The Sexual Innuendo Thread


Well-Known Member
sit on my face and i will guess your weight

An innuendo is a baseless invention of thoughts or ideas. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense, the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.
According to the Advanced Oxford Learner's Dictionary, an innuendo is "an indirect remark about somebody's body, usually suggesting something bad, mean or rude; the use of remarks like this: innuendoes about her private life or The song is full of sexual innuendo." The word is often used to express disapproval.[1]
The term sexual innuendo has acquired a specific meaning, namely that of a "risque" double entendre by playing on a possibly sexual interpretation of an otherwise innocent uttering. For example: "We need to go deeper" can be seen as both a request for further inquiry on any given issue, or as a hint at desire for sexual intercourse.
In the context of defamation law, an innuendo is the meaning born by the form of words complained of.


Well-Known Member
Her Doctor; he says, 'Take your clothes off.
Her Dentist; he says, 'Open wide.
her Veterinarian; he says, 'And how is your little pussy doing today?'
Her Gardener; he says, 'Do you want me to mulch your bush?
Her Hairdresser; he says, 'Do you want it teased or blown?'
Her Interior Decorator; he says, 'You'll like it once it's in.
Her Hunter; he goes deep into the bush, shoots several times, and always eats what he shoots.
Her Remodeler; he says, 'It fits tongue-in-groove with a little hammering. '
Her Milkman; he says, 'Do you want it in front or in back?'
Her Banker; he says, 'If you take it out too soon, you'll lose interest.