The Pure (from Speedy Seedz) 180 watt ProSource LED : My 1st Real Grow


Active Member
Dolo- Howz yo skunky mango? Minez real pretty, lime green, nice yielder, 2month old today, probably needs one more week or so. Our days are up to 13hrs now, but she not reveg. Things going good here, my hands better but still can't move my pinky, then I went jogging last week in the dark(like a dumb ass) and stepped in a hole and sprained the shit out of my ankle. How many times now have I fucked myself up jogging? I started drinking beer though again so I should be ok. Grow on.
Damn Bro- you keep hurting yourself- sounds like you should just stay home and smoke to avoid any future injuries!!
Glad your Pure is doing good- make sure you let me know when you harvest!


Active Member
Hey guys-
things are chuggin along here. Some of the leaves on the Pure are starting to get 'rust' spots- so I am going to water with a 2% Epsom Salt solution to help correct the nute deficiencies going on. Last time the Epsom Water worked like a charm. Other than that, things are going very well with all the plants.
The Bagseed plants are still not flowering as rapidly as the Pure has.

Without further ado, pics!

The Pure is just about 2 feet now!

THE PURE- loving all the budsites!

THE PURE- Main Cola, getting big!!

TP Main Cola, another pic- YUM- I Love it! :hug:

Top of the Pure main cola Close Up- The LED contrast with the green is so sick! :-P

The Pure- Side Bud, just a bud on one of the side branches

The Pure- here is what a side branch looks like- budsites all down the side like an avalanche of Bud!

THE PURE - MAIN COLA, another shot! :shock:

Bagseed #1- up close shot, on my computer you can see it so close it's crazy- you can tell that the Bagseed is not as developed as the Pure, but the Bagseeds are growing nice and strong, just slower

That's it for now. Also, I take TONS of pictures but I only post the best ones- if there is a request for more pics I can post more- like I have more shots of the Bagseed plants, and the closet overall. Just let me know and I can post whatever!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dolo- My Pure is coming down in the am or the next day if it rains tonight. This is a good yielder, maybe fun to breed. Did you order your next beans yet?


Active Member
Hey Surf- Take some pics of the final chopped bud and post them :) I wanna see what you get!

I did order some beans and now I have more to choose from then I had thought I would due to freebies from Attitude.
Here's what I have right now:

Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon x 1
BF Utopia Haze x 1
BF Red Diesel x 1
BF Blue Cheese x 1
GHS White Widow x 1
BF LSD x 5
DNA Sharksbreath x 1
BF Vanilla Kush x 1
BF Pineapple Chunk x 1
BF Flower Power (Autoflower) x 1

Nirvana Pure Power Plant x 20 (I bought these in Feb when they had a buy 10 get 10 free deal- too good to pass up but now I want to grow all the other stuff and I don't really care about the PPP)

Also, Attitude didn't send one of my Sharksbreath seeds on accident, so to make up for it they are going to send me one on my next order. I don't really need to place an order BUT on Friday they are having a special where if you spend $20 then you get these Femenized freebies: 1 GHS The Church, 1 Nirvana Jock Horror, 1 Northern Lights and 1 Bubblelicious- plus whatever I buy and the Sharksbreath... so, I am thinking of placing ANOTHER order... LOL- but, I don't really need all those seeds right now because I only want to grow 3 or 4 plants at a time.
What do you think I should do?

I am growing 4 plants right now and I am at my max for space in my closet- especially with the footprint of my LED. So I have enough seeds to last for me at least a year!! LOL~~ I don't know, there are SO many strains I want to grow and try. I have only ever smoked unknown weed and I would like to become more "sophisticated" now that I am growing my own.

Then the question is, if I do place another order on Friday- what should I get? Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm the same way. I'm like a crackhead when it comes to free beans that I don't need. I just got a tude shipment in and another one should be here today. I'd wait until a better special comes up, you and I don't need anymore seeds right now. Dude get some of that Barneys going next!


