The Producer Round 3


Well-Known Member
LOL No Drama now that is a fantastic idea!!!!! If I do get seeds I am gonna put them in every city run flowerbed neighbor and whereever else I find soil!

It is so dark in the unit on the skunk side they grew within one inch of the glass, it looks like the light on that side is not on but it's just the top of the plants blocking the light.

Again thanks No Drama!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I swapped out the rez I am at 1400 as of yesterday. I am happy with the way things are going. I just started week 4 of flowering, 5 more to go! I lost a small plant it could not keep up with the rest so now I am down to 15 plants, I expect one more small one will not make it either.

I am amazed at the buds forming on the are a couple of pics.




Well-Known Member
I love your new avatar No Drama........

I done did what u told me to :), here r some pics along with something I found today in the crop sighhhhhhh. :wall:



Well-Known Member
Well you got a seed, and probably more than 1. Its not the end of the world, it has happened to me also. The plants should be done stretching and now will put most of their energy into packing on bud weight, watch the ones touching the glass for any signs of damage, if you have to you can tie off the top of the plant and bend it down, look around for LST methods, pretty much the same Idea.

Once you get things dialed in and have a good 60 day finisher this is similar to what you should see at 6 weeks..... These pics are clones that were not allowed any veg time, went straight from clones with decent roots ( 10 days from cuttings) into 12/12. As you can see even the 8" clones after only 4 weeks of flowering grew to be 2.5-3 feet tall. Overall flowering will be 8 weeks, next week I start flushing.



Well-Known Member
Okay NoDrama I have to ask some really stupid questions so please bear with me. You put the clones in set it at 12 and 12 without the veg light in the unit? If so how did you start off your nutes dude? If this is correct you shaved 4 weeks off your grow time????????? Those are some serious looking plants dude a big gratz to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
still deciding on what I am gonna go with for my first grow....what is that you are growing...looks hella amazing....?


Well-Known Member
Well you got a seed, and probably more than 1. Its not the end of the world, it has happened to me also. The plants should be done stretching and now will put most of their energy into packing on bud weight, watch the ones touching the glass for any signs of damage, if you have to you can tie off the top of the plant and bend it down, look around for LST methods, pretty much the same Idea.

Once you get things dialed in and have a good 60 day finisher this is similar to what you should see at 6 weeks..... These pics are clones that were not allowed any veg time, went straight from clones with decent roots ( 10 days from cuttings) into 12/12. As you can see even the 8" clones after only 4 weeks of flowering grew to be 2.5-3 feet tall. Overall flowering will be 8 weeks, next week I start flushing.
My Bad that question on what u were growing was for you Nodrama....thanks


Well-Known Member
You would be correct about going directly from Clones straight to flowering with no vegetative growing time at all. Yes it saves about 15-20 days of vegging, but the plants are not as big, theres just more of them. Started with bloom nutes and never used veg nutes. I manually turn on the 150 watt fluoro light when the HPS lights come on and manually turn it off right before lights out.

The strain is Northern Lights. A easy to grow, decent yielding, get ya high as hell strain. Also very easy to clone. I keep a mother plant in another smaller box (The Mothership) for unlimited cuttings.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a bit late the tops of all my plants are brown yet another lesson learned.........sighhhh.

I changed out the res. yesterday 4 weeks to go. I do have some buds but nothing compared to yours not that I peeked at the urinal ha ha ha.

I honestly just need enough out of this crop to finance the next one with nutes hydrotone etc. I have the main components and I hope I learned a lot so hopefully next round is okay. For this round I will take what I get and look forward.

Now a very stupid question which light did you plug in the middle during your 12/12. I took a pic of the 2 I have can u identify it for me please?

I am going to try your method, it will save me time on cropping and will save me money on nutes a win win situation. After this grow believe me when I say I never want to see plants this high again!!!!!!!!!

Lastly I know u bundled your equipment when you bought it but can you give me a rough estimate on the cost of a mothership?

Thanks NoDrama....If you are ever in Toronto the night out is on me!



Well-Known Member
Well you vegged a bit too long, now you know for sure you don't need but a week or 2 at the most, maybe none at all.

The only bulb that will work in the middle position is the Fluorescent light, thats your veg light, I use that light during flowering too by manually turning the light switch on and off . Sometimes I forget to turn it off, but no harm has ever come of it. The newest boxes have a separate switch that will automatically turn the fluoro light on and off with the same sched as the HPS lights. That other larger bulb is a Metal Halide bulb and will work just fine when plugged into where the HPS bulbs are now. The Lumatec ballasts inside these boxes are capable of running both HPS and MH bulbs.

