The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

I used one of those containers of pee with three containers of water so 3/1. Hopefully that wasn't too strong. Lack of hydration, taco bell and instant noodles diet is probably not going to help either.:bigjoint:

You need the approPEEiate strain names for your victims ( oops :mrgreen: ) I mean pretty plants.

PeeNuts on your Breath
Sour Piss
PissApple Express
I remember a thread back in the 90's i think it was International cannabis forums, its been sol long cant remember the name marc emery ran them i think. Anyways i remember there was a guy on there who used to grow these plants that had tightest internode spacing ever like 12 inch plant had like 20 internodes. It was absurd and everyone was making a big deal about it, so everyone was trying to figure it out in the thread, eventually he let it leak and he was pissing on his plants and he was also taking steroids. Its been a long time but that was the gist of it. So im curious to see if your pee will cause them to have very tight internodal spacing.
I remember a thread back in the 90's i think it was International cannabis forums, its been sol long cant remember the name marc emery ran them i think. Anyways i remember there was a guy on there who used to grow these plants that had tightest internode spacing ever like 12 inch plant had like 20 internodes. It was absurd and everyone was making a big deal about it, so everyone was trying to figure it out in the thread, eventually he let it leak and he was pissing on his plants and he was also taking steroids. Its been a long time but that was the gist of it. So im curious to see if your pee will cause them to have very tight internodal spacing.

Tent was still on , so I pulled it out for a pic. Nodes are pretty short.

You guys think I should top it after all ?
Or leave it Au Natural ?

I want to know if that can grow into a single 2 oz. nugget. 1 vote for no topping.

I've been inspired to pee in my upcoming veg teas. I'm deeply considering starting the S.H.I.T Method thread, too. Will probably do a trial run to know if it can work with pasteurized dog shit. Or mine, but I trust my dogs diet more than mine lol
Council of Pee - Porcelain Throne Announcement
Due to the continued jock strap support of Council and it’s creed for World PEE Domination :fire: , the council has approved PISSafied Promotions
for my thread followers.

My fellow agents of P.I.S.S. , we gather around the sacred urinal of power to celebrate in the healings waters of yellow gold.
Drink deeply - let the piss flow thru you ……. Embrace the yellowness.

Well deserved .
