The Stealth Project


Well-Known Member
they should dew, fine, just as long as their not to small, like golf ball size would be pushing it because the fans would have to suck harder to get that air flow, lowering the cfm. But those wholes should allow good airflow., i was just comenting because id like to see those plants get closer to the lights. I have mine about a half inch away from my cfls, and their loving it.


Active Member
i had them closer,but the leaves were turnin kinda yellowish.i thought it was because i had them to close,but it was probly because of the move them closer tomoro. theyr sleepin now.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
They are coming along nicely, you should see a difference with the fans. If you are feeding every 2 to 3 days this may also why the yellowing and such. They look so young to be giving that much nutes. But that is just my opinion, lol. Most of them look great paddy good job. :mrgreen::peace:

sorry,forgot to add the pics.:mrgreen: here ye go:joint:


Well-Known Member
With passive intake holes it's a good idea to keep the intake size at a minimum the same size as the exhaust. Optimum would be about twice the size of the exhaust. For instance, if you have a fan that is 1 inch x 1 inch blowing air out, you should idealy have a hole that is 1 inch x 1 inch as your passive intake, or two holes that are 1 inch x 1 inch. You get the idea. CFLs don't really put off to much heat though, so I wouldn't worry about it right now. Keep the holes you have as intake and put two more at the top for exhaust. You should end up doing fine. I recomend that you get a thermomter though, even like a cheap one at the dollar store, anything really. That way you know what's up.


Well-Known Member
Although, if stealth is your goal (hence the name of this thread) make sure that you are able to keep all the vent holes light proof. If it isn't a concern for you, don't worry about it. Read up on light proofing your holes, there are plenty of threads on here about how to do it. Also, if you want to go as stealth as possible smell will be an issue. The larger your intake holes the more problem you are going to have with smell later on (actually, you will have a problem with smell regardless, but if you have a carbon scrubber you don't need to worry about the smell going out the exhaust, only the smell going out the passive intakes when the lights are off). But this can be overcome by a lightproof flap or something. We can cross that bridge when we get there though. :D

Portland Plant

Active Member
I wish you the best of luck but this project can't be stealth. On your first post you said that your girlfriend was involved. Better do anything and everything she says or everyone will know about your Stealth grow. I don't mean to be a drag but girlfriend is the #1 way people get in trouble even if it's just your parents...


Well-Known Member
I don't tell anyone (Rule #1 - TELL NO ONE). It doesn't matter how cool the person is, or how long you have known them. Sooner or later you get in an argument with everyone, I can't afford to have them holding anything above my head. Everyone gets in trouble sooner or later. Who's to say my best friend or girlfriend wouldn't turn me in to the cops to get out of a cocaine charge? Not that I would really blame them, but still, don't want the possibility of it happening.


Active Member
cheers chiceh,we'll see if they make a difference over the next few days. and portland pot,when i said stealth i didn mean i was hiding them from her.she feeds/waters them when i'm not here,so shes pretty much in on it anyway.theres no need to worry.
and specialkay iv been meaning to get a thermometer over the last few days,just havnt got the guna try get one tomoro when im out in town. then il post what the temp. is in there. then i can see wether the fans are doin their job.
peace out


Active Member
well its been a week since i last posted, and theres some good news and some bad news...... First the bad news. One of the seedlings got too close too the light and got completely fried!!and one of the older plants got pretty fucked up too.The plants still seem to be yellowing so i decided to get off my ass and do something about it,which i spose is the good news: I moved the light up higher in the cab and removed the top shelve to make more room inside there.hopefully that'l make more area inside so it won't be as hot.
i also moved the fans up to the top of the cab(thanks to your advice) and now both of them are pushin air out of the cab. I left the old hole from the place where the light used to be as an air intake.
One plant has really started to show faster growth but its leaves are still a bit yellow, hopefully with the improvements to the cab itl get better

I'v added sum pics of the plants and the cab.enjoy:joint:


Well-Known Member
i had them closer,but the leaves were turnin kinda yellowish.i thought it was because i had them to close,but it was probly because of the move them closer tomoro. theyr sleepin now.
Yeah, i have winter on my side, well i did. Now that its worming up im having vent. problems, the cold let me have the leafs touch 42 watt cfls, but now i have to keep them like 2 inches away.
Anyway, looking good, hope those renavations help to keep those bitchen temps down.


Active Member
well im back:blsmoke:, anyways i have good news. the leaves seem to be a lot greener than before i put in the fans and moved the light.It must be a lot cooler in there now:weed: and they seem to be growing a lot quicker now aswell. Heres sum pics

Peace out:joint::peace:



Active Member
yo.well its been a while since i was on here. today i put the plants into bigger pots cos the roots started to grow through the peat pots. still lookin pretty damn good,grown a good bit since i last posted pics.
il take some pics tmara and post them as soon as i get a chance.


Active Member
well its been 2 weeks since i last posted and theres been great improvement in growth. plenty of new leaves growin and there gettin big. Theres also new leaves growin where the first ones branch off from the main stem. There lookin good and healthy. havnt had any problems in a good while now.

heres a good few pics for ye.(i'l be able to post much better pics over the next few days because we're gettin a much better camera,so ther'l be close ups and all)

p.s any ideas as to when i can start to flower? want to keep them as small as possible




Well-Known Member
I would recomend moving to a bigger pot. Also try and keep the light a little bit closer, they look a little stretched. If you want to keep them as small as possible, flower now.


Active Member
Do you think it'd be ok to flower now? would i get much off them do you think? I only put the plants into them pots about a week ago.......would it not be too early to repot them?

anyone else think i should flower now?would it be worth it or should i wait?:confused: