The Producer Round 3


Well-Known Member
Okay here we go.....plants are getting big some are not getting as much light anymore because others are outgrowing them. I did not change my rez this week I let it build to 900ppm and will let it continue till it hits 1000.

I am noticing some of the leaves are curling a bit you can see it in the pics I have is this any concern?

Just wondering when I should start to flower any suggestions anyone?

Lastly do I trim some of these big leaves away or let em be for now?

Anyway thanks for reading if you have any suggestions please post.

Oh yeah I almost forgot.......I drilled a hole in the side of my producer so I could run the tubing for the extra pump also for the ph nanny probe and feed tube this way I can keep the door closed at all times as I do have a fair amount of odour. I ordered a charcoal filter roll I am going to put one in my return air the other in the exhaust for my portable ac unit.



Well-Known Member
Yep thats a problem when you start getting a bunch of plants in there, they crowd each other out and the small ones won't produce much at all. If you plan on having a decent harvest you want to do a few things each and every day. Get a stick and measure the water level, add PH balanced water every day to keep the level the same, during flowering its at least 1 gallon each day. Do not let the PPM go up, the leaves are curling because that is usually the first sign of over feeding. Get some fresh water in there to replace the lost amount.

Trim the bottom half of all your plants void of all stems, leaves etc etc. Veg for 1 more week then switch to flowering, after 2 weeks in flowering trim off 1/4 of the big fan leaves so that most bud sites are exposed as best you can. Do not excessively cut off leaves. This will make your plants put all their production into making big main colas, which are easier to harvest and are the densest also. Your plants should get pretty close to the lights, its ok if they touch they won't burn.


Well-Known Member
Your the man nodrama, you really are!

I trimmed them back and low and behold the plants do not look that great I could not tell from the volume of plant matter before. I topped up the res. still running at 800ppm.

I am going to bump it to 1000 this Saturday and veg for one more week then hopefully start to flower.

Here are a few pics.......



Well-Known Member
Nice job, thats Exactly how its done!! Your plant in the back is probably going to end up touching the glass, it should be fine though. 1 more week should be perfect for switching to flower. They need a bit of time to heal their wounds from the trimming. They grow quite fast the first 4 weeks of flowering, them the buds start filling out after that.

You probably found quite a few yellow and brown leaves on the bottoms didn't You? Thats what happens when the canopy is so thick that the leaves can't get any light. Now you have also created airspace under those palnts which should help keep away any mold or damp problems. You can probably move the PPm up to 1200 for next week, then drop to 800 PPM of Flower nutes for the week after that.

SHits lookin good bro!!! +rep to u!


Well-Known Member
NoDrama if it were not for you I would have an empty machine which I would be cursing because I screwed something up, all I have done is follow your advice you are really good people!

Okay got it 1200 next week then switch it over to flowering, 800 in flowering nutes week one and hook up the co2 tank. Each week do I increase the nutes by 200 if everything is going well? I am also assuming I will have 8 weeks of flowering correct?

You are a 100% right about the leaves under the plants yellow and brown no light could penetrate, good call.



Well-Known Member
Yeah you will have to experiment a bit with raising the PPM, 200 a week is good and shouldn't hurt the plants. Just make sure to add water each day and the plants won't burn. I wouldn't go much past 1400-1600 PPM though and you want to reduce it the last 2 weeks and flush the very last week.

8 weeks for NL is about right, of course check the trichs with a small handheld microscope and harvest when its about 50% cloudy and 50% amber trichs. Should have all the hairs orange/red by then and a wonderful sweet smell.


Well-Known Member
Okay start at 800ppm next week when I switch it over to flowering then see how it goes. I am wondering about any other forms of media for the producer what would you say is the best other then rockwool?


Well-Known Member
Okay here are a few more pics.....everytime I open the door I get freaked out at the growth. I "almost" started to flower today but thought better of it. When I swapped out the res I was like omg look at the roots. Needless to say I am happy and hope to stay that way over the course of this week.



Well-Known Member
You want to flower now, your big plant in the back is gonna be plastered all over the glass.

Other medium is Hydroton.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cross.......all totaled somewhere in the neighborhood of 6k. Now bear in mind I ordered an extra carbon filter extra nutes.....extra everything. I am a bit of a freak that way as I didn't want to run out of anything so my investment gives me breathing room to get the process right. Yes I did buy it new directly from BC Northern Lights although they do have used units you could pick up cheaper, give em a call or shoot em an e-mail to find out whats what for yourself.

I am very much a noob at growing I did not realise that I had to survey my growing enviroment, the importance of ph etc.....I spent another 1k on top of the producer for a ph nanny (I work a lot!) a portable ac unit (with a dehumidifyer) and an extra pump, today I also picked up a cloner.

All in all I am very happy with my investment, once I dial it in the money will be coming in so it will pay for itself and then some.

Now if only I could clone NoDrama in the cloner..........if I could I would never have another grow problem again!


Well-Known Member
I drained the res last night and refilled with flowering nutes at 750ppm, I also hooked up the co2 tank. I did not want to go any higher then 750 as the plants were slightly wilted.

They must have been thirsty because when I got home the ppm had jumped to 1250. I drained some of the res and topped it up with water to bring it back down to 750.

I also hooked up a cloner I know it's not exactly the best set up but hopefully it works.

I am not entirely sure how to tell male plants from female plants but I am going to check utube for some videos. I took a close up of one of the plants I am not sure if these are female pistels or not.



Active Member
wow those are impressive. very nice well done. Ps if your talking about that little thing yes looking like a female pistol.


Well-Known Member
Tyvm Foolieo this is my third attempt I did not realise so much effort went into this sort of thing. I am assuming the males will show themselves in the next week or two, if and when they do I will be ready for the funeral procession.


Well-Known Member
Plants look good, no topping necessary , even if the plants touch the glass they will not burn. I like the cloner, I have a similar one myself , but its a little bit bigger. The last pic i couldn't tell if it was female or not, I think it needs more time. You might have problems if some of your plants are males, the roots will be completely meshed together in the res, so if you find a male you will not be able to easily get rid of it. Be very careful so as not to destroy nearby female plants roots when you pull the males out. Once you have a good female, then clone it and only grow clones from now on. The first 3 grows are going to be the most difficult and I highly recommend keeping a journal so you can identify mistakes, so far so good.


Well-Known Member
I am very very very confused can I still clone a female plant during flowering?
Yes you sure can, it takes about twice as long for the cutting to actually start roots, but you most certainly can clone a flowering plant. I have done it many times. What I am saying is that you do not want to really grow males EVER in the producer, getting rid of them harms the females cuz like I said the roots all grow into one mass and you end up ripping the roots apart getting the males out. And if you don't pull those roots out they will end up rotting in the res and causing the whole crop to die.


Well-Known Member
Well DAMN sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I better not have any males or I am gonna be very sad and very busy. I found an awesome page that is gonna help me out with sexing. On some of the skunk I do see a few white hairs on top but the rest nothing as of yet and I have taken a magnifying glass to the plants, I guess it's a waiting game.

I have learned a few things though one make sure all plants are female, two start all plants at the same time and three start flowering at a certain height.....sigh always learning the hard way.

Here are some pics.......they are growing the smallest plant has gone up 4" to 17" I am so hoping for a pound out of this grow I am doing everything I can and I need to recoup some $$$$$$$$

