The perfect growroom...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I just read an article out of the UK about a woman who had the police show up because she was running a space heater in her garage to keep her guinea pigs warm.

In England they can scan your house and garage and if they see anything they can apparently come over. They can't break in, but they can look around, and the can ask you to open the door so they can see what is going on.

If I were in "Capitalist Europe" I'd avoid heat signatures 100%. IR shielding and water cooled systems is probably the right idea.


Well-Known Member
Exactly snow crash... they scan without a warrant anyway and then bust your door down

I do not want that to happen to me, thats why im thinking an insulated grow room would be much more appropriate - im almost sold on the idea, just worried about the exhausting of the portable a/c unit - i know those things put out a lot of heat - i was thinking of moving property and getting somewhere with a chimney to vent all that heat out of

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
At some point you need to dissipate the heat.

Is there any way you can ventilate into the flat? This could keep you warm during the winter. Just open a window if it becomes too warm. That would look pretty normal on a Flir I think, at least during the cool months.


Well-Known Member
I did do that before and it worked ok but left my hallway smelling like a grow op even with the carbon filter, at the moment i just point the exhaust upwards near my window and this seems to work pretty well for lowering temperatures but i am dreading the summer. This is another good reason to do a sealed grow, no worry about temps due to ambient temperatures outside - everything automated and fully controlled, sounds amazing actually. Apparently i don't even need to vent my hoods if i use a/c - its a lot of work and i have been advised that i don't need to do it in this climate but i think it makes sense - the only thing that is bothering me is where to exhaust the heat from the a/c. No helicopter is going to see a fully insulated grow but they will still see the heat from an exhaust


Well-Known Member
Any good links...? - Im a bit concerned about whether the air conditioner can cool 4 x 600w bulbs bare and plus the fact that there is no air exchange - will this be ok if i am adding co2?