You clearly can't read. You just repeatedly post the same shit over and over like a sanctimonious ass. There is no doxxing going on either. You were dumb enough to make a plentyoffish account with the same username you have here. Nobody posted any personal details about you or your address or phone number or anything of the sort. You should get a job.You have refused to answer at every turn.
Instead you've engaged in excuses, personal attacks and even doxxing.
Who are you FOR, clown?
Personal attacks and a defense of doxxing.You clearly can't read. You just repeatedly post the same shit over and over like a sanctimonious ass. There is no doxxing going on either. You were dumb enough to make a plentyoffish account with the same username you have here. Nobody posted any personal details about you or your address or phone number or anything of the sort. You should get a job.
Yep. It's the best you can manage.
Personal attacks and a defense of doxxing.
These posts do not contain logical points.Yep. It's the best you can manage.
It's not nice to insult the mentally handicapped, so I'll refrain.
78,000 tons of plastic in the North Pacific gyre, according to the latest survey. That's almost 2000 forty ton truckloads worth.These posts do not contain logical points.
This is the difference between useless, jobless windbags like you and productive, hardworking people like myself. You think talking about trash in the ocean helps but I actually build artificial reef structures to cultivate corals that resist warming water and pull tons of trash out of the ocean while you harass me and tell me "what are you for, clown?". Also, I pay more taxes than you and I live abroad working as a diving instructor and photographer in addition to the volunteering stuff I listed before that. You on the other hand, have no job and collect from the gov't.78,000 tons of plastic in the North Pacific gyre, according to the latest survey. That's almost 2000 forty ton truckloads worth.
Or, roughly three months worth of trash for a typical American city of 100,000.
It would be nice if we humans could find a way to deal with it before it finds its way into the ocean.
You know nothing about my life.This is the difference between useless, jobless windbags like you and productive, hardworking people like myself. You think talking about trash in the ocean helps but I actually build artificial reef structures to cultivate corals that resist warming water and pull tons of trash out of the ocean while you harass me and tell me "what are you for, clown?". Also, I pay more taxes than you and I live abroad working as a diving instructor and photographer in addition to the volunteering stuff I listed before that. You on the other hand, have no job and collect from the gov't.
Two things here:You know nothing about my life.
I've never once denigrated your contributions.
Yet you can't resist making endless personal attacks, as if they have any validity in a conversation about the future direction of our country. You even stoop to doxxing, which shows that any lessons you've learned about honorable conduct have been forgotten.
Then why did you post my pic? How is that not doxxing?Two things here:
1. I never doxxed.
2. This post contains no logical points.
What pic? You mean the meme I posted a couple pages back? I found that by googling "creepy dating profiles". That's you? Wow, you just doxxed yourself and blamed it on me, we wouldn't have ever known that creep was you.Then why did you post my pic? How is that not doxxing?
When you have logical points, I will too. Until then, I see no point in wasting good thought on the likes of you or the rest of the ballwashers.
More personal attacks.What pic? You mean the meme I posted a couple pages back? I found that by googling "creepy dating profiles". That's you? Wow, you just doxxed yourself and blamed it on me, we wouldn't have ever known that creep was you.
This post contains no logical points.More personal attacks.
Keep crying about the fact that you have nothing to add to the conversation.
WaaaaaaahThis post contains no logical points.
When the author said progressive, it wasn't what you mean by it."With his primary election victory last week, Illinois Congressman Dan Lipinski—a Blue Dog and cultural conservative—won the first major 2018 battle between the Democratic Party’s establishment and progressive wings.
But don’t be confused about what it means. The war is already over, and the establishment lost.
Even though only two states have actually voted so far this primary election season—Texas, a red-state redoubt, and Illinois, a blue-state stronghold—the battle for supremacy this primary season is all but complete. In state after state, the left is proving to be the animating force in Democratic primaries, producing a surge of candidates who are forcefully driving the party toward a more liberal orientation on nearly every issue.
These candidates are running on an agenda that moves the party beyond its recent comfort zone and toward single-payer health care, stricter gun control, a $15 minimum wage, more expansive LGBT rights and greater protections for immigrants."
"According to data compiled by the Brookings Institution’s Primaries Project, the number of self-identified, nonincumbent progressive candidates in Texas spiked compared with the previous two election years. This year, there were nearly four times as many progressive candidates as in 2016. Meanwhile, the number of moderate and establishment candidates remained flat for the past three elections in Texas.
Even in Illinois, where the Democratic Party holds most of the levers of power, the data tell a similar story: There were more progressive candidates this year, the Primaries Project reports, than moderate and establishment candidates, by a count of 25 to 21."
"The party’s ascendant left is coming after everybody, regardless of the outcome in Lipinski’s race. Progressive energy is pulsing through the primaries, most notably in the proliferation of Trump-backlash grass-roots groups like Indivisible, Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress that are teeming with activists inspired by Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. There’s no comparable counterweight within the establishment."
"In Texas, a greater percentage of the progressive candidates either won or advanced to a runoff than the percentage of moderate and establishment candidates who did. In Illinois, the success rate between the wings was about equal. Five moderate or establishment candidates won their primaries, compared with three progressives."
"Yet in the historically Republican suburbs of Houston, the insurgent wing delivered an eye-opening display of its muscle. Despite the best efforts of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to torpedo activist Laura Moser—the DCCC viewed her as a less-than-viable prospective nominee in a competitive suburban Texas district—progressives rallied around her and boosted her into a May 22 Texas runoff."
Not to get in the way of another round of your priggish shit posting, but so do you. Just look how often you use this slur. Your testicle obsession goes on for pages and pages. You even spell the word two different ways. I guess you're more comfortable with hypocrisy than most.You've specialized in personal attacks..
I've ball washer.
ball washer contingent.
ballwashers .
ballwashers can't handle it.
I ballwashers
u ballwashers.
I ballwashers keep trying
ballwashers ever heard of them.
99% of the drivel the ballwashers post here comes nowhere near that standard.
Buckwit ballwashers = self appointed character
And yet none of you ballwashers bring anythin
ballwashers .
Bernie would have won.When the author said progressive, it wasn't you you mean by it.
I've been saying all along that progressive means somebody who supports progress, not radical change for change's sake.
The ACA was progressive legislation. Think on that. Bernie's universal healthcare plan which has no chance and would be a disaster for Democrats in 2018 elections represents radical change. The ACA represents progress toward that goal and it is sufficient for now just to prevent Republicans from dismantling it. The legislation in the house to enable Medicare buy-in is the next step but it's OK if it doesn't make it into law just yet. .
Too funny that you think Bernie owns that word progressive but what you want is not that.
So, yes, the progressive wing has beaten the centrist or right wing Democrats but that doesn't mean Bernie has won anything. Bernie hasn't done anything, how can he have won anything by doing nothing?
LolNot to get in the way of another round of your priggish shit posting, but so do you. Just look how often you use this slur. Your testicle obsession goes on for pages and pages. You even spell the word two different ways. I guess you're more comfortable with hypocrisy than most.
Pol Pot was misunderstood.the branch davidians would have won