The Seed Collectors Thread

With all you big time collectors, how come you don't put some of your seeds that are extra or freebies in a Guerilla grow?
Why waste seeds when you can atleast get something out of it outside haha, would be cool to watch.
With all you big time collectors, how come you don't put some of your seeds that are extra or freebies in a Guerilla grow?
Why waste seeds when you can atleast get something out of it outside haha, would be cool to watch.

If I lived in a state that you could grow outside i would but light cycles and temps dont allow :(
U can have a paternity test all day.
400watts is just sayin whatever it takes to make him feel justified for the way he acts. He has no job, lives off his 82 year old disabled grandmother, all he talks about all day is the plants, never about the baby that HE wanted in the first place. He doesn't come to bed at night because he's on this forum all day n night. I've taken to sleeping on the couch so I'm not heartbroken when I wake up at 5 am and he's nowhere around. Ive been making up for that shit in the beginning of our relationship ( I didn't take it seriously and I messed up ) and if he truly thought I was still messing around, then why did he purposely get me pregnant?
I told him we could do a paternity test now, since the docs want to check the plasma anyway, despite the dangers, we can do both. But he knows I've been with him non stop, I don't talk to any of my friends, only my step mother and father. By the way my step mother has told me that she never said that to him about me. He's just trying to manipulate.
Forget the fact that he is a slob and I clean up after him all the time.... Do I bitch about it?? Indeed I do, all day, because he is an adult and there's no real good reason we have his trash an soda cans full of cig butts all over our room that I try to keep clean all day long with no avail. We do own ash trays, we are not Neanderthals.
Anyways I had to say my peace since 400 watts went on my Facebook last night and called several people and told them to stop talking to me.... Even though they don't.
400 watts, u don't want to buy your baby anything because u don't think it's yours.... Save your money. Because when we get the results of this test, we are gonna need a bassinet, a baby bath tub, lots of diapers and formula.... And I highly doubt your grandmother wants to buy all that and neither does my step mother considering she already bought everything the baby has.
Sad thing is that he has never mentioned anything about wanting a paternity test to me, and I have to go on a grow forum to find out what's really on his mind. No wonder you're always checking my phone and pc, you never find what you're looking for, but you do it because you're online talkin mad smack that ain't true about me, that you're worried I'm doing the same to u. Well, I wasn't airing our business before, but I will be now. 3 unemployed people in your home knows where I've been for the past year and none of them doubt the baby for a second. When do I go out? When I'm forced to take your grandmother out when it's way past my bedtime? Yea I'm really gettin my strange on at friendlys in my pajamas with grandma. Lmao!
Ps you're on the verge of getting kicked out of the house because of the way you treat everybody. And that's not me saying it.
If all that is true, I feel sorry for both of you. But you shouldn't threaten to snitch on him over weed no matter what, if what he said is true. There is a baby now, time to grow the fuck up. I'm sure you're both to blame for the issues you have, it's never just 1 person. For real, get some counseling for both of you. You both sound really young, that could be a good thing for kid to have parents that aren't ancient by the time he/she is 30. But bottom line, the baby is THE MOST IMPORTANT. I'm sure you don't care for what some random says on a pot forum, but trust me, set your problems aside and think of the precious life you two (i'm assuming) created. Maybe the baby being born will breathe new life into both of you.

