The Sidewaze Daze!


Well-Known Member
My only guess would be they got pollinated. But you have no males, so that only leaves hermies. The reason I suggest this is because FDD2BLK made a post about pollinating a female manually, and he said that pollinated budsites hairs will die off once they recieve the pollen...ill get ya a link, one minute!


Well-Known Member
within the next day or so the hairs that were pollinated will die. they dry up and turn brown. this is a good sign that it took. now we wait. seed production takes quite some time. indoors i will seed about the second to third week of flower. the seeds will be done by harvest. i like to wait until i see the skin of the seed pod start to peel back and the exposed seed poking out. premature seeds are no good. the longer i wait the better. it does not hurt to let them go until they fall off on there own. i can shake a branch and seeds will litter down.

Heres the post I'm talking about. I hope I'm wrong! Good Luck Mang! They still look GREAT looks like growing sideways is deffinattly gunna be worth it. Look at alllllll those bud sites.....mmmmmm, hermie or not, still gunna be nice!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hope your wrong as well. I'm gonna check em out closer. Is It common for just a branch or 2 to turn hermie at this stage? If thats the case It would probably be stress related. light? sideways stress? hmmm. I guess if some of those sites are producing seeds they should be all female seeds. which would not be too bad all together, as This is a great strain. Still don't know the name, dude says it a fairly "new" strain and the ppl growin it commercial are gettin away with pullin them at 6.5- 7 weeks I was told wait 8. 4 plus 2 days to go....


Well-Known Member
Yea, the seeds would basically be feminised seeds, but they would have more of a chance to hermie on you. Even more of a chance then these two had.


Well-Known Member
These sideways plants are female clones that are also used in some other grows with no hermie tendencies. Just courious what the chances are of me turning it hermie? Or of that happening to a strong female gene line in general?


Well-Known Member
If its a clone of a non-hermie stable plant, it takes some major stress or introduced acid to make a girl go herm on you. I sthink wait it out and see. If you dont see any signs of males on your girl then you are golden. Give the sidewayz a once over for little dicks rock'n out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks willie. I know a plant can endure alot more stress than this. I will keep an eye on it for sure. It was basically light out for them when this came up, i'll check closer tommoro.

I'm not too worried. It's only a few buds doing this. I have had a plant stress seeds on me before without noticing or knowing what the little bannana lookin thing was.


Well-Known Member
I am very curious about this. I wonder if growing the plant sideways causes auxins to 'bug out" and hermie up the plant. I know that Auxins generally travel from the top of the plant downward. It's possible that this really bugged out the plant.


Well-Known Member
Another great theory. I don't know much about that stuff. Although the plants are mostly sideways they are not at 90 degrees. The main stock is probably at about 50-60 degrees from floor. all other branches are basically normal after that. ohh there are a few branches that go down and around the main stock and back up agian but these are not the ones doing it.

If that was the case that would add another method of producing all female seeds correct?


New Member
It's most likely NOT a hermie. Just an abnormal growth to which there is nothing to worry about. You haven't given the plant any more stress than LST. You do it Low, or gently so that you don't cause the plant to go into shock.

Hermies take a bit more. A LOT more.

If, as you say, this clone is not prone to hermaphroditism then you should have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Yeah skunk I'm not worried. You will all know once I get worried!!!lol. you'll see my pics all over the indoor,general, newbie? sections lol.

Untill then heres some 4 week shots! They are starting to put on some weight and the trichromes are revving up. They are also starting to smell a little now in the morning right when the lights come on.



Well-Known Member
A few more shots. geeze i wish dude could remember the strain name of this! I will find out before t gets smoked!!!:joint:

I had to throw in a pic of my outside ladies. actually a few in the pic were boys, just starting to grow nutz. needless to say they are dead! I have only visited these 2-3 times since trowing a bunch of seeds in the ground out at the river.


Well-Known Member
Just so I don't feel like I'm stealing Non-greenthumbs thunder! I was inspired by him to do this grow! And now I'm inspireing's great...If I fuck up I wont be the only

I put the 1000 watt up. Holy sheeeeeat!! That's like the fricken sun in there! This is my first encounter with a m/h. Don't know much about em but the basics, it is coated with a white...... coating. I just assumed m/h were clear like other bulbs. I'm sure there are all types that I don't know about.

The pics don't look much different really as I was always using flash. But heres one. With the added light these things should really giver. Today is DAY 31. Got another 25 to go....


Well-Known Member
I put the 1000 watt up. Holy sheeeeeat!! That's like the fricken sun in there! This is my first encounter with a m/h. Don't know much about em but the basics, it is coated with a white...... coating. I just assumed m/h were clear like other bulbs. I'm sure there are all types that I don't know about.
Mexibeast, you might want to consider getting a clear bulb for your light. The "coating" is stealing lumens from your girl. Make the most of your energy and look into clear mh bulbs. That coating shit is nice for factory lighting to soften the color, but for a mini-sun, get clear when you get a chance. Way nice upgrade for now though!