The SuperCloset


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sticking around Saine..

I had to get rid of one of my girls. She started
out the same size as the others, but just never
grew and started to yellow.

I stripped her naked and discovered the roots never penetrated
through the 6" cube. All the rest rooted well so if I had to guess
my roots were too long when I transplanted and they tangled.

Day 22 of flower for the rest. PPM's around 900.

Back in a few...


Well-Known Member
thats what I need right there I got a closet set up to but its actually my closet its just not working they got any cheaper ones???


Well-Known Member
very good jonny m8.
Thanks for dropping in dude.

Poor girl!! Your others look great!! Looks like another beautiful closet for you, well done!
It was a shame but my other girls are turning into
little bushes so It's going to get tight soon.

they got any cheaper ones???
Go to This is what Chiceh uses...
It's somewhat cheaper, and she's doing well with it.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks for dropping in dude.

It was a shame but my other girls are turning into
little bushes so It's going to get tight soon.

Go to This is what Chiceh uses...
It's somewhat cheaper, and she's doing well with it.

Hey Johnny, thanks for the hipe, I am glad you still have some girls. Mine are doing very well now too, into flowering now. Check out my latest pics in grow #2 and my outdoor plants. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Check out my latest pics in grow #2 and my outdoor plants. :peace:
Mighty fine looking plants may be the only one on
this site besides Fdd to be doing the indoor/outdoor thing; impressive.

My BB just woke up after there 26th day of flower...

They have not stretched so much, but are getting quite bushy.

I plan on starting these WW in a new journal soon, and killing this one when
my BB are done.


Well-Known Member
Hey J nice work man. I was pretty much sold on the supercloset and your journal has helped a TON! thanks man, but I'm not sure if it is enough for me, I wanted to at least yeild a lbs of dank tomatoes. So I was thinking, on the website it says the closet can hold 22 plants, recommended 11, so 11 plants thinking I could get 2 oz off each, would be 22oz. = bout a 1.4 lbs. Is this no way possible since you only, and not saying only in a bad way, but only got 1/2 lbs?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by Bluntez, glad you like it.

so 11 plants thinking I could get 2 oz off each, would be 22oz. = bout a 1.4 lbs. Is this no way possible since you only, and not saying only in a bad way, but only got 1/2 lbs?
They say 11, but really it's 10 because one always blocks off the uptake
for the pump. I have found that 9 plants at a time is ideal leaving plenty
of room for roots.

2 oz. per plant seems optimistic, but it could be possible. I lost some
buds on that last harvest, so avoid the following and it's possible.

Mold: It got really crowded, and the lack of airflow caused some mold.

Synched: Vertical space is limited so use the net trellis and keep
the colas away from the light.

Underdeveloped: One main cola shot up over the light, and many of
the lower buds did not get enough light and lacked
density, and weight.

Let me know if you pick that supercloset up, and if so start a journal...:joint:


New Member
So johnny, would you say the closet is a good idea, or a bad one... with what you know now as a guide?

Didn't you have to leave the doors open during flower to cut down the heat?

Is it worth the money? Even if you're minted, $2500 is not to be sniffed at.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I actually got mine for $2195 (plus shipping), but they all have gone up $200.

For my situation, it was a good idea. I occassionally am visited by the
apt. manager, and needed a pro. looking cab. I didn't want to do some
half-ass DIY cab, and risk getting caught. Plus I had the money, and
had I not smoked half of my last harvest, I would have made back at
least $1200.

I did have to leave the door slightly open during the summer...don't
upgrade to the 600w and closing them should be no problem.

I was curious about the new cab however. I'm curious as to where
the carbon filter goes now...check out the new setup...Grow Plants Indoors, Self Contained Hydroponic Cabinets and Supplies, Automated Watering


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I like your closet Johnny, you have had great results with it. However I am a fan of my"Cool Cab" too. To each their own I guess eh? Hey, they all work and do the job right?. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, those were actually from day 26.
gonna post some at 10 when they wake up...

O yeah, my WW seedlings/BB mothers are taking soon to come...


New Member
before I go further into my current grow, here is the rest of my closet that was not advertised on the site I bought it from.
Just wanted to let you know if you hadn't done it already, take the white pre-filter off of the carbon filter you have there. Your system looks similar to my own.....I read my directions and the manufacturer told me to remove it. Sorry If I'm mistaken. Just trying to help.



Well-Known Member
take the white pre-filter off of the carbon filter you have there. Peace.
I appreciate the comment, but please explain the logic behind this...

Alright, my Blueberry clones are now in day 33 of flower...
they have not stretched so much, but are filling out with
buds. PPM's are around 1000, and they are responding well.

Attempt at a closeup...

My WW seedlings are now at day 31 from seed...Blueberry mothers in the


New Member
Looking good Jonny. Just one question, about your clones... are they reverted? Meaning had the mom gone into flower, and then brought back to veg'? I notice that they look stunted, some of them... coming from the same mom, they should all be fairly uniform in their growth patterns.

Apologies, btw... if you've explained all this already.:peace: