton By Now :peace:

Ok My Hommies The Time Is Now. So Go Ahead And Post Your Germination Pics. Remember K-Mart Blue Light Shoppers You Only Have 14 To Show Your Germination Process Or Your Eliminated.

You Are Allowed To Start 5 Seeds Total. If Your Using Fem's Your Allowed 3 Fems And 2 Regs

On Your 16oz Cup You Must Mark Each Cup with A Different Marking.

You Must Update Your Progress Every Week And Post Pics From Friday To Sunday Night. Miss 2 Updates And Your Eliminated

Because Their Is Another Comp Going On Allowing Different Size Cups With Entrants Participating In Both Comp's. So Your Entries Photo Must Include A Tape Measure Showing Your Entries Cup Height. Below Is A Pic Of A 16oz Party Cup Height Anything Taller Or No Tape Measure Accompanying You Photo Will Be Disallowed

Voting Will Be Done By The Competition Participants. Remember Peeps While The Host Can Receive Votes He Can Not Win Any Prizes

Peace And Let the Games Begin :hump:
You get tagged with that and travel becomes an extreme pain.

Travelling is a PITA since many years at least with an airplane.
As an RAF sympathizer, old stone-thrower and drug smuggler I have always had problems with traveling, LOL! I am not allowed to enter Canada, United States or New Zealand in the past 10 years or so! And I'm sure, with my criminal record, I'm also not coming to Australia and other countries! All visa I have applied for got rejected! I would need at least a guarantor, family members or would have to deposit an extra high deposit (6 digits), lol!
So it is already an extreme pain!
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So Do You Realize That Soil Has More Wins In This Comp Than "Hydro Girl's" As You Called Them?? And By Volume Soil Has Up To 3x More? In Seedling Form I Can Accommodate 8 Oz Of Solution. As Of Tonights Res Change I Can Fit 5.5 Oz's And In About 7 Days My Roots Will Only Allow About 4 Ozs Of Solution Meaning I Will Fill My Cup Up 3 Times In A 24 Hour Period And Each Fill Up My Cup Will Be Empty.A Soil Party Cup Has 16 Oz's Of Dirt And You Only Water Once A Day So I Fail To See How Your So Called "hydro girls" Has The Advantage bongsmilie
I'm actually starting to think the Hudro Cups have a disadvantage as well as a hassle to the grower. Mainly because it's in such a small cup. You Guys should cut your roots off. Yeah, leave only 1" of roots & it will a grow back. I promise :mrgreen:
Yeah, I don't say there are "only" advantages and that it's less work with hydro! Dan also need 3 feedings a day!
But the hydroplant can uptake nutes more effectively and is growing faster for this reason which is the biggest advantage, IMO.
But I do not want to be called a troll or getting worry about my remarks. All participants accepted the rules and everyone was free to go hydro or soil, point! From this POV it's a fair comp!
I'm already curious who will win in the end!
I will w/ my 40w, 75 lm/w shop light.
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yo i just quit, i dont like the 1 hole rule with the soil i chose. l8er
Come on man
Plan C or D it is then.
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Travelling is a PITA since many years at least with an airplane.
As an RAF sympathizer, old stone-thrower and drug smuggler I have always had problems with traveling, LOL! I am not allowed to enter Canada, United States or New Zealand in the past 10 years or so! And I'm sure, with my criminal record, I'm also not coming to Australia and other countries! All visa I have applied for got rejected! I would need at least a guarantor, family members or would have to deposit an extra high deposit (6 digits), lol!
So it is already an extreme pain!
What About France? I Hear You Can Even Gaga In France bongsmilie

Oh yeah, I would love to do so but it's not legal everywhere.
I'm already getting anxious when I post pics of a new light, lol!
Although I use a VPN and rui can probably not be checked by our authorities at all, but shit, man, I'm too old to go back to jail.
I could only create a second account with a fake email address. I'm such an idiot and used a real mail adress to create my account. I should have done that right away, right!?!
You can believe me, it is shameful for me to publish only pictures of tomatoes and the likes. The temptation is really big... every day... and maybe I'll do that with the second anonymous account.
Or maybe there is a way to remove or change the mail adress? Should ask one of the mods if it's possible, if yes,
then you can get dressed up warmly for the next competition...!
Right Like Its Legal Where I Live :roll: So Tell Me Yall Still Doing The What's Up At The Frankfort Bahnhof??