The problem with libs/dems

wrong, try again
So you don't know what you are talking about? Got a link? Look into Harry Anslinger and Here is Obama's role.

18 Members of Congress Call on President Obama to Remove Marijuana from Schedule I

Earlier today, 18 members of Congress signed onto a letter that was delivered to President Barack Obama calling for him to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
“We request that you take action to help alleviate the harms to society caused by the federal Schedule I classification of marijuana. Lives and resources are wasted on enforcing harsh, unrealistic, and unfair marijuana laws,” the letter reads, “Nearly two-thirds of a million people every year are arrested for marijuana possession. We spend billions every year enforcing marijuana laws, which disproportionately impact minorities. According to the ACLU, black Americans are nearly four times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana possession, despite comparable usage rates.”
The letter was signed by Representatives Blumenauer (OR), Cohen (TN), Farr (CA), Grijalva (AZ), Honda (CA), Huffman (CA), Lee (CA), Lofgren (CA), Lowenthal (CA), McGovern (MA), Moran (VA), O’Rourke (TX), Polis (CO), Quigley (IL), Rohrabacher (CA), Schakowsky (IL), Swalwell (CA), and Welch (VT).
“Classifying marijuana as Schedule I at the federal level perpetuates an unjust and irrational system. Schedule I recognizes no medical use, disregarding both medical evidence and the laws of nearly half of the states that have legalized medical marijuana,” the letter continued, “A Schedule I or II classification also means that marijuana businesses in states where adult or medical use are legal cannot deduct business expenses from their taxes or take tax credits due to Section 280E of the federal tax code. We request that you instruct Attorney General Holder to delist or classify marijuana in a more appropriate way, at the very least eliminating it from Schedule I or II.

And he did not remove it.
So it’s none of your business? Then why do you care if someone else aborts their baby? Won’t god deal with them?

Step up and adopt or STFU about abortions.
For me in the great white North I pay taxes for that fuck up. That money can be used for health care services not related to sally refusing to be responsible and using all the different forms of birth control available to her and rolling the dice after jimmys dripping down her leg. It’s not like they don’t know he busted a nut in her, pretty damn obvious once she stands up. If she’s not ready to be a mom at that point then drive to the pharmacy and grab plan b.
What part of this do you not agree with?

Cultural Marxism definition
It is very hard to explain what cultural Marxism is because the term describes something that doesn’t exist. It refers to a vast conspiracy dating back to the early 20th century in which academics launched a campaign to take over intellectual, cultural, and artistic institutions. Then, they “promoted and even enforced ideas which were intended to destroy Christian values and overthrow free enterprise.” What were these ideas? Feminism, multiculturalism, gay rights and atheism, to name a few
Add abortion to the list.

Why did you post another persons assessment of what cultural Marxism is? I asked you what a Leftist was. In your own words with your own viewpoints please. Not some substandard right wing article written for plebs like yourself to integrate into their own little mindset.
For me in the great white North I pay taxes for that fuck up. That money can be used for health care services not related to sally refusing to be responsible and using all the different forms of birth control available to her and rolling the dice after jimmys dripping down her leg. It’s not like they don’t know he busted a nut in her, pretty damn obvious once she stands up. If she’s not ready to be a mom at that point then drive to the pharmacy and grab plan b.
Isn’t she still stopping the pregnancy? Morning after/abortion are both killing babies. So you’re ok with killing them, as long as it’s right away? :wall:
I’m Canadian that’s not my leader. I’m saying it’s finally better to acknowledge the fact that women have responsibility to prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they don’t want to be pregnant that’s exactly what overturning Roe v. Wade does. It says hey use one of your numerous optionsTake some responsibility for yourself and be proactive instead of reactive. What is so hard to grasp about that do you liberal Democrat knuckleheads
Oh ffs. Please lie and tell people your from Texas or better yet Florida :(.
So you don't know what you are talking about? Got a link? Look into Harry Anslinger and Here is Obama's role.

18 Members of Congress Call on President Obama to Remove Marijuana from Schedule I

Earlier today, 18 members of Congress signed onto a letter that was delivered to President Barack Obama calling for him to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
“We request that you take action to help alleviate the harms to society caused by the federal Schedule I classification of marijuana. Lives and resources are wasted on enforcing harsh, unrealistic, and unfair marijuana laws,” the letter reads, “Nearly two-thirds of a million people every year are arrested for marijuana possession. We spend billions every year enforcing marijuana laws, which disproportionately impact minorities. According to the ACLU, black Americans are nearly four times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana possession, despite comparable usage rates.”
The letter was signed by Representatives Blumenauer (OR), Cohen (TN), Farr (CA), Grijalva (AZ), Honda (CA), Huffman (CA), Lee (CA), Lofgren (CA), Lowenthal (CA), McGovern (MA), Moran (VA), O’Rourke (TX), Polis (CO), Quigley (IL), Rohrabacher (CA), Schakowsky (IL), Swalwell (CA), and Welch (VT).
“Classifying marijuana as Schedule I at the federal level perpetuates an unjust and irrational system. Schedule I recognizes no medical use, disregarding both medical evidence and the laws of nearly half of the states that have legalized medical marijuana,” the letter continued, “A Schedule I or II classification also means that marijuana businesses in states where adult or medical use are legal cannot deduct business expenses from their taxes or take tax credits due to Section 280E of the federal tax code. We request that you instruct Attorney General Holder to delist or classify marijuana in a more appropriate way, at the very least eliminating it from Schedule I or II.

And he did not remove it.

you were wrong when you said this "Democrat made cannabis illegal", it was he Repubs and the Paper industry that did it.....
I think it’s more about not giving a fuck about the women. Just another way for men to control women. It’s the conservative way
Mindless drivel. A woman getting an abortion is scarred for life. It is not an easy thing to kill your child.
Isn’t she still stopping the pregnancy? Morning after/abortion are both killing babies. So you’re ok with killing them, as long as it’s right away? :wall:
Shedding a uterine lining is way different then tearing off limbs and ceasing a heart from beating.
Yeah, just saying being responsible means she won’t have that choice to make and she gets to have all the fun she wants by being smart instead of rolling the dice like an idiot
You talk as if you have anything to say on the matter. You don't. It's her body, her life and her choice. End of story.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one. That is your entire say on the matter. The hypocritical bible thumping fascist right talk about caring for life while they literally kill people who disagree with them. Yesterday, one of your kind ran over a protester with their car and drove off. You guys are fucking lunatics.
you were wrong when you said this "Democrat made cannabis illegal", it was he Repubs and the Paper industry that did it.....
Harry Anslinger was part of the Hoover administration and he got pot banned in 1937 working for the FD Rooseveldt administration.

I don’t even understand why we have a political section all we get on here and do is argue about each other‘s opinions and that’s all they are guys is someone else’s opinion you’re not gonna change their entire thought process or way of thinking we are all stupid assholes for continuing the berating
I don’t even understand why we have a political section all we get on here and do is argue about each other‘s opinions and that’s all they are guys is someone else’s opinion you’re not gonna change their entire thought process or way of thinking we are all stupid assholes for continuing the berating
Are you 21?