Well-Known Member
Stepbrothers such a good flick.Easy there guys. They don't all have to squat.
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Stepbrothers such a good flick.Easy there guys. They don't all have to squat.
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Dude im starting to think you’re serious about these pee postsThe P.I.S.S. Method
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This thread was created for fun and facts … Urine has been historically used in both agriculture, commodities , leather work even artistic paintings.
But, the Liquid Gold has even more beneficial use in your garden !
Many nutrient lines that you currently use have urea based compounds - these aid in nitrogen and photosynthesis. Bagged urea fertilizer can be a solid source of nitrogen ( 45% ) . Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.
The main function of Urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants. Since urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium, it’s primarily used for bloom growth.
Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
But YOUR PEE has so much more ……. Buckets more !
- Superior Nitrogen content
- Low production cost, as source is natural
- Non-flammable and risk-free storage
- Wide application range, for all types of crops and soils
- Neutral pH and harmless to crops and soil
Using human urine can help us work toward a closed-loop fertility system. While not a plant-based technique per se, using their own urine is a way that veganic gardeners can cycle back the nutrients from the foods they consume, while also diverting their urine from the water system where it acts as a pollutant.
Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorous and potassium. The relative ratios are typically around 11 parts nitrogen to 1 part phosphorus to 2.5 parts potassium. Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen. Studies conducted in Sweden (Sundberg, 1995; Drangert, 1997) show that an adult’s urine contains enough nutrients to fertilize 50-100% of the crops needed to feed one adult.
View attachment 5284237Piss Tip :
By peeing in a carbon-rich medium ( like soil ) to make the elements plant available. For a healthy person, human urine typically has a pH of around 6.2 with a range of 5.5-7.0. A person’s diet and alcohol consumption can also affect the pH of their urine. Pee for the most part is also sterile.
The main organic component of urine is urea, a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our bodies breaking down proteins into usable amino acids. Urea is very high in nitrogen, a key ingredient to healthy leafy growth in plants. In addition to being very nitrogen-rich, urine also contains dissolved phosphorus that’s immediately available to plants, making urine a quick-acting fertilizer. Pee also contains various micronutrients that valuable to your garden.
Dog and Cat pee are extremely high in urea - ever see the burned yellow patches on a lawn ? This happens from the high levels of ammonia and salt. Plus the pathogenic dangers from these animals can be a hidden risk.
This is why , this particular piss source is not recommended for our test.
Urine naturally contains salt and the amount can vary depending on a person’s diet. Urine use in arid areas could cause salinization of the soil and should be carefully monitored. Different plants have different tolerances to salt in the soil but an excess concentration of salt could adversely impact plant health and growth. For example, vegetables like potatoes and onions are very salt-sensitive whereas olives and barley are tolerant. Some leafy greens like kale and spinach are moderately tolerant.
So , i plan to start a grow using this method. I will have a plant watered / fed using this method. The plant I will experiment with will be in a precharged soil mix ( mild potting only ) - No dry fertilizer toppings / no liquid nutes . The PEE water will be at a dilute rate of 1:3 to water to start then down to 1:1 over grow.
Some gardeners try to “ store “ large quantities for garden use but I will do this as the plant needs it.
So feel free to “ tinkle in “ on this thread , add your own grows , DIY projects - suggestions or “ piss tips “
Peecycling in your garden for perfect plants !
Tinkle for Terps !
Pee on your plants - not in your pants !
Let’s get this Pee Party Started …..
Don't worry, pee happy.Dude im starting to think you’re serious about these pee posts
it's some kinda perverse kink where the pisser gets off knowing his victims are consuming his pee.
There were fewer humans then, so pee price was at an all time high. Now withThe reptilian overlords are basically harvesting liquid gold, to run their plasma generators!
This is why I don't eat at restaurantsit's some kinda perverse kink where the pisser gets off knowing his victims are consuming his pee.
@Budzbuddha please tell me when it starts smelling. Be honest because I don't want my house smelling like rotting piss. With no charcoal filter my wife is already complaining about the Doctor Earth weed smell. If she smells piss it's over, she's gunna shut me down...![]()
You sound a lot like another grower from a discord community. He used to always talk about the pee thing. Could even be the same guy. You are not Skummy on discord are you bro?
Good on you for growing out of the box and experimenting. RIU has compiled all kinds of useful and interesting backyard experiments over the years. And now we have a pee fed grow. Be interesting to see how it goes.
found it, heres a N/P/K of human urine when eating the western diet.
Human Urine
Though it may sound bizarre, human urine is a fantastic fertilizer for marijuana. Fresh urine is high in nitrogen, a key nutrient in weed growth.
When eating the typical Western diet, the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) ratio is 11-1-2. For reference, blood meal is 12-2-1. However, the breakdown of your urine can depend on your diet.
Please do not urinate directly on your plants! It will probably kill them. Urine contains a lot of salt, so it must be diluted to a ratio of at least one-part urine and ten parts water. However, if you water potted plants or seedlings, dilute the urine to a 1:20 ratio.
