The SuperCloset


Sector 5 Moderator
Man those are beautiful Johnny!! My baby blueberries are off to a slow start but I understand that's typical of them. I'm going into week 4 of veg now. Just a question... you've got your rock wool cubes sitting on top of the hydroton pellets; I see water in amongst the pellets. Are you are pumping the water into the top of the cubes?


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes, your input is always welcome.

Looking good Jonny. Just one question, about your clones... are they reverted? Meaning had the mom gone into flower, and then brought back to veg'? I notice that they look stunted, some of them... coming from the same mom, they should all be fairly uniform in their growth patterns.

Apologies, btw... if you've explained all this already.:peace:
I took these six from three different mothers just after my BB mothers showed, about 2 weeks into flower. The clones all had pre-flowers on them, so there was a period of revertion. I credit the lack of stretch to this, because I vegged them longer than my original BB mothers.

Are you are pumping the water into the top of the cubes?
It is a typical ebb n flow setup. The water is pumped from the res.
below twice a day in 15 min. intervals. It floods the tray about
half-way until it reaches the over-flow, and is then drained back
down the uptake. Hopefully that makes sense...


New Member
It comes with nutes, ph kit, plenty of rockwool and someother crap. It was a little expensive (2700 with shipping and a upgraded light) but eventually it will make up for all the money im spending on bud.:joint:
That is if you dont get busted by the cops, if you do your stuck with a bill for $2700, a prison term, and no weed. But hey what do i know lol, keep on budding


New Member
That is if you dont get busted by the cops, if you do your stuck with a bill for $2700, a prison term, and no weed. But hey what do i know lol, keep on budding
Hey, dickhead... why am I just one step away from banning you? I smell bacon...

Anyone else agree? Enough votes and this pig-licking asshole is out of here.

Something about him.


Well-Known Member
That is if you dont get busted by the cops, if you do your stuck with a bill for $2700, a prison term, and no weed. But hey what do i know lol, keep on budding
Yeah dude, thanks for the paranoia...Didn't really need that.

Your new, so I'll let it go...Don't ban him just yet, I'm sure
he means no harm.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
So how long have they been flowering total now? I think we are on the same kind of time frame. However mine look twice the size cause I vegged them longer. As for the buds, they should be around the same time right?


Well-Known Member
My girls are working on their 37th day right now, pics later.
I'm going to say 4 more weeks...

We are fairly even, but I don't think they are small because
of veg. time. These clones vegged longer than my original,
and were about the same size when I started to flower.
My last ones took off, but these had to revert back
into veg. so that's my best guess...honestly don't know.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dew...I'll update just for you. Hope you
feel special.

Day 38 of flower....

My 5 BB clone girls, and 1 Sweet dreams...


Bottom 6 are my White Widow Seedlings. The top 2 are my Bluberry mothers.

They are outgrowing my Veg. chamber, and I still have at least
four weeks for my BB clones to finish flowering...Dammit...


Well-Known Member
Wow, those are some thick colas. I hope mine bulk up like that...they're already starting too. You've really done well with that Super Closet - it gives me hope for my clones in the tiny cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah drizzle, they are my little bonzai girls...

Thanks saine, your buds came out nice.
I checked out your link, but nothing new...
Let me know when you get your next grow


Well-Known Member
Starting this week. I was thinking of doing a journal, just to do it right like you do takes a lot more work, and well I don't wanna start something I wont do right or finish. I'll see I will at least keep posting.. Thanks for all your time spent in here and keep up the good work. My eyes are always in your room. hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Those things are going to be a mass of bud when finished. Looking sweet Jonny
The colas are getting tight, but I am still disappointed with
the lack of stretch...

I had planned on doint an SoG, but since have figured that
my veg. room is too small to house mothers. The continuous
rotation shall remain in effect...WW soon to come...


New Member
The colas are getting tight, but I am still disappointed with
the lack of stretch...

I had planned on doint an SoG, but since have figured that
my veg. room is too small to house mothers. The continuous
rotation shall remain in effect...WW soon to come...
On your next grow, find a mom and keep her in veg' for your clones. This will stop the stunting of growth you've witnessed. This happened to me my first time out. We didn't pick a mom, and instead cloned all the fem's... but we didn't know they were fems till they were already in flower for a week. So the clones we took were reverted, some grew stunted, then the clones of the clones the same thing happened. Eventually we lost the strain.


Well-Known Member
Good point skunky...Space is limited in my veg. chamber, so
developing good branches for clones will be a challenge.
I could allow a couple of these WW seedlings to continue, and
bring the others up...just don't know which one's are female.
That's going to be a guessing game.

When you say you lost the did this effect the buds?