The problem with libs/dems

8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
I don't believe this would fall under the category of "meaningful dialogue". Just bashing others. Whatever. Do and say what you want. You will anyway. smh
I’m Canadian that’s not my leader. I’m saying it’s finally better to acknowledge the fact that women have responsibility to prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they don’t want to be pregnant that’s exactly what overturning Roe v. Wade does. It says hey use one of your numerous optionsTake some responsibility for yourself and be proactive instead of reactive. What is so hard to grasp about that do you liberal Democrat knuckleheads
Yes, unfortunately we seem to have white evangelical Christians who like to tell others how to live their lives in Canada too, ffs.
Fox, Wall Street Journal, New York Post and other rightwing propaganda outlets have turned on Stinky. So the party is over for our smelly twice impeached one term loser president. How long will his mentally ill cult followers continue on, my guess is the rest of their miserable lives.
Yes, unfortunately we seem to have white evangelical Christians who like to tell others how to live their lives in Canada too, ffs.
Not really no, do as you want but do it responsibly. There’s no downside to telling the female population they are responsible for themselves too. It actually perpetuates the advancement of equality instead of just blaming men for every outcome. Responsibility falls on everyone’s shoulders

Analysis: 245 years later, has the 'American experiment' begun to fail?
12,104 views Jun 27, 2022 As the January 6 hearing continues, CNN's Jake Tapper examines whether the "American experiment," a phrase coined in the New-York Daily Tribune in 1860, can withstand the current political atmosphere.
I’m not the one imposing my beliefs on others, asshole.

You might be too stupid for this place, gramps. I suggest you haul your ass back to chuckers cause you just look like an ignorant fool in here.
Again you’ve proved my point emphatically about your lack of critical thinking and logically flawed ideals with resorting to hurling insults because you’re unable to negate the fact of women aren’t wanting to become pregnant they should be seeking out one of their numerous forms of birth control and exercising their due diligence of practicing safe sex
Oh look, yet another troll thread telling us how stupid Democrats are because of some online account making fun of them after yet another regressive culture war agenda item is pushed through by this right wing activist court here in America, and they happen to not live here.

Go figure.
Again you’ve proved my point emphatically about your lack of critical thinking and logically flawed ideals with resorting to hurling insults because you’re unable to negate the fact of women aren’t wanting to become pregnant they should be seeking out one of their numerous forms of birth control and exercising their due diligence of practicing safe sex
They should just shun conservative alpha males
TA DA :bigjoint:
They should just shun conservative alpha males
TA DA :bigjoint:
If that’s their due diligence to prevent unwanted pregnancy at least they’re doing something proactive about their safe sex. That’s all I’m sayin, they have their equal responsibility in the act, they can prevent unwanted pregnancy
Again you’ve proved my point emphatically about your lack of critical thinking and logically flawed ideals with resorting to hurling insults because you’re unable to negate the fact of women aren’t wanting to become pregnant they should be seeking out one of their numerous forms of birth control and exercising their due diligence of practicing safe sex
Again you are operating under the assumption anyone gives a shit about what you think other people should do with their bodies.
Totally fine with my hypocritical excerpt there. The fact remains not a single liberal or democrat has acknowledged that contraceptives should be the primary go to for preventing pregnancy and that women share equal responsibility to practice this due diligence. By liberal logic no one should be able to tell someone not to get hammered then get in a car and drive wherever because it’s their body their choice. Who cares if an innocent life is lost due to the neglect of responsibility by the individual? Instead we practice due diligence and leave our vehicle at home, call a cab, have a designated driver, all things that prevent the unnecessary loss of life from a poor decision but you want to absolve women of that same responsibility when it comes to sex and unwanted pregnancy when just like my metaphor there are numerous options available to prevent the accident from occurring altogether. This is why you’re all so fucking idiotic but the difference in me telling you this and what I said to cunning is that not once has he been able to refute my logic but just hurls insults because that’s what the left does when they’re caught baffled without any possible means of rebuttal. Everything I’ve said is accurate, the fact you’re unable to negate it means it’s the obvious solution