Only use your urine if you are healthy. Do not use it if you are on medication or have a urinary tract infection
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salt (sodium) build up is a problem with human urine, i sugest a no sodium in the diet. theres a potassium one on the market called lo salt or something like that.
Biological Fertiliser – Human Urine
Paul Alfrey Follow on TwitterSend an emailJune 14, 2016
21 3 minutes read
Human urine provides an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and trace elements for plants, and can be delivered in a form that’s perfect for assimilation. With a constant, year-round and free supply of this resource available, more and more farmers and gardeners are making use of it.
What’s in it?
Urine is 95% water. The other 5% consists of urea (around 2.5%), and a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes. It is a blood byproduct, but despite containing some bodily waste, it is non-toxic.
The average urine from a healthy adult will release 11g nitrogen/urea, 1g phosphorus/super-phosphate and 2.5g potassium. The normal range for a 24-hour urine output is 800 to 2000 milliliters (ml) per day with a normal fluid intake of about 2 liters per day. That’s an average of 1400 ml per person, per day!
Fresh human urine is sterile and so free from bacteria. Only when it is older than 24 hours, the urea turns into ammonia, which is what causes the distinctive smell. Antibiotics, vitamin supplements, and other medications will end up in your urine, but in such minute quantities as to be negligible, especially when diluted with water.
How to use it
Urine can be used in a number of ways, such as a solution that is applied to plants to provide a quick, short-term boost in growth or as a nitrogen additive to the carbon-based material, facilitating the composting process. I prefer to use urine for compost building or biomass production as I find long-term fertility solutions preferable to quick fixes.
Let’s look at the various ways it can be used.
Plant feed solution
It is too strong to be used neat on most plants and should be diluted. Dilute one part fresh urine to 10-15 parts water for application on plants in the growth stage. Dilute one part fresh urine to 30-50 parts water for use on pot plants, which are much more sensitive to fertilisers of any kind.
Even when diluted your plants don’t need daily applications, and it’s best used on plants that need lots of nitrogen, such as corn and squash, tomatoes and cucumbers during their fruit-bearing stage.
You can also use it to remedy nitrogen deficiencies. Signs of nitrogen deficiency include yellow or pale green leaves.
Nitrogen deficiency in Tomato (photo by https://www.haifa-group.com/knowledge_center/deficiencies/nutrients/macro_nutrients/n_nitrogen/)![]()
There is a danger of applying too much, and the excess nitrogen can lead to bushy, leafy plants that attract aphids and bear little fruit. Signs of excess nitrogen include curled leaves,
Excess diluted urine can be used on lawns and trees.
Compost additive
Urine can be applied directly to the compost pile. As it’s very high in nitrogen, it should be added to plenty of carbon-rich materials, like dry leaves, sawdust, straw, and cardboard. Urine can act as a starter for compost, encouraging the decomposition process. Undiluted urine can also be applied directly to heavily mulched soils serving the same function as above. The mulch should be thick enough to absorb the urine before it can make contact with plant roots
Straw Bale Stacks
You can urinate directly on a bale of straw, and eventually the straw will decompose and can be used as compost or you can plant directly into the decomposing straw bales.
We use straw bale stacks which are, as the name suggests, simply a number of bales stacked up. These provide excellent habitat for overwintering toads and frogs. When the bales have decomposed the area is perfect for planting trees into. It’s weed free, with mulch and compost right where it needs to be. Build a new pile where you plan to plant a tree in the future and see the toads and frogs quickly move in. Aesculapian Snakes are also commonly found in our bale stacks along with a tremendous amount of invertebrates. The bales on the ground surface will decompose within 12 months even without urine.
Common Toad – Bufo bufo and Aesculapian snake – Zamenis longissimus photographed within one of our Straw bale stacks.![]()
Applied Directly
Some plants such as Symphytum x uplandicum – Comfrey ‘Bocking 14’ can handle neat urine (See the article Comfrey – Believe the Hype). Following cutting the plants, you can provide each plant with approx. 700 ml of undiluted urine.
Comfrey ‘Bocking 14’ – Symphytum x uplandicum growing in the under story of our forest garden.![]()
This creates an excellent opportunity to cut out the dilution phase and produce good quantities of high quality nutrient dense mulch for your crops. This biomass when continuously applied to the surface of your beds will help create long-term fertility in your gardens by building up the soil humus levels.
This article originally appears on the Balkan Ecology Project website, here.
- Human Pee Proven Fertilizer Future
- Urine the Ultimate Organic Fertiliser.html
- Human Urine is an Effective Fertilizer/
- Grow with the Flow
- NASA Contractor Report No. NASA CR-1802, D. F. Putnam, July 1971(PDF).
You can find this and many more fantastic articles on their facebook page, here.
it go's off the idea of adding it directly apart from short term use, but interesting reading none the less
This is why I don't eat at restaurants
Well one of many reasons lol