The Second American Revolution

Well we need one you can be a little bitch if you like though. Also I'm not the one who came up with the idea that would have to go to George Washington then the Beatles helped as did Bob Marley and on and on again. There will be a revolution could be a few years could be 20 years just depends when people get off their asses and do something for the good mankind and FREEDOM!!!

Typing about a revolution I'm sure John , Bob and George would be thoroughly impressed, lol pussy.
it's not really up to me, it's up to the federal government. they control immigration. it's in the constitution. look it up.

i welcome them in. multiculturalism is good, not something to be a gigantic pussy about. COUGHyouCOUGH
Plenty of Hatians you can help just like the Clit'n Foundation.

You do want to be like Hitlery since you're "with her", correct?
If you say multiculturalism is good you should be at the forefront welcoming these poor Syrians, Afganis. North Africans, Hondurans, Salvadorians, Mexican, Hatians, etc. into your home and cut out the middle man.
Well are you going to join the revolution or allow oppression? The choice is yours just need 20 million like that other guy said I can see it now Congress will be shitting their pants. Lol
you fucking pussified bitches cant fucking change your crusty man panties. GTFOH revolution
Plenty of Hatians you can help just like the Clit'n Foundation.

You do want to be like Hitlery since you're "with her", correct?
If you say multiculturalism is good you should be at the forefront welcoming these poor Syrians, Afganis. North Africans, Hondurans, Salvadorians, Mexican, Hatians, etc. into your home and cut out the middle man.

sorry, not how immigration law works. but only according to the constitution. your haiti smear has been debunked too.

you literally never get anything right. but hey, at least you can still bitterly cling to racism. so there's that.
sorry, not how immigration law works. but only according to the constitution. your haiti smear has been debunked too.

you literally never get anything right. but hey, at least you can still bitterly cling to racism. so there's that.
at least its an ethos.

Am I right?
sorry, not how immigration law works. but only according to the constitution. your haiti smear has been debunked too.
you literally never get anything right. but hey, at least you can still bitterly cling to racism. so there's that.
How does immigration work then, Buckold?
As far as the last 3 years have proven, we have no immigration policy (well, unless you're white and wanting to become a citizen) anymore.

As to the "Haiti smear", I believe the Haitian president, you believe Hitlery.
Is believing the guy that was there both before and after the hurricane rather than than the phony 501c Cilt'n laundry that,
"(We) came,
(We) saw,
(We) became filthy rich defrauding the charitable of the world and selling off 'recovery' packages to for profit companies" that far beyond the pale?

I'd ask you if you'd ever grown well enough or of an amount enough to need such a laundry to legitimize your income back before it was legal, but then I remember that you don't pay taxes on the now legal product that you may now grow while voting to "progressively" tax the shit out of the rest of us, and so makes it hard to believe you ever have grown well enough to need that service or reasoned well enough to understand your tax and Hitlery's charitable hypocrisy.

Is that why you need this trolling gig to make ends meet?
the last 3 years have proven, we have no immigration policy

that's dumb.

(well, unless you're white and wanting to become a citizen) anymore.

As to the "Haiti smear", I believe the Haitian president, you believe Hitlery.
Is believing the guy that was there both before and after the hurricane rather than than the phony 501c Cilt'n laundry that,
"(We) came,
(We) saw,
(We) became filthy rich defrauding the charitable of the world and selling off 'recovery' packages to for profit companies" that far beyond the pale?

I'd ask you if you'd ever grown well enough or of an amount enough to need a laundry to legitimize your income back before it was legal, but then I remember that you don't pay taxes on the now legal product that you may now grow while voting to "progressively" tax the shit out of the rest of us, and so makes it hard to believe you ever have grown well enough to need that service or reasoned well enough to understand your tax hypocrisy.

Is that why you need this trolling gig to make ends meet?

nice meltdown, racist.
that's dumb.

If it makes you're little singular progressive testicle happy to demean when you can't rally a salient argument then you are a true progressive!
I asked you to describe immigration policy and that's the best you can muster?
Actually, not surprising.
nice meltdown, racist.
Meltdown? You mean like your doubling down on Hitler's former presidency?
<and then there were crickets>
If it makes you're little singular progressive testicle happy to demean when you can't rally a salient argument then you are a true progressive.

