The problem with libs/dems

Not really, the whole aspect of the post is libs are retarded for thinking all the rights are stripped away when all they did was force people to be responsible adults. Also to point out they are the same people telling unvaxxed they should have no bodily autonomy and just get the vax then half a year later be outraged that the govt says hey this option of bodily autonomy is going off the table because you should be more responsible if you don’t wanna be preggers
Are you over a 150 years old or just a bible thumper cause you sound like a flat earther at the least?
Nah, they haven’t in the least. That’s a far cry by any means. The court has removed itself from an issue that divides nearly half the country and said we’re not going to aid in your whoops i fucked up better vacuum it out solution. All they did was basically say look, there are tons of ways not to get pregnant and still enjoy sex so it’s on you to be responsible doing so. It’s time women actually understand that. Men have been screwed over for such a long time when it comes to not having a say about being a dad or not, I’m sure some wanted to have that child and raise them alone but the woman went 9 months of discomfort fuck you im having an abortion. It’s finally a bit of a taste of their own medicine and forced them to act responsibly instead of putting it all on a man like it has been since everyone alive can remember. If they aren’t ready to be mothers they can take the pill, get the shot, iud, sponge, spermicide, condom, female condom, and any other ones I’ve missed. Options readily available, time they responsibly use them and ditch the “he should have worn a condom” if anything it further equalizes the playing field instead of the equal but with benefits they currently receive
Not half the country
The 30% are just scamming to hold on to power
Cool story though
You could be a great fiction writer ;)
Sounds to me like you just wanna tell your next lay to get an abortion rather than man up and be a dad when you have a whoops moment
Yeah, Luke is right. You just sound stupid and the more you post about it, the worse it gets. This whole line about how you have all these thoughts about what “women” (as in ALL of them) understand, don’t understand and should understand… I mean wow. The arrogance and lack of self-awareness to make such statements in a public forum (or even just in your own tiny mind for that matter) are really something to behold.

Have a seat. You already won anyway so what’s even the point of airing your ridiculously stupid opinions here? Congratulations, women lost their freedom to choose what to do with their own lives and bodies. You must be ecstatic, go celebrate.
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Sorry dear leader said to inject disinfectant in your lungs
You should be ashamed to support anyone that clueless
But go on ?
I’m Canadian that’s not my leader. I’m saying it’s finally better to acknowledge the fact that women have responsibility to prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they don’t want to be pregnant that’s exactly what overturning Roe v. Wade does. It says hey use one of your numerous optionsTake some responsibility for yourself and be proactive instead of reactive. What is so hard to grasp about that do you liberal Democrat knuckleheads
Yeah, Luke is right. You just sound stupid and the more you post about it, the worse it gets. This whole line about how you have all these thoughts about what “women” (as in ALL of them) understand, don’t understand and should understand… I mean wow. The arrogance and lack or self- awareness to make such statements in a public forum (or even just in your own tiny mind for that matter) are really something to behold.

Have a seat. You already won anyway so what’s even the point of airing your ridiculously stupid opinions here? Congratulations, women lost their freedom to choose what to do with their own lives and bodies. You must be ecstatic, go celebrate.
He is mansplaining what all women need to be doing :D
I’m Canadian that’s not my leader. I’m saying it’s finally better to acknowledge the fact that women have responsibility to prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they don’t want to be pregnant that’s exactly what overturning Roe v. Wade does. It says hey use one of your numerous optionsTake some responsibility for yourself and be proactive instead of reactive. What is so hard to grasp about that do you liberal Democrat knuckleheads
Thing is it isn’t equal
Women always have had to bear the brunt of childbirth
Mistakes happen
Men get off with minimal financial assistance and women have to be mother/father and sole provider
Hardly equal
Oh wait misogynist don’t want equality
Never mind
Thing is it isn’t equal
Women always have had to bear the brunt of childbirth
Mistakes happen
Men get off with minimal financial assistance and women have to be mother/father and sole provider
Hardly equal
Oh wait misogynist don’t want equality
Never mind
Hmm, she didn’t want to get pregnant she had options to prevent that. She didn’t use them she bears the consequences of her actions. He bears it financially if he doesn’t step up to be a dad but if she didn’t want to bring a life to the world she shoulda been on birth control instead of rolling the dice. It’s called responsibility, amazing how libs try to remove it from everyone.
Thing is it isn’t equal
Women always have had to bear the brunt of childbirth
Mistakes happen
Men get off with minimal financial assistance and women have to be mother/father and sole provider
Hardly equal
Oh wait misogynist don’t want equality
Never mind
If a gambler loses all their money you’ll say well they did it to themselves so no pity but a woman gambles on not getting knocked up and it’s pity party galore. It’s all about taking responsibility for your actions, it’s time to acknowledge it’s not 1922, they’ve had option for decades, use them
Thing is it isn’t equal

A man and a woman have consensual sex, with no intention to get her pregnant. She decides to have the baby, despite him wanting her to have an abortion.

Is the man responsible for helping support the child ? Should the woman force him to support the child? Does the man get a say in that?

Same circumstances, except they agree they are trying to conceive, then she decides to abort and he wishes she wouldn't get an abortion. Does the man have any right to make her have the baby?

If a man is forced to support a baby, that the couple never planned on having, should he be able to force a woman to carry to term a baby they DID plan on having?

What do you think?
A man and a woman have consensual sex, with no intention to get her pregnant. She decides to have the baby, despite him wanting her to have an abortion.

Is the man responsible for helping support the child ? Should the woman force him to support the child? Does the man get a say in that?

Same circumstances, except they agree they are trying to conceive, then she decides to abort and he wishes she wouldn't get an abortion. Does the man have any right to make her have the baby?

If a man is forced to support a baby, that the couple never planned on having, should he be able to force a woman to carry to term a baby they DID plan on having?

What do you think?
I think you already know
Caveman logic
If a gambler loses all their money you’ll say well they did it to themselves so no pity but a woman gambles on not getting knocked up and it’s pity party galore. It’s all about taking responsibility for your actions, it’s time to acknowledge it’s not 1922, they’ve had option for decades, use them
That face staring back at you in the mirror every morning is a perfect example of why abortions are necessary.