The reason they're called assholes!


New Member
Republicans, more than any other party have earned the name assholes:
We're seeing a lot of analysis (or "anal-ysis") about the factors that led to last week's boot-up-the-derriere for a (w)hole lot of Republicans. The war, sure. Stem cells and scandals and surprisingly strong Democrats, of course. But I think we're ignoring the smelly elephant in the room: the asshole factor.
The smug, leering face of the GOP in power is not dissimilar from that you see at the DMV when you've just waited two hours in the wrong line, behind the mirrored glasses when you didn't notice the school zone at 3AM (this may be just an Oregon thing), or in the "rear-view" mirror when some asshole is tailgating you.

It's the look of usually unearned privilege delighting in the chance to grind your nuts (or other gender-appropriate sensitive bits) just for the fun of it. Picture Tom "Smugshot" Delay. Picture former genius Karl Rove. Picture Prexy Pullmyfinger.

Every smear in the recent campaign was a skidmark, and all of that unwashable crap (aside from some of the more hysterical Foley-bashing) came from the GOP. Karl Rove telling us the liberals wanted "therapy" for terrorists. Calling relentlessly pro-troop Representative John Murtha a traitor. Gang-pouting at John Kerry for an insult that a flippin' earthworm could tell was aimed at Bush rather than the troops. Each was an asshole move. Even though the news coverage was mostly textbook "pretend-both-sides-have-a-valid-point" nonsense, apart from those voters with a vested interest in bollocking the Dems, everybody picked up that the GOP's jutting-jaw indignation in each case was an act, a tactic, another sputtering, stinking movement of the bowels.
It seems like there's a disinclination to publicly recognize asshole tactics as "cruel" or "unfair," those notions (and the ideals that mark their opposites) apparently too simple for the oh-so-complex-and-sophisticated political arena. That's bullshit. I have to hope even casual politics watchers can tell when somebody's an asshole, and that they base their judgments not on attack ads and planted stories but on simple, direct substance. Are you arrogant in victory and petulant in defeat? Are you the kind of person who could justify torturing another? Did you buy a billion annoying phone calls and pretend they were from the opposition? If yes, then asshole.
There are more subtle examples, like scrambling to shore up your public image rather than protecting real people being blown up in Iraq and drowned in New Orleans, but "subtle" isn't the same thing as "incomprehensible" (regardless of what the DLC tells you). It all comes back to the asshole factor. When folks are in trouble and you have the capacity to help, you have a couple of simple choices: help or be an asshole. We watched this administration choose their course, we were briefly baffled, and then we realized there was too much proctology in their psychology.
We voted accordingly.
So, advice to the incoming majority (barring an asshole move like a party switch from he-who-must-not-be-named): keep your words April fresh, clean up after yourselves, and limit any attacks to above the belt. That's the way to win the hearts and behinds of America.


Well-Known Member
Both Democrats AND the republicans are AZZholes, all they do is bitch about what the other is or isnt doing and could care less about the will of the American people.


New Member
Both Democrats AND the republicans are AZZholes, all they do is bitch about what the other is or isnt doing and could care less about the will of the American people.
So, are you just giving up? At least use the theory of less evil and choose someone better than the opposition, or you have no voice, and no reason to bitch. The old I didn't vote so it's not my fault is dead and stinkin!

fat sam

Well-Known Member
all of them are so fucking corrupt it makes me sick, every last fucking asshole that voted for the bailout sold out the public, fuck every last one of them


Well-Known Member
You guys have all the power now, what is the gripe? It is never enough I guess. Hurry up and bankrupt the country so that everyone can see that "borrow, tax, spend while screaming crisis" does not work. Carter did it and while it was rough on the people, the result was a divided everything where less could get done. Washington DC is much better when they are hamstrung.


Well-Known Member
You guys have all the power now, what is the gripe? It is never enough I guess. Hurry up and bankrupt the country so that everyone can see that "borrow, tax, spend while screaming crisis" does not work. Carter did it and while it was rough on the people, the result was a divided everything where less could get done. Washington DC is much better when they are hamstrung.
i don't have the power if i did only bush voters would pay his debt,,,,,,,,,as some1 in the middle the has been told to get out of the tent ,,,,i say the ppl that supported the policies that dug this hole are not quallified to even give a opinion,,,,,,,,,,,sit down and let the grown ups talk listen take notes and u might learn something /////////change accounts u can run but u can't hide


Active Member
is there actually any 1 on this site who supports republicans?? how idiotic is that??? is there 1 GOP representative who is actually for medical marijuana? let alone decrim? at least Obama is for decrim and ananymous cabinet member said that he will push for it if he gets a 2nd term. even if i werent the most liberal SOB u ever met that reason alone would be enuf for me to vote dem..... i laugh when i hear rep. talk about how we are screwing up right now with the bail out or whatever, bush f*cked us with his 8 years of failed poilicies-now its the dem turn. wait 8 years and see what happens, then talk shit. for now, shut the F up


