The Ramen Noodle Thread!!!


New Member
When you've finished cooking them and you put them on a ceramic plate (important) pour some brandy on it and light it'll burn off the alcohol and singe the noodles...make them nice and crispy.

Ramen flambe.....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Shit ramen noodles when i waz i kid i used to call it boom boom soup haha u kno whats the best? Add a lil egg right before its done yummmm.i wonder if anyone added pot to there ramen before


Well-Known Member
I have a terrible story about ramen noodles that I think I'll share.

We had an old microwave from the mid 80s... the thing was huge, loud, and not all that powerful... so it took awhile to cook things. I used to have to stick my ramen in there for 6 minutes in order for them to cook properly. I let my noodles stand for 10+ minutes, generally... and that's a key part of the story.

So I put my noodles in, set the time... and then went about my business. About 25 minutes later, my father informed me the microwave was making funny noises and the house was filling with thick black smoke. I'd mistakenly set the microwave for 60 minutes... not 6. I stopped the microwave immediately... and when I opened the door, the bowl the ramen had been cooking in fell apart. The glass tray on the bottom of the microwave had shattered as well. The noodles were completely charred black and were on fire... all the water had evaporated. I unplugged the microwave... carried the heavy thing outside and dumped it into a snow bank.

I thought I was dead meat at that point... and I did get a bit of a 'lecture' from my mother, but she took me aside and told me that we needed a new microwave anyway... and now she had an excuse to make my father buy a new one. We bought a new microwave and it's an amazing machine... one that'll shut down if anything starts to burn within it ... or even if it gets SLIGHTLY too hot. It worked out in the end...

I wasn't able to ramen for months after that. The putrid, awful smell of burnt/charred/smoldering ramen is beyond any real description.
oh man! rammen, so much memories.

My Way:
i love soup so a ussually have buillion cubes of all flavours
in my house and what i do is throw out the spice baggie and replace it
with half a tomato cube, half a fish cube and a small piece of a shrimp cube
then i nuke it and add hot sauce afterwards. best shit in the world.
sometimes when i have the mad munchies il even throw in some beefsteak cut up into small
pieces and nuke it all for a good 7 minutes time.


Active Member
I love ramen because when your munchie factor kicks in, ramen has no high sugar or anything bad like that, so I dont worry about packing on the pounds eating worthless snacks while stoned.

Plus it fills you up with a few, just throw three or four different flavors in one huge bowl and you are in hog heaven.

Oh yeah did I mention its cheap? 79 cents a pop I believe. If anything will end world hunger, hopefully it will be the munchies are ramen noodles.


Well-Known Member
Ramen is pure starch, though... which turns to sugar once it starts being digested....

Still, it would be a good way to end world hunger wouldn't it??? RAMEN FOR ALL!!!

And yeah, I killed that microwave DED.


New Member
Reminds me of the time i was just living with my wife and I was working on a Saturday and she was home. So when I get home the entire house reeked of something burnt and quite FOUL. Heavy smell...awful. She comes out of the kitchen saying, "everything is alright". Uhhh...:lol: no, what the heck happened? She had decided to boil some eggs and after a bit forgot about them and was outside weeding the garden. She hadn't put enough water in and it all boiled off leaving the eggs to incinerate in the pot..... gawd awful smell.

To make matters worse, when she smells SMOKE..she rushes in and grabs the pot and runs to the window. However, the window is closed and in the panic she set the pot on the carpet so she could open the window. Well that brain fart put a perfect 8" burn mark straight to the concrete underneath. I just laughed my arse off cause there was nothing else for it.

"Everything is alright".....:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hahah! Yeah, it's hard to keep a clear head in a crisis sometimes. And everything WAS alright... in a sense. House was still standing, wasn't it?
you dudes should try mi goreng fried noodles but just plain migoreng like the original one i guess
cheap as fuk and easy to make