The stoned only thread


i completely ignored everything else in the thread because i am so fucking high right now.

if you read this YOU MUST BLAZE!!!!!

this thread has NOTHING to do with politics im moving it to TnT carry on folks
well other than the fact that it was in politics and it said so explicitly in the post (had you read it) that the discussion was ment to be about politics.
Now, Im not sure but I think that ppl who're grown up enough to discuss politics are also grown up enough to be able to chose or make up a topic. But whatever, if you think this belongs in tnt just, then w/e. I just don't think it will necessarily get as many people willing to talk about politics, being in the tnt forum compared to if it was actually in the politics forum.

op is so retarded he managed to swallow and choke on bucks virtual star
You never shutup. I think I'm winning. /you're all angry at me cuzz I said Australians are racist, lol, they're also angry! just prove it to everyone, tell us, where are YOU'RE from? go on.


Well-Known Member
well other than the fact that it was in politics and it said so explicitly in the post (had you read it) that the discussion was ment to be about politics.
Now, Im not sure but I think that ppl who're grown up enough to discuss politics are also grown up enough to be able to chose or make up a topic. But whatever, if you think this belongs in tnt just, then w/e. I just don't think it will necessarily get as many people willing to talk about politics, being in the tnt forum compared to if it was actually in the politics forum.
Do you know how a forum works? The OP is the subject. Are you trying to create a general politics thread in the politics forum? Isn't that a little redundant? Every posted thread is a topic; that's the whole point of this setup.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
You never shutup. I think I'm winning. /you're all angry at me cuzz I said Australians are racist, lol,.

highlows winning list of citations and other stupidities.

n Australia, many people have bad attitudes, and especially on the TV they badmouth other countries

Citation needed

police did random RAIDS on RANDOM peoples homes just to make the top boss look good, to make him look like he was doing a good job with all the constant raids on suspected criminals, who in actual fact were just unlucky citizens who had their vehicle number plates picked out in a parking lot and were the victims of police corruption
Citation needed

mad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously
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Fucking atm bombings
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fucking drug use (public fucking needle disposal bins are NOT normal)
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police especially. They will chase you down on your PEDAL BIKE for not wearing a helmet, and then beat you up
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to say Australia has no Multiculturalism problems is a big fat lie and an insult to every person who has ever travelled to Australia and has experienced "problems", especially due to their differing race.

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Australians dislike New Zealanders more than New zealanders dislike Australians.
Citation needed

Oh and Australia has probably the worst weather in the world, dangerous, extreme, very hot, lots of natural and some man made disasters.
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you start burning after staying in the sun for ten minutes.

I have a theory that many people who live there suffer brain damage from the intense heat
The contrast between Australians and other cultures is quite profound, and the theory that the excessive heat is responsible for their stupidity is imo both quite funny and a perfectly valid theory
Citation needed do share your theory though.. I'm sure its a nobel prize winner

They actually have quite allot of access to food, although allot of their "fresh" food sits in storage for a REALLY long time
Citation needed

And what are you going to say when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.
v v v v

Originally Posted by stoned cockatoo
you have been saying you have the evidence to support everything you say from the start and said you will show it. and iv been asking you to show it. but your every reply just adds to your pool of dribble and list of accustations without evidence

Oh really, have I? can you prove that I have been saying this?.
v v v v

when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?.
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.

they're also angry! just prove it to everyone, tell us, where are YOU'RE from? go on.


Well-Known Member
highlows winning list of citations and other stupidities.

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed

Citation needed do share your theory though.. I'm sure its a nobel prize winner

Citation needed

v v v v

Originally Posted by stoned cockatoo
you have been saying you have the evidence to support everything you say from the start and said you will show it. and iv been asking you to show it. but your every reply just adds to your pool of dribble and list of accustations without evidence

v v v v

I don't see why the guy is so down on Australia. I've got a couple generations of family there, and they have seemed to rather enjoy the place.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I don't see why the guy is so down on Australia. I've got a couple generations of family there, and they have seemed to rather enjoy the place.
its far from perfect here just look how stupid our government is plenty of real issues he could argue about , but the dog shit points he brings up like atm bombings, drug use and the weather is to hot like for fuck sake I cant believe he cant see how stupid his points are and the fact he said he could back up everything he says with facts is hilarious


Well-Known Member
its far from perfect here just look how stupid our government is plenty of real issues he could argue about , but the dog shit points he brings up like atm bombings, drug use and the weather is to hot like for fuck sake I cant believe he cant see how stupid his points are and the fact he said he could back up everything he says with facts is hilarious
I'm not saying it's a utopia by an means, but it doesn't seem worse than most other first-world countries.


