The PC Games Thread

Yeah, I was suppppper blown away when I got that news...I love League of Legends, but I never thought it would be an Olympic sport, or even a normal sport for that matter. LOL.
Crazy stuff.

Eh, it's OK, but I wouldn't call it the best.. Actually I preordered that game and it's been sitting on my shelf for a while, I like it, just not for everyday.

It's too fast paced for me, I like the whole build up your civ and acquire resources aspect of the game, SC2 is way too fast paced for me to enjoy properly, the enemy army is in your base within 10 minutes!

Real War was pretty cool, kind of like AOE except with more modern tech, stealth bombers and shit, I'm looking for something maybe a little more modern like that!

Oh I see...LOL, I thought by best you meant best selling.

If you mean best as far as the fun factor...there are a lot of good ones. If you like building up your base over time, and gathering resources as well as progressing through "ages", try this GEM out! (Probably MY favorite strat. game)


Feels a lot like AOE, but more modern.

R.u.s.e. is super fun as well... (Can only post one embedded Youtube video per post)

Ruse being more like a capture-points-to-gain-resources game, and Rise of Nations being VERY similar to the way AOE operates; Recourse gathering, progressing through ages in time...ect. But instead of tribes it is nations. The single player campaign on both is super entertaining. Multiplyer being better on R.O.N. IMO, but RON is a way older game, so there is probably little-to-no servers for it.

Oh man...watching that RON video brings me back. :)
Yep, I remember RON! That game was awesome just like AOE! I forgot about it till you posted that clip! Great game!

Time to look for a torrent!! lol!

I started out with real time strategy games like that with Fallout 2, son of a bitch that game was amazing back in the day, I think I was in middle school when I was playing that on my shitty HP PC. I remember I used to stay home from school just to play it! The goryness factor definitely appealed to my mind back then, that stuff was amazing, next level, shit you'd only see in movies.. It's interesting to watch the evolution from a vantage point of knowing and playing the origin of the series, same thing with GTA, I was there from almost the beginning, GTA2, top view, fucking amazing game! This was in like 1995,1996, then GTA3 came out when I was in middle school around 1999, 2000. A buddy of mine bought it for PS2 and we played it endlessly! Vice City, San Andreas, 4, now V! I can't even remember the last time I was this excited for a game, probably not since BF3! Rockstar is a really interesting company, I have a feeling the artists behind the games are hardcore gamers themselves, they know what gamers want and what to put into their games. A friend of mine and I have been talking about a game like this since the early 2000's, I can't wait to see what the future of gaming holds, holy shit! Especially with new tech like the Oculus Rift!
all the command and conquers and a lot RTS games

pc was always my true love sigh , to expensive to maintain at the moment