The Second American Revolution

"You people" are the only ones that can think a verbal assault is worse than a physical one.

you are aware that trump wasn't speaking in the hypothetical, right?

he was not describing some imaginary incident, he was literally describing how he goes about raping women.

just ask jill harth, it's the exact story she told in 1997. trump settled that one.

more are coming forth already.
you are aware that trump wasn't speaking in the hypothetical, right?

he was not describing some imaginary incident, he was literally describing how he goes about raping women.

just ask jill harth, it's the exact story she told in 1997. trump settled that one.

more are coming forth already.

So...Slick Willy's antics make Dumph look like a newbie.
His own wikipedia page devoted to sexual misconduct allegations.

Did you see (the youtube Clit'n gropage)?
trump will be in court 11/27 for raping a 13 year old child.
I'll wait for the verdict of the court then.

Isn't that what you people told folks with questions about the email server to do?
Until then, I'll put Hitlery's partner in crime up against Dumph's sexual misconduct any day.
Tons of people are capable of shooting at this range with precision, and some even farther. Going outside in many areas would be a death sentence.

Thinking more people would die of a lack of food/medicine than actual gun fire. Maybe not the first few weeks, but once the fear sets in and supplies run low. Not to mention stupidity, like drinking tainted water and such.

Cannibalism will be all the rage. Luckily my nearest neighbors are obese.
Am I allowed to say, "grab you in the pussy"? Because I think it's an appropriate time for that.

Score !!

Absolute jackass slave to the dullest of master is seeking freedom? Go look for it in @choomer clown pocket like asshole. Pie mentioned there are like 5 benghazi toys in there and extra batteries. Who knows that freedom (xbox) could be there.
I find it very hard to be offended by the dumbest post I've ever read. Are you really angry or just stupid?
Why would I leave if Buck stays I stay I don't care if I get banned I will be back like herpes until that rat fuck is gone.

Or until Rollitup comes out and tells us Uncle Buck is his lover. :spew:
"gtfoh" no, i didnt mean it literally, jack ass. I was pointing out that you sounded like someone grabbed you by the pussy and you were sputtering especially stupid shit.
RIU IS MALE? Youre scary stupid chickenfucker.
"gtfoh" no, i didnt mean it literally, jack ass. I was pointing out that you sounded like someone grabbed you by the pussy and you were sputtering especially stupid shit.
RIU IS MALE? Youre scary stupid chickenfucker.
So how do you feel knowing Uncle Buck is a rat and protected by Rollitup? Makes me think the owner might be a rat someone did just leave this site saying Sunni was cool with ratting he PMed me at ICmag won't even come back because of something Sunni said pro ratting.
there's a video of trump saying "nigger" out there and it's more damning than the pussy grab video.

of course, once you hear trump calling people niggers, you will just like him even more.

ain't that right, you birther piece of shit?

Oh, you have nooooo idea how deep this goes, lol....the hunt is ON for those 'Apprentice tapes', and there's a WEALTH of filth yet to be heard!
So how do you feel knowing Uncle Buck is a rat and protected by Rollitup? Makes me think the owner might be a rat someone did just leave this site saying Sunni was cool with ratting he PMed me at ICmag won't even come back because of something Sunni said pro ratting.

It's just awful, isn't it? It's ALL a massive conspiracy. You'd better take off for your own SAFETY....don't forget to lock up on your way out, eh?

Tender bitch.