Active Member
Just wanted to post some more pics. Same progress, buds coming along nice :weed: :weed:






THE PURE :leaf:

That's all for now :weed: :-P


Active Member
Yep, I'm the same way. I'm like a crackhead when it comes to free beans that I don't need. I just got a tude shipment in and another one should be here today. I'd wait until a better special comes up, you and I don't need anymore seeds right now. Dude get some of that Barneys going next!
Hey Surf- I'm thinking of doing the Lemon Haze, the Vanilla Kush and the LSD all on the next grow. They all have about the same flower time.

What beans did you order? What's your next grow gonna be?


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin plants

I have a 180 from PS also it is collecting dust now but I will be breaking it out soon and have had 2 grows with it

The only thing I would say you can add is some C02 that will make a big difference in you plants

Good luck on the rest of your grow


Well-Known Member
Just harvested my early durban and la woman and the pure is next. Just started Vanilla kush, lemon skunk, and have NL and some autos going. I ordered some Afgani from DNA and a Mr Nice Outdoor mix. Smoked almost all of my super Lemon Haze already. Really want to grow some strawberry cough, hazes, subcools, serious seeds stuff, purple shit, etc., etc., etc. But you know what, i kinda want to grow the Pure again, but veg her awhile first.

Your plants are looking good!! Can't wait to watch your next grow!! Supa frost.

My friend is in my living room laughing his ass off at some dumb TV show because he ate some mushrooms from the cow pasture.


Active Member
The Pure. 65 days old from seed.
That's a nice fatass cola! Hell yeah Surf! Let me know how she smokes after you've cured her!

Just harvested my early durban and la woman and the pure is next. Just started Vanilla kush, lemon skunk, and have NL and some autos going. I ordered some Afgani from DNA and a Mr Nice Outdoor mix. Smoked almost all of my super Lemon Haze already. Really want to grow some strawberry cough, hazes, subcools, serious seeds stuff, purple shit, etc., etc., etc. But you know what, i kinda want to grow the Pure again, but veg her awhile first.

Your plants are looking good!! Can't wait to watch your next grow!! Supa frost.

My friend is in my living room laughing his ass off at some dumb TV show because he ate some mushrooms from the cow pasture.
Have you started your indoor grow yet? Or are you all outdoors?
Damn- you have already grown a lot of strains! The Pure is my first :)
That's funny about your friend trippin of shrooms- LOL. I bet there are tons of them out there!

No word from Evie huh?


Well-Known Member
Dolo- Yeah, I started some ghetto cfl setup in my closet. Works pretty good actually. I had 2 NLs going in there, but I stuck them outside today. Think I'm going to use the natural sun during the day then put an autoflower and a vegging plant under the cfls until midnight then put them outside again next morning. I haven't talked to Evie's friend in a while, they are filming on Maui.


Active Member
Guess what?
The fucking Bagseed #1 turned Hermie! That little bitch had a couple banana nuts hanging on a few nodes- there were only like 3 of them, but I was so pissed I just chopped her down completely and I am curing her now to smoke. Sure it won't be very potent, but fuck it.

So now I am down to 3 plants- the Pure, Bagseed #2 & #3.
The Pure is starting to have pistils turn orange and shrivel. The bagseeds are not. They are still way behind the Pure as far as development goes. They only have a little bit of trichomes and are still very 'green' and newbish.
According to my calendar they have another month to go, but unless the Bagseeds catch up in a hurry then they are going to go waaaay longer than the Pure- which is weird because I thought the Bagseeds were Indica dom, so they should flower shorter...?

And now- pics!

Bagseed #2- not as developed as the Pure

Bagseed #3

Bagseed #2 top

And now for my baby, the Pure!

The Top, many orange hairs now

Lower half of main cola- look at those fucking trichs- like sugar baby!!

Side Bud on the Pure

Another side Bud

yet another side bud

THE CLOSET, Bag 3 on the left, the Pure on the Right (bag 2 not pictured)

The Pure is no longer smelling like Mango! She smells so funky skunky. When I come home from the store or somethin I keep thinking the trash needs to be taken out... LOL, yeah, she's a stinky little bitch. :weed: :weed: :weed: