The problem with libs/dems

I can honestly say as a black man that I have never had an abortion nor do I ever plan on having one though my opinion on that could change in the future.
You talk as if you have anything to say on the matter. You don't. It's her body, her life and her choice. End of story.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one. That is your entire say on the matter. The hypocritical bible thumping fascist right talk about caring for life while they literally kill people who disagree with them. Yesterday, one of your kind ran over a protester with their car and drove off. You guys are fucking lunatics.
The lack of reason I see is from the likes of you.
So when she’s raped by her uncle she’s not already scarred? Now she has to look at that reminder everyday? You’re a sick fuck
Pretty rare don't you think? Abortion is not illegal. You would be surprised how a woman would not blame her child for the actions of another.
:clap::clap::clap: 2 stars for adding drama. Who tears off limbs? You think they’re dismantling it :wall:

stooping a life is stopping a life doesn’t matter if it’s day 1 or 18
Yeah a ton of abortions are well beyond day 18 buddy, most women don’t even know they’re preg until the following month when they realize hmm I’m a week or two late. Then there’s the talking to the guy, the inner debate etc. if it’s snap decision plan b it’s an early planned period without any remorse because you’d never know if you even were pregnant. But even well before that stage if she’s using a contraceptive and he’s wearing a condom they aren’t in that mess. People need to up their responsibility instead of being douchebags
Yeah a ton of abortions are well beyond day 18 buddy, most women don’t even know they’re preg until the following month when they realize hmm I’m a week or two late. Then there’s the talking to the guy, the inner debate etc. if it’s snap decision plan b it’s an early planned period without any remorse because you’d never know if you even were pregnant. But even well before that stage if she’s using a contraceptive and he’s wearing a condom they aren’t in that mess. People need to up their responsibility instead of being douchebags
For me in the great white North I pay taxes for that fuck up. That money can be used for health care services not related to sally refusing to be responsible and using all the different forms of birth control available to her and rolling the dice after jimmys dripping down her leg. It’s not like they don’t know he busted a nut in her, pretty damn obvious once she stands up. If she’s not ready to be a mom at that point then drive to the pharmacy and grab plan b.

A tax? Do you have any idea of the cost to society of an unwanted/unloved child? Look at Texas.
Don't jump over $$ to save .10. Perhaps it shouldn't limit having to drive to the pharmacy.
The lack of reason I see is from the likes of you.
Literally, your kind attack and kill people who disagree with them. All in the name of valuing life or freedom or their rights. Completely bonkers, you and your kind are. Fascists have taken over the Republican Party.

Fortunately, most of them are so old that very soon, they will be pissing in their diapers in warehouses for the elderly and fade from society.
You talk as if you have anything to say on the matter. You don't. It's her body, her life and her choice. End of story.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one. That is your entire say on the matter. The hypocritical bible thumping fascist right talk about caring for life while they literally kill people who disagree with them. Yesterday, one of your kind ran over a protester with their car and drove off. You guys are fucking lunatics.
Lol not a bible thumper at all, just a person who thinks people should have some responsibility for themselves so the rest of us don’t have to cover your asses on our dime.