The mothership was only $1700 four years ago, not sure what it costs now. Not sure how much more it would cost in Canadian funds. Mine has used a metal halide bulb since day 1, I keep my mother in there and also clone 32 plants every 4 weeks in there.



Active Member
Hey guys just have a few questions I was hoping you guys could answer, since you’ve had the experience with the producer.
I’ve started to mother several different plants and they are doing great 1 month in. Now I have to figure out what the best option to flower clones. I’ve researched the producer and found many of the same issues and wondering if you guys were having the same.
Heat Issues
Humidity issues causing mold later in flowering
Issues with drainage
Small yields .5-1p
Light and smell leakage
Now since this unit will be costing me 5.5geez(producer royal) I don’t wanna be modify this box and dealing with issues. In other words would it be better for me to buy the box deal with some of these issues above or use that 5.5geez to buy a custom light, air purfing, hydro system, possibly a custom tent. It’s is very important for me to control smell aswell.
I’m in a jam and anyone’s experience, expertise and advice will be highly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just have a few questions I was hoping you guys could answer, since you’ve had the experience with the producer.
I’ve started to mother several different plants and they are doing great 1 month in. Now I have to figure out what the best option to flower clones. I’ve researched the producer and found many of the same issues and wondering if you guys were having the same.
Heat Issues
Humidity issues causing mold later in flowering
Issues with drainage
Small yields .5-1p
Light and smell leakage
Now since this unit will be costing me 5.5geez(producer royal) I don’t wanna be modify this box and dealing with issues. In other words would it be better for me to buy the box deal with some of these issues above or use that 5.5geez to buy a custom light, air purfing, hydro system, possibly a custom tent. It’s is very important for me to control smell aswell.
I’m in a jam and anyone’s experience, expertise and advice will be highly appreciated
1. I have central air so this is not a problem for me
2. again , central air, not a problem.
3. I keep my box near the main basement floor drain, so once a week I drain and fill, easy enough, otherwise there is no need to drain.
4. 1/2 gram/watt should be fairly easy to do if you can follow instructions.
5. there is some light leakage out the back where the fans are, but it was easy to kill with some aluminum ducting. Smell will be an issue since their supplied carbon filter is just not quite up to the task, I installed a 500 cfm blower attached to a 80 pound carbon filter. smell is not an issue. The box is really fairly quiet when running, my blower/filter combo makes 99% of the noise in my grow room.


Active Member
1. I have central air so this is not a problem for me
2. again , central air, not a problem.
3. I keep my box near the main basement floor drain, so once a week I drain and fill, easy enough, otherwise there is no need to drain.
4. 1/2 gram/watt should be fairly easy to do if you can follow instructions.
5. there is some light leakage out the back where the fans are, but it was easy to kill with some aluminum ducting. Smell will be an issue since their supplied carbon filter is just not quite up to the task, I installed a 500 cfm blower attached to a 80 pound carbon filter. smell is not an issue. The box is really fairly quiet when running, my blower/filter combo makes 99% of the noise in my grow room.
Thanks NoDrama


Active Member
Bought the box today, hope to have some nice pics in a few weeks :bigjoint:. Keep up the posts guys, helping me lots.


Well-Known Member
First of all grats nice looking bud No Drama, also another grats to smoke a wise purchase dude welcome aboard! :)

Week 6 is halfway in the r some pics also of my clones. I had a friend over who suggested the box around the clones, they seem to be getting a lot more light and I notice new growth.

I have a question though in 2 and 1/2 weeks when most r ready to crop can I leave 4 or 5 in the unit to bud more? I will have zero nutes and have final phased so I really need input on what to do a they will not all be ready at the same time.

Or should I pull the plants before I final phase and grow the rest with the same nute level?

I tell you what I will never start different strains at different times again it is very much a pain in the ass.

Sighhhhh looks like no pics my camera is broken lemme track down my son so I can choke him for a bit!!!!!!!

Since I started overdrive my buds have doubled in sized and have increased their way down the stalk.

I will have to pick up a cheap camera this weekend!


Well-Known Member
Well TBH if I were you i would not use the final phase, just flush for 10 days with plain PH water. Then after you cut your first crop you can leave the other plants in there and give them some nutes and they should resume finishing, then when those are near being done give em some final phase and see if you can notice a difference when you smoke it.

You can early harvest some, harvest some on time and harvest some later, its not going to hurt anything and can make the harvest job much easier to do. If you try to harvest all of it in one sitting it will take you the better part of a whole day.