The Road to Dank!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Double bubble doja?That's going to b some nice colorful dank in all of that..
when you said this not sur if you really meant doubble purple doja created by i think sub cool and let go to a few

id like to try that dont hve it is aprt of all them im runnin next though - no straight up sadly
when you said this not sur if you really meant doubble purple doja created by i think sub cool and let go to a few
id like to try that dont hve it is aprt of all them im runnin next though - no straight up sadly
Nice pic! I thought you had the strain double bubble doja?Indiana bubble gum x dpd?


Well-Known Member
oh soory an you know d bubble d-yes is whuti have -i thought that you thought it was dpd
forgot who i was talkin to you on top of them all
pic is nie -just copied from google-looks like tiny bud forming center of leaf bottom right
Doing my daily routine in the tent I noticed a nice amount of white stuff on my lower buds and leaves on my Scott's sure enough checking closer it was Powdery Mildew! Today makes 7 weeks flower and powdery mildew I on 30%of the plant from bottom up.. Just removed it and checked all te other girls and they are fine. In fact they look like they will be done in the next 2 weeks.. So I'm hoping everything is smooth sailing from now on and I know what I have to do next run with any plant..
I checked everything It doesn't look like anything else has anything.. Next round I'll do better cleaning up on the bottom part of the plants and throw a fan in on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
i got one of those tower fans for the low back in september, they are great for blowing the tent around. But i leave my tent open most of the tome. but i guess it could go inside. gives airflow top to bottom.
they should be on sale since its cold out.
i got one of those tower fans for the low back in september, they are great for blowing the tent around. But i leave my tent open most of the tome. but i guess it could go inside. gives airflow top to bottom.
they should be on sale since its cold out.
I swear t you read my mind.
Minir problem just needed to go thru it to not have it happen again if I can I avoid it


Well-Known Member
dam man scotts got PM
an 30 % fuckery
was really liken her to well yo salvaged most of it

ever try the milk an water mix for that

i had once was scattered an mainly on overlapping branches
i use the towers also lots wit small tents useing them
i also keep a fan on floor blowing upwards stomas luv dis

i never seen it organized like you discribe it -must keep air moving


Well-Known Member
From what I understand using lemon juice and water at a 1:3 mix pH drops the leaves so pm cant gain a foothold. Shines your shit up too
dam man scotts got PM
an 30 % fuckery
was really liken her to well yo salvaged most of it

ever try the milk an water mix for that

i had once was scattered an mainly on overlapping branches
i use the towers also lots wit small tents useing them
i also keep a fan on floor blowing upwards stomas luv dis

i never seen it organized like you discribe it -must keep air moving
Yeah it was my fault no air movement at the bottom just very dry I'm guessing.. Never tried no remedy as I didn't need to haven't experienced pm.. But I read something about 1tsp baking powder and dish soap with warm water .

Thr main cola and about a couple nodes down from that is salvageable just pick 2 weeks early.. Bummer ok that because she wa pregnant too the buds that were pollinated was covered in the powder like a baby's bottom with a rash.:/


Well-Known Member
The Doc's okay, though, right...? Shame to lose anything, but definitely not the better of the group. We know you'll get it under control either way. ATB!
The Doc's okay, though, right...? Shame to lose anything, but definitely not the better of the group. We know you'll get it under control either way. ATB!
Both docs are a okay;).. Checking constantly after what I saw yesterday and I see nothing.. I think I already know what went wrong im working on correcting that right now:).. I just need to tough it out for 13 more days the most.


Well-Known Member
I have never had pm, but i have had budrot or mold in my buds before. i'm hoping there is non in yours. glad you'll still have smoke though.
yeah most crap like that is grower error but sum in denial still want to blame plant

keep a eagle eye on it

Fo sure.. Yeah I figured inside the tent was good but was too much stuff in there I let them go wild lol.

I have never had pm, but i have had budrot or mold in my buds before. i'm hoping there is non in yours. glad you'll still have smoke though.
I had mold before on my buds in the summer and so far no smell or look is indicating it.. I would be crushed if that's the case.. I have a oscillating fan in there now being that I removed a plant. Next round topping and cleaning up the bottom 1/3 of every plant in the tent.. Also going to place a tower fan inside the tent as well.


Well-Known Member
yeah vert oscelating fans are good lot of coverage for tall plants i sit it on a bucket

overlapng branches is bad for pm
each plant prefers it own space
to have maybe tips of a few leafs touch ok but
intertwined plants wit pots touching looking for problems


Active Member
Shitty about the mildew bro, sorry to hear it. Glad it wasn't a total washout.

I'm kinda late to the party with this, but shoutout to the Blue Dream ya posted up!

I'm running 12 BD cuts I got from a buddy and they are the pride of my garden currently (even though I have a Jack the Ripper and an Omrita that would both contest that point!). Flipped to 12/12 the day after the election and they're already lookin nice. Getting a little taller than I planned on them being at this stage but their just so damn perky it's not a bad problem to have.

Couple Pacific Sour Diez in there too but they are the sickly ones of the bunch, I don't quite know what to do because I think they might be rootlocked or something.

My camera recently shit the bed but i'll see if I can snap a couple quickpics with the camera on my phone and slap them up here of my Blue Dream babies and their sisters.

Garden looks awesome BTW. Can't wait to see some of the pics of the yuletide dank haul you got comin in.

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