Meltdown? You mean like your doubling down on Hitler's former presidency?
<and then there were crickets>

i never said that.

i said that obama is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency.

whose stupid now motherfucker?
i never said that.

i said that obama is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency.

whose stupid now motherfucker?
The guy that can't explain the $7.7T (now actually $9T) that magically appears added to the debt since Obummer's presided.

Debt comes from deficit. If you don't deficit spend, you have no debt.

But this is math. Go ask the social warrior clan if they can help you with that understanding.
Perhaps they can get James Comey's brother (who does Clit'n Foundation taxes) to explain it to you.
The guy that can't explain the $7.7T (now actually $9T) that magically appears added to the debt since Obummer's presided.

Debt comes from deficit.

yes, that debt did come from the deficit that obama inherited from george w bush, as i have already explained.

this is where you give up and just call obama a gay kenyan muslim and proclaim that you are not racist.
Plenty of Hatians you can help just like the Clit'n Foundation.

You do want to be like Hitlery since you're "with her", correct?
If you say multiculturalism is good you should be at the forefront welcoming these poor Syrians, Afganis. North Africans, Hondurans, Salvadorians, Mexican, Hatians, etc. into your home and cut out the middle man.

How does immigration work then, Buckold?
As far as the last 3 years have proven, we have no immigration policy (well, unless you're white and wanting to become a citizen) anymore.

As to the "Haiti smear", I believe the Haitian president, you believe Hitlery.
Is believing the guy that was there both before and after the hurricane rather than than the phony 501c Cilt'n laundry that,
"(We) came,
(We) saw,
(We) became filthy rich defrauding the charitable of the world and selling off 'recovery' packages to for profit companies" that far beyond the pale?

I'd ask you if you'd ever grown well enough or of an amount enough to need such a laundry to legitimize your income back before it was legal, but then I remember that you don't pay taxes on the now legal product that you may now grow while voting to "progressively" tax the shit out of the rest of us, and so makes it hard to believe you ever have grown well enough to need that service or reasoned well enough to understand your tax and Hitlery's charitable hypocrisy.

Is that why you need this trolling gig to make ends meet?

If it makes you're little singular progressive testicle happy to demean when you can't rally a salient argument then you are a true progressive!
I asked you to describe immigration policy and that's the best you can muster?
Actually, not surprising.

Meltdown? You mean like your doubling down on Hitler's former presidency?
<and then there were crickets>

The guy that can't explain the $7.7T (now actually $9T) that magically appears added to the debt since Obummer's presided.

Debt comes from deficit. If you don't deficit spend, you have no debt.

But this is math. Go ask the social warrior clan if they can help you with that understanding.
Perhaps they can get James Comey's brother (who does Clit'n Foundation taxes) to explain it to you.

yes, that debt did come from the deficit that obama inherited from george w bush, as i have already explained.
this is where you give up and just call obama a gay kenyan muslim and proclaim that you are not racist.

Yeah, but from that explanation stems the question of your math ability. Not even Fed. reserve loans are asking for 90%+ vig (which is the only way the debt from a previous year could amount to nearly the same the year after).

This is where you thank the progressive left for the homogenized education you've received that doesn't allow you to do math accurately.

<Goes back to trimming the harvest that will buy yet more income properties this year.>
I'm real good to about 600 yards out. And most things closer I've got [automatic] assault rifles. And did I mention tens of thousands of rounds?

There won't be a revolution in my neighborhood.

And um, bluntmassa1, who is "Lenex Luis"? Do you not like Google?

Careful you don't shoot your eye out!

The guy that can't explain the $7.7T (now actually $9T) that magically appears added to the debt since Obummer's presided.

Debt comes from deficit. If you don't deficit spend, you have no debt.

But this is math. Go ask the social warrior clan if they can help you with that understanding.
Perhaps they can get James Comey's brother (who does Clit'n Foundation taxes) to explain it to you.

Well, it's pretty clear you lack any understanding of economics.

And the fact that you like to whine about absolutely everything is also a telling sign.

Well, it's pretty clear you lack any understanding of economics.
And the fact that you like to whine about absolutely everything is also a telling sign.

I think anyone who doesn't have to declare bankruptcy yearly and borrow huge sums of money take make up the shortcomings for decades has a better grasp of economics than the gov't, and ergo since you defend that economic policy, you.

The only business that can do that is banks and even they don't get away with it for that long.

I'm betting your character estimation skills are right up there with you math and economics ability, so your rendered opinion means......fuck-all. :D

But wait! There's this guy you idolize and he had a gov't surplus so he must know economics!
He sure knows about pussy grabbing.