Well-Known Member
C'maaaaawn! Please don't throw Politic's trash into TnT's streets. Can we move this shitbird of a thread somewhere else, please?
Do you know how a forum works? The OP is the subject. Are you trying to create a general politics thread in the politics forum? Isn't that a little redundant? Every posted thread is a topic; that's the whole point of this setup.

I don't see why it really matters.. Its (was) basically a TNT thread in the politics forum where you talk about politics without swearing at each other like some people here do because too much weed smoke has unfortunately stunted them and they've not matured very much it seems.

I guess I could have just as well went to TNT and made a general politics thread.
Though really the point i wanted to make no matter where the thread is, is for everyone to participate without going into a psychotic rage, and to keep the peace.

So much strictness on a weed forum. well I never!

I don't see why the guy is so down on Australia. I've got a couple generations of family there, and they have seemed to rather enjoy the place.

I am not down on Australia.. I just mentioned in a completely different thread that many Australians are racist, and a few other unpleasant details about the Australian white locals and this guy just completely went off his rocker and blew the situation up out of proportion I would think, Like a terrorist!

its far from perfect here just look how stupid our government is plenty of real issues he could argue about , but the dog shit points he brings up like atm bombings, drug use and the weather is to hot like for fuck sake I cant believe he cant see how stupid his points are and the fact he said he could back up everything he says with facts is hilarious

Well you're a bit of a numb skull aren't ya!? Considering that I was merely joking when I made the point about the weather, but you decided you'd get all upset. Clearly you did not nearly enough perceive my posts well enough to understand, you just willingly took offence in order to trigger your emo button and used that as justification to go off your nut. Fuck off. You've burnt this bridge with all your numbskull derived harassment, if you have nothing nice to say to me PERSONALLY then don't say anything at all.

How old are you? you're not older than 15 I bet because you don't act like it.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why it really matters.. Its (was) basically a TNT thread in the politics forum where you talk about politics without swearing at each other like some people here do because too much weed smoke has unfortunately stunted them and they've not matured very much it seems.

I guess I could have just as well went to TNT and made a general politics thread.
Though really the point i wanted to make no matter where the thread is, is for everyone to participate without going into a psychotic rage, and to keep the peace.

So much strictness on a weed forum. well I never!

I am not down on Australia.. I just mentioned in a completely different thread that many Australians are racist, and a few other unpleasant details about the Australian white locals and this guy just completely went off his rocker and blew the situation up out of proportion I would think, Like a terrorist!

Well you're a bit of a numb skull aren't ya!? Considering that I was merely joking when I made the point about the weather, but you decided you'd get all upset. Clearly you did not nearly enough perceive my posts well enough to understand, you just willingly took offence in order to trigger your emo button and used that as justification to go off your nut. Fuck off. You've burnt this bridge with all your numbskull derived harassment, if you have nothing nice to say to me PERSONALLY then don't say anything at all.

How old are you? you're not older than 15 I bet because you don't act like it.
Are you serious?

Politics is specifically where you go to swear at people, everyone knows that.

TnT is where you go to troll people like Urca...

(Pretty high now I must admit)
You guys shouldn't be using the internet. You guys need to isolate your selves from everybody else for the greater good of mankind! seriously, don't you think? I think so!


Well-Known Member
You guys shouldn't be using the internet. You guys need to isolate your selves from everybody else for the greater good of mankind! seriously, don't you think? I think so!
Iv probably been using the Internet since before you were just a twinkle in your Daddy's perverted eyes...


Well-Known Member
this video suits this thread for some reason..?

this video suits this thread for some reason..?


Dude! yes!

But this thread was ment to be a friendly political discussion thread, until those two Australian trolls came in and started spamming it up.
They're really pissed off at me because while in the Political forum, I divulged some nasty truths about the Australian nation, and now they're trying to.. um? honestly I don't know exactly what it is that they're trying to do... Maybe its not working??

Meh. whatever it is, it isn't really shining a positive light on them! I figure cockatoo is just a kid with slight anger issues. He fits the stereotype.