How does immigration work then, Buckold?
As far as the last 3 years have proven, we have no immigration policy (well, unless you're white and wanting to become a citizen) anymore.
As to the "Haiti smear", I believe the Haitian president, you believe Hitlery.
Is believing the guy that was there both before and after the hurricane rather than than the phony 501c Cilt'n laundry that,
"(We) came,
(We) saw,
(We) became filthy rich defrauding the charitable of the world and selling off 'recovery' packages to for profit companies" that far beyond the pale?
I'd ask you if you'd ever grown well enough or of an amount enough to need such a laundry to legitimize your income back before it was legal, but then I remember that you don't pay taxes on the now legal product that you may now grow while voting to "progressively" tax the shit out of the rest of us, and so makes it hard to believe you ever have grown well enough to need that service or reasoned well enough to understand your tax and Hitlery's charitable hypocrisy.
Is that why you need this trolling gig to make ends meet?