U can have a paternity test all day.
400watts is just sayin whatever it takes to make him feel justified for the way he acts. He has no job, lives off his 82 year old disabled grandmother, all he talks about all day is the plants, never about the baby that HE wanted in the first place. He doesn't come to bed at night because he's on this forum all day n night. I've taken to sleeping on the couch so I'm not heartbroken when I wake up at 5 am and he's nowhere around. Ive been making up for that shit in the beginning of our relationship ( I didn't take it seriously and I messed up ) and if he truly thought I was still messing around, then why did he purposely get me pregnant?
I told him we could do a paternity test now, since the docs want to check the plasma anyway, despite the dangers, we can do both. But he knows I've been with him non stop, I don't talk to any of my friends, only my step mother and father. By the way my step mother has told me that she never said that to him about me. He's just trying to manipulate.
Forget the fact that he is a slob and I clean up after him all the time.... Do I bitch about it?? Indeed I do, all day, because he is an adult and there's no real good reason we have his trash an soda cans full of cig butts all over our room that I try to keep clean all day long with no avail. We do own ash trays, we are not Neanderthals.
Anyways I had to say my peace since 400 watts went on my Facebook last night and called several people and told them to stop talking to me.... Even though they don't.
400 watts, u don't want to buy your baby anything because u don't think it's yours.... Save your money. Because when we get the results of this test, we are gonna need a bassinet, a baby bath tub, lots of diapers and formula.... And I highly doubt your grandmother wants to buy all that and neither does my step mother considering she already bought everything the baby has.
Sad thing is that he has never mentioned anything about wanting a paternity test to me, and I have to go on a grow forum to find out what's really on his mind. No wonder you're always checking my phone and pc, you never find what you're looking for, but you do it because you're online talkin mad smack that ain't true about me, that you're worried I'm doing the same to u. Well, I wasn't airing our business before, but I will be now. 3 unemployed people in your home knows where I've been for the past year and none of them doubt the baby for a second. When do I go out? When I'm forced to take your grandmother out when it's way past my bedtime? Yea I'm really gettin my strange on at friendlys in my pajamas with grandma. Lmao!
Ps you're on the verge of getting kicked out of the house because of the way you treat everybody. And that's not me saying it.
SCT ftw!!! This thread is so good that RIU (and the penguin) only exists so it can stay alive. I was starting to think the thread should be renamed to "Around the world in 80 days with Jenks." Not anymore, we're back on track LOL.

When is the bodhi drop happening?

Posted earlier today by bodhi:"ive been drying and replanting and now deep into two family reunions, but ive just started some germ testing and shucking, but the end of the month is still the goal...."
This forum gets better & better every week with all these crazy people!

400w & wifey, why not get a abortion? Sounds like neither of you two are ready to bring a baby into this world....
With all you big time collectors, how come you don't put some of your seeds that are extra or freebies in a Guerilla grow?
Why waste seeds when you can atleast get something out of it outside haha, would be cool to watch.

i dont grow outside for a few reasons.
1. it's like what you said about indoor, i think outdoor is too risky.
2. i would NEVER EVER grow weed on someone else's property.
3. WAY too many hunters/hikers and helicopters around here to grow (last year 3 GG's around here got busted. 2 by hunters and 1 was spotted by a chopper)...and i live in a town of less than 1,000 people.

edit - just remembered, last year or the year before an indoor grow got busted too...cops knocked on dudes door, the dumb fuck answered with smoking joint in hand lol. never did hear how many plants they took down...but i did hear that he has his MMJ card now and is back in business.
That's why I always say, go out with girls that don't like guys that sport golf shit when they're not golfing.
I went to my son's preschool grad. a few years ago, and there was a woman there with a ghetto ass thug. A cop walks in and hugs the kid that was with the woman. You should have seen the steam coming off this cops head. He was fucking boiling. But he sat there a watched his kid graduate preschool, gave him a hug and left. But you could tell that he wanted to kill that bitch and the dude she was with. Haha. Imagine that, a cop's wife leaves him for a dope dealer and has their kid around him too. I kinda felt bad for him for a while, but had to keep telling myself "fuck that guy, he's a cop, feel sorry for the kid." Lol

Dumb pig should have taken better care and not been a douche!
Good morning!

Holy shit 400w.....gotta logout dude keep that browser closed when your not around.....that is, unless she knocked you out to get to the compter.....

Chopped down 3 plants(CSS,AoS,Skunk) a week early...... not about to pay another cent for some mediocre weed grown by some asshole.

Skunk - John Sinclair
Long spears of immature goodness

CriticalSensi star - Delicious & (2 nugs of AoS)
This stuff is funky for being early

Goji OG - Bodhi

Yo, No Joke! Those smaller nugs in the Goji picture are bigger than golf balls.....This bud is straight up amazing
Nice buds!
And a good use for attitudes candy tins....

I Remember when my whole seed collection could fit in one of those.
problem is, Lid goes on....and then I have no clue whats what.

Mine currently does, but thats because i can't seem to stop popping
seed depot is starting to piss me off. they cant seem to get back to me with info on an order i made a month ago.

ive had orders placed and received since then guys. get your shit together.
you post everything you come across like its a noob growers thread. Gets on my nerves too... and yeah, you can stop spamming 3-4 posts in a row. take the time to combine them, its not that hard.

Got my 20 Sour Power from Tude today, going to hunt for that cup winner! eta 3 weeks until 15 of these get popped.

Let me know how those go. I'm running their super sour skunk
Riots talking like his seeds might not be around for ever.
If yall ever wanted to try his stuff better hurry.
I got to get an order off to him ASAP for the strawberry promo...