Well-Known Member
is there actually any 1 on this site who supports republicans?? how idiotic is that??? is there 1 GOP representative who is actually for medical marijuana? let alone decrim? at least Obama is for decrim and ananymous cabinet member said that he will push for it if he gets a 2nd term. even if i werent the most liberal SOB u ever met that reason alone would be enuf for me to vote dem..... i laugh when i hear rep. talk about how we are screwing up right now with the bail out........or whatever,:wall: bush f*cked us with his 8 years of failed poilicies-now its the dem turn. wait 8 years and see what happens, then talk shit. for now, shut the F up
Your post is conspicuously unintelligent and just a pointless rant.

Sure, I'll dance with you, big mouth!

It was the republican party who stood with the farmers, when the democratic congress put cannabis on the books in the first place...duh!
Know your enemy:wall:

Just off the top of my head; Sen. Dave Lewis, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Tom Tancredo, Gov. Tommy Thompson, Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneger(sp?)....all in favour:finger:
I'm sure I could just use my google smarts and find more names.

Easy question; Why hasn't the dem congress appeal the law yet?
see what happens, then talk shit. for now, shut the F up

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
is there actually any 1 on this site who supports republicans?? how idiotic is that??? is there 1 GOP representative who is actually for medical marijuana? let alone decrim? at least Obama is for decrim and ananymous cabinet member said that he will push for it if he gets a 2nd term. even if i werent the most liberal SOB u ever met that reason alone would be enuf for me to vote dem..... i laugh when i hear rep. talk about how we are screwing up right now with the bail out or whatever, bush f*cked us with his 8 years of failed poilicies-now its the dem turn. wait 8 years and see what happens, then talk shit. for now, shut the F up
Let's all be real. This is a site dedicated to weed. There's just not going to be an overwhelming support for the GOP here. And the few right of center folks that are scattered about probably don't feel like getting a verbal lashing for speaking up. They just wanna get high too.

Well-Known Member
I am not a republican. I am a libertarian.

But republicans are pretty close there.

I hate big gov.

I want practically no gov.

So I like republicans.

However, I did vote for obama.

Mainly because mccain was like the worst choice ever.

Both Parties have their share of assholes.

I just depends what you like.

LOTS of gov. telling you what to do.

Not a lot of gov. getting involved wit your life.

I am surprised more people actually aren't rep/libertarians on here.

The less gov. the better.

Btw, rush speaking at cpac the other day was very good.



Well-Known Member
Let's all be real. This is a site dedicated to weed. There's just not going to be an overwhelming support for the GOP here. And the few right of center folks that are scattered about probably don't feel like getting a verbal lashing for speaking up. They just wanna get high too.
:lol: verbal lashing from a lib?
I only hope for the day!!;-)

farmers vote republican
growers are farmers:bigjoint:
I see no conflict.


Well-Known Member
You know, The republicans are in a state of civil unrest they need to find their roots. If they do not get back to the ideals that made them great and stick to them then they are dead, period.

Their job will be made easy for them if they find their roots. Obama administration and Democrats in general will implode after they get all the things they ever wanted and the economy and working Americans pay the price.

But if they don't get it, don't get back to what made them great i.e. personal liberty a humble foreign policy and "real" fiscal conservatism then we are ripe for a third party to finally get some play.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I'm with you Mr. Red. I'm a Libertarian that leans a bit to the right. I think that the GOP are assholes too. But my reasons are not the liberal talking points, but because they have turned into a bunch of candy ass crooks! They're not about smaller gov't, smaller taxes and more freedoms as their caveat states. But sadly all politicians go by the "fuck you and hurray for me" philosophy these days.

The ONE thing that the Gov't and the media together have accomplished in the last 40 years is to so throughly divide the nation, that we no longer stand together as americans. It's not us against them anymore, it's us against us. And that is a dangerous situation.


Well-Known Member
You know, The republicans are in a state of civil unrest they need to find their roots. If they do not get back to the ideals that made them great and stick to them then they are dead, period.

Their job will be made easy for them if they find their roots. Obama administration and Democrats in general will implode after they get all the things they ever wanted and the economy and working Americans pay the price.

But if they don't get it, don't get back to what made them great i.e. personal liberty a humble foreign policy and "real" fiscal conservatism then we are ripe for a third party to finally get some play.
the whig party?


Elite Rolling Society
Everyday, if I am feeling a little down, I create a new file folder on my computer and name it George Bush.
Then I send it to my Recycle Bin.

Then I click Empty Recycle Bin.

A new window pops up and asks

Do you really want to get rid of George Bush?

I click YES, and then it says

You have successfully deleted George Bush.

Then I feel much better.